Any sports fans here? This is the thread for you

Take it to a baseball forum, no one here shares your passion.
I just said I did. O.o It's just that by associating ignorance and racism with it, he's doing no service to the game.
Wow. Just wow.

And what's hilarious is that you tried to use the politically correct term, but you're just oozing racism.

I love baseball, but you're giving me a reason to hate it with your nonsense ramblings.

Im sorry, But I stated that I im not being racist. I apologized if I hurt your feelings. I didn't intend to do that. :P
And my favorate Manager is Willie Randolf which is an african american. :)

Anyway, baseball nut, shut the pie hole. You look like a complete idiot. Take it to a baseball forum, no one here shares your passion.

I am about one inch away & once second away from hitting the report button, to this day I never ever used the report button.
Having a "black friend" or equivalent thereof does not indicate lack of racism. You effectively said you don't like basketball because its full of black people. :|

I find baseball dull, like every other sport. As a kid I liked basketball however as my city's team had great rivalry matches before they all became drug addicts and sucked. I now dislike all sports, though I find baseball to be up there with Am football and golf for most boring to watch.
Having a "black friend" or equivalent thereof does not indicate lack of racism. You effectively said you don't like basketball because its full of black people. :|

I find baseball dull, like every other sport. As a kid I liked basketball however as my city's team had great rivalry matches before they all became drug addicts and sucked. I now dislike all sports, though I find baseball to be up there with Am football and golf for most boring to watch.

Its just there's not alot of african americans in baseball. :(
Also some wear them yankee clothing & stuff but I asked them about baseball game & they don't know. It would really make Jackie Robinson mad & Hank Aaron. thinking like that doesn't make me a biggot, Its just depressing. I wish more could play, its not like it used to be back in the day. :(

There's only two players of african american decent, my favorate player Cliff Floyd, & then Lastings Millege.
Im sorry, But I stated that I im not being racist. I apologized if I hurt your feelings. I didn't intend to do that. :P
And my favorate Manager is Willie Randolf which is an african american. :)

I am about one inch away & once second away from hitting the report button, to this day I never ever used the report button.
/flees in terror of report button
Oh he used it alright. Miccy, behave or I'll pull your trousers down in front of everyone and put a large infraction in your...ear.
Oh he used it alright. Miccy, behave or I'll pull your trousers down in front of everyone and put a large infraction in your...ear.

You'll need to use a stronger threat than that, as that has been a long time fetish of mine.:bounce: :bounce:

And just because it's so irresistibly cute:
:imu: :imu: :imu:
Basketball isn't great, sorry to be racial in' all but its mostly filled with african american's.
yeah, whatever, you just hate them damn ******s, dontcha?

Name why the Japanese are in love with it? some one tell me?

Because japan is full of idiots who think america is the coolest shit and try to do everything like them, sort of the way we get all the anime nerds over here.

Anyway, what better sport could there be than stroking yourself to alyx? nothing better than following her around, with your big ol' crowbar in your hand.
Soccer is borring all they ever do is run around the field. Football, they just jump ontop of you. I don't know what rugby is nor do I care what it is.

There is a reason why baseball is ever so popular with the cuba, Puerto Rico, Some in Mexico, Dominican Republic, Venezuala, Japan, Korea, & the states. The post season is the best part, the fall classic.

The Japanese are like in LOVE with baseball & so is most of Latin America + America.

lol @ Ignorance
Basketball isn't great, sorry to be racial in' all but its mostly filled with african american's.
My God, you are a complete shit.

I like rounders and would probably actually like baseball, but you make me want to hate it just to spite you.
I reckon Kamakazi should be forced to apologise at the next million man march.
Basketball isn't great, sorry to be racial in' all but its mostly filled with african american's.

Uh huh, I can't be likin' a sport that them darkie types play!

IMHO Rugby is the best sport ever, closely followed by Gaelic Football and Hurling. To me, Baseball seems a lot like Cricket - fun to play, boring to watch. But hey, each to his own.
yeah, whatever, you just hate them damn ******s, dontcha?

Because japan is full of idiots who think america is the coolest shit and try to do everything like them, sort of the way we get all the anime nerds over here.

Anyway, what better sport could there be than stroking yourself to alyx? nothing better than following her around, with your big ol' crowbar in your hand.

So that's what happens when you get bombed by a country - twice - you fall in love with them?

I see!

Well let me put this strait, the reason why I said that is because nowadays there is more in basketball than baseball & that annoys me. You could call it jealousy. I envy basket ball :P

It would make great african american ball players such as Frank Robinson & oh man was he G.R.E.A.T, Hank Aaron with the most HR in history, & Jackie Robinson just to name a few, but Barry Bonds will never surpass Hank Aaron. It just sadens me to see not allot of them here today in modern times.

And @ the previous posters claiming that "I hate" dark skined players; no infact I love em', since there isn't alot of african american's in baseball, there's the latino's 'DARK' skinned latino's that look 'African american' like, but a 100% spannish. Vladdy Guerrero, Carlos Delgado, Jose Reyes, Endy Chavez, Manny Ramirez, Pedro Martinez, David "Big Pappi" Ortiz, Alfonso Soriano, Jose Giullen, Hanley Ramirez, Juan Pierre, Juan Enarcioun, Edgar Renteria & Johan Santana.

Hope that I cleared that up.
Baseball discussion @
What next? Tupperware?
Seriously Baseball sucks. Everyone here hates it
You envy b-ball cuz theres more Black people in it?
McRibs cause cancer?
Terminator is Short Recoil?
Baseball discussion @
What next? Tupperware?
Seriously Baseball sucks. Everyone here hates it
You envy b-ball cuz theres more Black people in it?
McRibs cause cancer?
Terminator is Short Recoil?

People like you spend way too much time on the PC & need to get out more, I have a life, some people need to get out more. Just because people like a certain sport, that doesn't give you the right to bash it, People do like it; you have no reason to troll this thread.

This is the General off-topic section!!!!!!!!!! Also your english sucks.
People like you spend way too much time on the PC & need to get out more, I have a life, some people need to get out more. Just because people like a certain sport, that doesn't give you the right to bash it, People do like it; you have no reason to troll this thread.

This is the General off-topic section!!!!!!!!!! Also your english sucks.

Haha, a lot of that was Sarcasm. If anyone is poking fun at the size of your doodle don't take the post seriously.
Although Baseball still does suck, terribly boring.
And yes, I have a life. I'm nearly set to goto school for firefighting and hopefully you will see me on the big screen.....eventually.
Does anybody remember when he tried to play it off as he likes real sports because geeks cant? let me find the quote..

Did you even bother watching the video, dude?

Tell that to millions of fans here in NY, they get on there feet & cheer there hear out. Baseball is the most exciting sport EVAR!!!111one

I have a life, other thanpc n' game's. Baseball is my love & my life. I LIVE OFR THIS!!!!!

Anyway, just saying that he is trolling this thread worse than KngHenry on his numerous female personalities thread of, "I just had sex and I need help!".

Seriously, you're an ignorate fool. You get pissed because people throw hate at baseball when it's THEIR opinion, but then you throw a bitch-fit and insult everybody elses favorite sport? Basketball and foot ball are just running around a field, and baseball is true talent? I don't like sports, but I'd like to see you throw a pass to somebody 50 yards away, in a way to where they can catch it flawlessly. Or do the fancy footwork soccer players do with the ball, come even close to that next time.

Honestly, stfu, and this thread is nothing but meaningless spam from you, and needs to be closed.

and TBH, the video should have been in the video thread, which is another reason this should be closed...
Does anybody remember when he tried to play it off as he likes real sports because geeks cant? let me find the quote..

Anyway, just saying that he is trolling this thread worse than KngHenry on his numerous female personalities thread of, "I just had sex and I need help!".

Seriously, you're an ignorate fool. You get pissed because people throw hate at baseball when it's THEIR opinion, but then you throw a bitch-fit and insult everybody elses favorite sport? Basketball and foot ball are just running around a field, and baseball is true talent? I don't like sports, but I'd like to see you throw a pass to somebody 50 yards away, in a way to where they can catch it flawlessly. Or do the fancy footwork soccer players do with the ball, come even close to that next time.

Honestly, stfu, and this thread is nothing but meaningless spam from you, and needs to be closed.

and TBH, the video should have been in the video thread, which is another reason this should be closed...

And your doodle is small
And your doodle is small

Ahh, reminds me of a 3rd rock from the sun quote..

"Tommy, do you doodle?"
"...why was I in the bathroom too long?"
"I can't doodle!"
"Well, you're a little old, Dick."
"But this older couple were doodling on the table at the restraunt!"
"Thats sick!"
Does anybody remember when he tried to play it off as he likes real sports because geeks cant? let me find the quote..

Anyway, just saying that he is trolling this thread worse than KngHenry on his numerous female personalities thread of, "I just had sex and I need help!".

Seriously, you're an ignorate fool. You get pissed because people throw hate at baseball when it's THEIR opinion, but then you throw a bitch-fit and insult everybody elses favorite sport? Basketball and foot ball are just running around a field, and baseball is true talent? I don't like sports, but I'd like to see you throw a pass to somebody 50 yards away, in a way to where they can catch it flawlessly. Or do the fancy footwork soccer players do with the ball, come even close to that next time.

Honestly, stfu, and this thread is nothing but meaningless spam from you, and needs to be closed.

and TBH, the video should have been in the video thread, which is another reason this should be closed...

Cyberpitz stop derailing the thread, no one asked you to post here, did they?

Its a damn sports thread, talk about your favorate sport; What did you expect when you clicked it? A special episode of house?
Omfg You Spelled Favorite Wrong, You Suck At English
Omfg You Spelled Favorite Wrong, You Suck At English

You fail at life, plus you capiltalized every word in your sentence.

EDIT: If this is what's going to become of this thread, then so be it. Close it, I dont care anymore about this thread. All this thread is now is to hate on baseball (& me), I don't care. I refuse to start or continue a flame war here.
atleast I don't have a small doodle.
Go for it, wouldn't be the first time I have gotten an infraction.
And since I have a life, I don't really care.
God shut up. Seriously.

1. Baseball is one of the most boring sports on the planet. Right up there with Golf and Cricket.
2. To say football, soccer, and/or rugby is boring weighs some point. Football can be a bit of a bore if the teams aren't moving much ground, soccer if one of the teams is playing lazily, and rugby...well, that's never boring. Neither is hockey.
3. Baseball isn't hard or much of a challenge. Soccer takes years of practice. Football requires strategy as does Hockey and Rugby.
People like you spend way too much time on the PC & need to get out more, I have a life, some people need to get out more.

This is the General off-topic section!!!!!!!!!! Also your english sucks.

Well done, that comment combined with the previous potential racist comment will have earned yourself character assassination! You are now doomed to ridicule forever and more.

I disagree with your comments on sport too, rugby & soccer especially, as Deus said accurately, rugby is always VERY active, and soccer has some amazing highlights. Lets keep up the sports chat, don't wanna close this really!
Why do i get the feeling that only 3 people read my post. NOBODY can say one sport is better than another, because its all in the eye of the beholder. You may have an opinion of the sport but STOP ****ING SAYING IT AS IF ITS FACT!

the whole lot of you are douchebags except for the few of you who see the light.
Kamakazi = Asshat
Asshat = Hat
Hat = Baseball Cap
Baseball Cap = Baseball
Baseball = Sucks

And there we have the mathematical proof.......
Cmon now, doesn't UFC pride fighting count as a sport?
Well alright then,

How is baseball not an active sport? It requires eye contact, using your hands & legs.

In baseball over the course of the century, have caused many injuries of all kinds such as Handstring problems, quad muscle problems, sometimes jamming the fingers, wrist fractures, broken arms, broken wrists, twisted ankles, torn calf muscles, torn tendon muscles, sore finger, concusions, all sorts of fractures, torn rotator cuffs, & achilles problems.

Baseball isn't just hitting a ball with sticks & throwing it around. Baseball is about executing certain play's, both offensively & defensively.

In baseball you must do all you can to win like any other sport of course, for the team thats on the offense they must find a way to put the ball in play if you will, swing for the fences, get walked by the pitcher & steal some bases or you can wait on base for some one else to drive you in.

When a team is on the defensive they can do many things to keep that score right where it is, such as "Pitching", pitching is truely an art form; The guy that throws the ball is called a "pitcher", he can do many things & he has the most fun out there. How a pitcher throws the ball is due to different grips & different arm actions, & the name of these variety of pitches are: 2 or 4 seam fastballs, change up, breaking ball, curve ball, cutter, knuckle ball, screw ball, gyro ball(the mystery pitch that no one has mastered yet), splitter, & slidder. A variety of these pitches change speeds & have different movements that can fool any hitter that paint all corners of the strike zone. Pitching is truely unique in itself.

The other parts of the defense are the guys that make sure just incase that if the hitter manages to get lucky off the pitcher there are the players in the infield & the outfield making sure that they get that out. This is the part where athletism is the key. When a ball is hit in any part of the field the players in the field can do anything to catch that call with their glove, such as diving for that ball, the players on the fields job is to make sure that the ball stays in that park at all costs.

Alright I will stfu now. :P

Kamakazi = Asshat
Asshat = Hat
Hat = Baseball Cap
Baseball Cap = Baseball
Baseball = Sucks

And there we have the mathematical proof.......
Cmon now, doesn't UFC pride fighting count as a sport?

Isn't wrestling fake?
Well alright then,

How is baseball not an active sport? It requires eye contact, using your hands & legs.

In baseball over the course of the century, have caused many injuries of all kinds such as Handstring problems, quad muscle problems, sometimes jamming the fingers, wrist fractures, broken arms, broken wrists, twisted ankles, torn calf muscles, torn tendon muscles, sore finger, concusions, all sorts of fractures, torn rotator cuffs, & achilles problems.

Baseball isn't just hitting a ball with sticks & throwing it around. Baseball is about executing certain play's, both offensively & defensively.

In baseball you must do all you can to win like any other sport of course, for the team thats on the offense they must find a way to put the ball in play if you will, swing for the fences, get walked by the pitcher & steal some bases or you can wait on base for some one else to drive you in.

When a team is on the defensive they can do many things to keep that score right where it is, such as "Pitching", pitching is truely an art form; The guy that throws the ball is called a "pitcher", he can do many things & he has the most fun out there. How a pitcher throws the ball is due to different grips & different arm actions, & the name of these variety of pitches are: 2 or 4 seam fastballs, change up, breaking ball, curve ball, cutter, knuckle ball, screw ball, gyro ball(the mystery pitch that know one has mastered yet), splitter, & slidder. A variety of these pitches change speeds & have different movements that can fool any hitter that paint all corners of the strike zone. Pitching is truely unique in itself.

The other parts of the defense are the guys that make sure just incase that if the hitter manages to get lucky off the pitcher there are the players in the infield & the outfield making sure that they get that out. This is the part where athletism is the key. When a ball is hit in any part of the field the players in the field can do anything to catch that call with their glove, such as diving for that ball, the players on the fields job is to make sure that the ball stays in that park at all costs.

Alright I will stfu now. :P

Isn't wrestling fake?

UFC =/= wrestling

They really do beat the shit out of each other
Baseball isn't just hitting a ball with sticks & throwing it around. Baseball is about executing certain play's, both offensively & defensively.
This is in direct contrast to football, in which teams merely execute certain plays, both offensively and defensively.

Seriously man, baseball is a great sport, but you need to learn when to stop. Can't you see that you're digging your own grave here?