Any sports fans here? This is the thread for you

Hey guys. It's been a while since I last posted here.

Anyways, I think that Hockey is the best sport. Krynn72 is probably right in that it's unfair/ignorant to state that one sport is better than all others...but I still say that to me, hockey is the greatest out there. I've found an article that helps to support my claim (with perhaps a little Canadian bias :P).

Here's an excerpt:

Hockey is fluid, where baseball and football are static. It has been calculated that a 60-minute football game, though it takes nearly three hours to complete, adds up to no more than about 10 minutes of actual playing time. The rest is huddles, signal-calling, etc. Baseball players spend half of every game sitting around on the bench, chewing tobacco. The rest is spent standing around in the field, chewing tobacco. But oh, the geometry.

Read the rest of the article here:

Sorry, KaMaKaZi-BLiTz but I find baseball to be rather dull. To me, Hockey kicks ass. :thumbs:
UFC kicks ass. I love watching it. UFC > Baseball.

Oh, and I need to go back to sports chat? Everytime somebody says anything about any other sport, you retort with how it's a stupid worthless sport in comparison to Baseball...we really don't care that much about your opinion, sir.
UFC kicks ass. I love watching it. UFC > Baseball.

Oh, and I need to go back to sports chat? Everytime somebody says anything about any other sport, you retort with how it's a stupid worthless sport in comparison to Baseball...we really don't care that much about your opinion, sir.

Wrong cyber pr0n, I never said that but if you look shortly after my original post; Some people just said baseball sux & their sport rocks. Its not 'We' its just most, and every body has a right to their opinion weather you like it or not. You can state on how it sucks but 79% of americans love the sport.

Sorry, KaMaKaZi-BLiTz but I find baseball to be rather dull. To me, Hockey kicks ass. :thumbs:

Well, you have a right to your opinion just like every body else; I hope the Rangers can pull it off last year, I bet Jaomir Jagir(I can't spell his name) isn't healthy enough yet to play. Another lost in the season. :(

Winter= Hockey

spring + winter + early fall= baseball
I only got interested in it because the Tigers was in it, only to promptly suck the Cardinal's cock.
I only got interested in it because the Tigers was in it, only to promptly suck the Cardinal's cock.

I thought the Tigers were going to kick the cr*p out the cards, I mean the cards were on the verge on the worst collapse in baseball; the Cardinals are offically the worst team in baseball history to win the world series.

Thats what happens when you have a week off, you start slacking; If it was just a day later instead of a week, the Tigers could've won it. I was suprised of Pudge; Oh well.

Well thats enough of that.
I <3 UFC
Chuck Liddel is unstoppable. The man is on a roll. He ate Tito Ortiz for lunch, such a good fight.