Any other Sci Fi shooters that have large scale battles in single player

I'm sorry for bumping up this topic again but what you do mean by awesome art direction?
I'm sorry for bumping up this topic again but what you do mean by awesome art direction?
It's like the diffrence between WoW and EQ2 when you just look at them. Not polygon counts, it's simply how it looks.
WoW has a nice rather cartoony look, while EQ2 looks alot more realistic.
Halo[1,not 2] had big battles.Not huge, the biggest is ten Marines vs. a ton of enemies at the beginning of the fourth level.
isnt halflife sci-fi????
scripted marine on alien battles for the win
seriously for a halflife 2 fan site i'm disappointed.........
john3571000 said:
isnt halflife sci-fi????
scripted marine on alien battles for the win
seriously for a halflife 2 fan site i'm disappointed.........

Any other sci fi games he said. And, this is general games chat.
c'mon i was being funny : D
star trek elite force comes to mind
deus ex and deus ex invisible war
Tribes -(the most recent one was excellent and unfairly unappreciated)
Well, I didn't laugh. :p

KOTOR isn't really a shooter, Deus ex IW is pretty much anti clausterphobic people with no large scale battles...Can't remember much for Elite force and Halo speaks for itself.... :P
Absinthe said:
I still look forward to the day when I can be dropped into a massive battle in the StarCraft universe
Yeah, I can wait.

Ennui said:
generally not huge scale battles because its a bit taxing for first person graphics to have that many complex models on screen at once
Actually, large scale battles are very possible in FPSs, you just have to cut down on graphics a bit.
I'd advise Tribes: Vengeance. I really loved playing that game. Singleplayer was linear but solid. Graphics are very good. Multiplayer is very good, not as good as UT2k4 though.
Far Cry (It has monsters, it's kind of large scale. You probably already have it)
Halo (As much as I dislike it for the hype it has recieved, its still worth a look)
For some reason I didn't really enjoy far cry that much, Halo had a couple of cool levels and bug battles like the the beach one and the assault on the control room. Is Tribes: Vengeance like Unreal Tournment type gameplay or half life 2 type gameplay?
Serious Sam II, while not hardcore science fiction, has what you are looking for. The engine was made specifically for having these type of battles, and if you want a giant you v. the world fragfest out in the open, this is for you. There are hallway levels to be sure, but many of them are in HUGE, open fields. Seriously huge distances, and if you just run straight to the middle of it and trigger all the aliens, there might be, what, fifty of them? Maybe more. Good, simple fun, that. I don't advise this, because, while their AI may be nonexistent, thirty creatures coming after you from all directions will keep you busy.
Adabiviak said:
fifty of them
And every time you kill one, five respawn in its place. Imagine that with co-op. Now make that imagination true and go buy it :p

Btw, Serious Sam I is still very good graphics wise, and it's a hell of fun on a LAN-party.