anybody have gameplay suggestions for CS2?

operative x

Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
So, as stated in the title, what new gamplay features would you like to see in CS2? I wouldn't mind if they changed the physics to hl2 dm style where you can stand ontop of tables and such. I would also like to see extra options where you can do 'small' weapon upgrads, for example if you had an m4 you could buy a scope or laser sight for it, I think something like this would be nice. A system similare to The Specialists (for its simplicity). And maybe add some melee weapon attacks like hitting someone in the face with your pistol (a good defense against poeple who try to knife you). What are your guy's suggestions?
less hitbox lag and if two people shoot at the same time but one dies - the damage should still register on the other person.
indeed but i would like it too be a bid faster like 1.6 and the weapon upgrades sound like a good idea

but what i would love is if you can see if a gun is silenced or onsilenced like the m4 and usp.
Hand signals to go with radio commands.

i.e. When you say 'Enemy spotted' or something, your avatar does the relevant 'SWAT style' hand signal.
I would like to see more npc's in maps, I think it would be awesome. Lets say the map is in a busy market and at the beginning of the round all is fine and dandy and the npc's are just going about their buisiness when all of a sudden someone fires a gun and all hell breaks loose, the npc's go nuts and are running every which way for cover some are unfortunate enough to be caught in the crossfire. I mean why is every map in the gaming world completly empty, where are all the people? Did everyone in cs_italy just decide not to go out that day? I think it would add a new level of realism to games.

I would also like to see npc's play a bigger role in-game. (Example) A map that takes place in a bank. You would have civilian npc's, bank tellers, a security guard or two, and the bank manager. The T's objective would be to secure the bank and all hostages, kill the guards(which should be easy) and " :sniper: convince" the bank manager to open the vault.

I don't know exactly what all the details would be but you see where I'm going with it. CT's could either spawn far away in between the T's extraction point thus giving the T's enough time to complete their objective or they could spawn near the building when an alarm is tripped, either by the tellers or anyone in the bank that the T's failed to secure.

I'm not a game dev but I always wanted to see npc's implemented in mp games in a way that they add a whole new dynamic to the gameplay rather then just being stupid hostages that always get stuck.

LAST: I was hoping that when de_train came out one of trains there was actually a moving train. I knew this wasn't gonna happen unfortunatly, but I mean why not? Do most people fear a new dynamic added to the game? Maybe it changes gameplay too much but I fail to see how....not all the trains would be moving but have one that is triggered every minute or so to come screamin' through the trainyard. Ya I's a pipe dream, but damn it would be cool!
I like the whole idea about NPC's, beam's right about that. Sneaking into Italy and then firing amd hearing everyone screaming...ahh. Weapon mods sound good but is there enough time at spawn to do that? I wanna M4 with a Head-Seeking Atomic bomb as an under-attachment.
Underhill[FIN] said:
Leaning would be cool. It would bring some tactics in game.

yeah cos theres no tactics in the game at all

infact theres more tactics in a game of pong

someone give this man a medal
Exclamatio said:
yeah cos theres no tactics in the game at all

infact theres more tactics in a game of pong

someone give this man a medal

Whatever.. My prime language isn't english so i might say something stupid.. So dont be angry to me. :(
Id like to be able to close my eyes,would leave you vulnerable but if you used it cleverly the flahbang wouldnt affect your vision
Underhill[FIN] said:
Whatever.. My prime laguage isn't english so i might say something stupid.. So dont be angry to me. :(

Your English is fine. He just disagreed.

I don't think leaning would help a whole lot. Some might find it useful in certain situations, so sure, it should be there.

The main problem with having many npcs on the maps is that's more processing power taken up that could be used for players. In other words, it will lag bad for many people.

I'd like an option to be a hostage, that can move, but with obviously no weapon or armor. Why would a hostage just stand around in a building when all the action is across the map? Ideally, shooting a hostage inside the normal hostage room would be a penalty for the terrorists. But outside that room, there'd be no penalty.
What that does is force the terrorists to actually guard the hostages. If they don't, if they ignore the objective, then the hostages might get away.
I would like to see an alt-fire for nades. Alt-fire would be an underhand toss. While the over hand throw would be more powerful and the longer you held down the button the farther you would throw it. **** and here's the windup **** Right now I don't feel like you can throw it far enough.

I would also like to see some more affect from being hit by bullets. Nothing gets me more pissed off than getting the drop on someone.. getting in 2 or 3 hits and then they get off one shot and headshot you. I would like there to be a 2 second time after being hit where your cone of fire is 4x as large. You can still fire but your accuracy is way down and you still have some chance but the person who hit first has the advantage.

I also wish there was a pistol-whip option. This would be the alt fire and would result in swinging the butt of the pistol. *Smack*.... you've been pistol whipped baby!!!
If you get shot in the arm or something, you drop your gun on the ground and you have to pick it up. And getting shot in the leg will make you slow for the rest of the round.
More balance with the sniper rifles. I say, the more powerful, the less accurate, and the heavier they become.
I also would like to see the sniper rilfe change to be more like DoD. I see people jump sniping in CS:S and it's so lame. Jumping out from behind a box, ducking and shooting. Then they jump back and repeat. Try doing that is rl. Yes I know CS:S isn't supposed to be real life... but I really think DoD, along with America's Army, have much better sniping. CS2 could take a page from their books.
Underhill[FIN] said:
Whatever.. My prime laguage isn't english so i might say something stupid.. So dont be angry to me. :(

lol ur english is great

and dont worry about me i just post aggresivly in poor english :)
I think vehicles would be great.
Im,agine this, the terrorists start in a small western (or middle eastern town) with 2 trucks and a semitrailer. The trucks can be damaged (lose tires) but the the big truck just gets slower with every hit in the tire area... anyways.

The Ts have to get the truck across the map (long narrow map) and the CTs have to stop it. They can use ambush, roadblocks, whatever, but they must prevent the CTs from getting the truck. (If a CT stays in the truck for more than 1 minute, the CTs win and if the Ts make it then (obviously) they win.) CS needs vihicles, especially with the better source vehicles. I would like to see a nth_LetsTakeMothersTank source redo.

Vehicles would merely add another dimension to gameplay, and as such, these would have to be used on new maps (Lets face it, what good would a truck do in cs_italy?). I would really like to see a vehicle where the driver and gunner would have to work as a team, becuase as it is in most games driving is really no fun and gets you Zero recognition (HALO series). Maybe when the vehicle gets damaged, there is a health penalty on both players, and if a player got out of a moving vehicle there would also be a health penalty.

My $0.02
Vehicles would be the ultimate noob weapon though. Rack-up points by mowing down the enemy in tanks. Just take a look at BF:V. Nothing's more frustrating than getting killed by a noob in a chopper for the nth time.
Vehicles would be the ultimate noob weapon though. Rack-up points by mowing down the enemy in tanks.

I would not suggest tanks, and all the BF games are oriented differently. I would suggest stuff like a truck for the Ts where you could kill the driver, and truck either stop or goes out of control. BF:V is a fun game, just stay in the vegetated parts of the map. If you run out in the open for a long time then you should die.
More maps with a greater range of gameplay styles, I think. Maps that are designed to have uneven teams (i.e. some kind of beach landing, no cover, 4 ts with machine guns v 12 cts with scouts...). Vehicles could work, that'd be cool... Think the rocket-launcher scene in Clear and Present Danger :)

As for changes to the way you play the game, I think some kind of additional upgrades (like a scope for the m4) could be made available if you'd done something good last round (planted and defended the bomb, defused the bomb, rescued the cts, killed more than 3 of the other team or something).

Oh and a better map distribution system, map voting, player vote kicking... And weekly map releases (the 'best of the week' that Valve get sent)...
mikey388 said:
Id like to be able to close my eyes,would leave you vulnerable but if you used it cleverly the flahbang wouldnt affect your vision

A flashbang isn't only created to blind you, but to shock you and generally set you off. If close enough, a flash can kill you.
Yeah, it's not only the flash that shocks you but the extremly loud BANG! I suppose if one went off right next to your head you would be seriously injured, if not dead. I'm gonna go do some research on flashbangs and shall report back :)

EDIT: Apparently flashbangs and concussion grenades are more effective outdoors(interesting) A concussion grenade is simply a flashbang without the flash and usually contain rubber pellets to help subdue whoever is unfortunate enough to be standing near one. There are many reports of flashbangs burning people because of the large amount of pyrotechnics contained inside, during a drug raid a man recieved 3rd degree burns when the flashbang set his bed on fire....poor drug dealer :smoking:

It would be cool to see more non-lethal nades in CS such as concussion grenades, phosphorus(sp?) and maybe even teargas. I think phophorus nades would be really cool....could set a whole room aflame, then again people would end up spamming them like they do in SoF2 making for lame gameplay

No idea why this hasn't been done already, the number of times I've been awped by someone jumping out, crouching and taking a pin-sharp shot half a second later just takes the piss.
believe me man you aren't alone on that one. In fact I don't think anybody thinks there shouldn't be sway, it's a game based on realism and the fact that snipers have perfect accuracy is retarded, I mean the sway wouldn't have to be horrible but if you scope right after you move it should sway for at least a sec to make you adjust your aim.....the scout is fine the way it is but the heavier rifles definatly need sway.
beam said:
It would be cool to see more non-lethal nades in CS such as concussion grenades, phosphorus(sp?) and maybe even teargas.

The teargas grenade is a nice idea. Imagine running round with 'blurry' vision (I've never been subjected to teargas, so I can only imagine what it's like).
That idea of no penalty shooting hostages outside the hostage area sounds great, that would work. Hostages could be AI-controlled, that if any terrorrists arent looking, they try to escape. If a terrorrist sees its escape, the hostage is free to be slayed with no penalty. It would require the terrorrist team guard the hostages and decide beforehand who goes hunting the CT:s. F*ck, this is a excellent idea.

The other great idea is the vehicles. There shouldnt be any kind of tanks, maybe CT:s could have a helicopter with a minigun on the side, but mainly people would need to use their primary gun in a vehicle.
Like, a jungle-like map with 2-3 roads leading to the bomb site. Terrorrists start with two trucks and are meant to assault a factory/thingie/generic building on the other side of the map. CT:s would start from the generic building, and they wouldnt have any vehicles, maybe a stationary gun on some window. But, they could buy heat-sensitive goggles. Like a predator-styled vision :p You could see a heat trail through a narrow wall, if a T would be standing right behind it etc. This could be used in other maps too.
The CT:s would have to ambush the T convoy, they could go up some hills nearby, lie down on the ground, and snipe happily with their heat vision into the road ahead. It would create a great tension when youre on T, walking around alone on a mudpath, a silent jungle around you and knowning that there could be loads of dudes aiming at you, just waiting for the perfect moment to open fire... Roxor or not?

Other scenario: italy-styled hostage map, but larger and with more realistic architechture (I posted about the architechture a while ago in another thread). T:s would spread out into the buildings and guard the hostages, and maybe have a stationary gun somewhere. CT:s would start from far away, and they would require to fly across a river with a helicopter and land or drop the CT:s with a rope. The pilot couldnt leave the helicopter if it's not landed (think about BF and DC) but the helicopter could be destroyed if someone shoots the pilot. Hostages could be rescued with a boat or with the helicopter.
What do you think?
but people dont like playing the guy who stays back at base a lot of the time and when playing on public servers as opposed to a team...kills are rewarded more than actually playing as part of a team or doin the objective properly...

Would like the hostage idea...if it could work
Replace the Auto-Snipers with a 3rd level assualt rifle instead (such as the G36). Add gas grenade ($500, works like smoke grenade but damages health). Add buyable attachments for some guns in equipment menu, such as 2x scope for m4 and ak, suppressor for sig. Instead of simply choosing what kind of terrorist or counter-terrorist model you want, make each one a separate "mini-class" with only slight differences.
ray_MAN said:
If you get shot in the arm or something, you drop your gun on the ground and you have to pick it up. And getting shot in the leg will make you slow for the rest of the round.
More balance with the sniper rifles. I say, the more powerful, the less accurate, and the heavier they become.

This would entirely throw off the balance of the game. We're aiming at fast-paced action mixed with tactics, not something like Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six etc. Definitely don't add anything "realistic" like that... it doesn't suit the game.

And something like a car-bombing scenario would be cool. I agree with beam. Something that adds more depth would be cool, like the bank situation he described. I've dreamed of making a map for CS like that for a long time. :cool:
How about Battlefield style reloading, where if you have a weapon with 3 rounds left and reload, you lose those shots and use a new clip.

This would make you think about how you fire, and would prevent mass spraying (hopefully)
CADMonkey said:
How about Battlefield style reloading, where if you have a weapon with 3 rounds left and reload, you lose those shots and use a new clip.

Or make it like Rainbow Six were you don't lose the bullets but switch to a new mag....if you reload lots during a round, you'll have to take a few seconds to combine the mags or you would have a bunch of half empty clips. Another thing about reloading is if you reload when you have a cartridge in the chamber then you shouldn't have to cock your weapon but if your mag runs dry then you would have to sit through the full reload animation.

Correct me if I'm wrong but in real life with an m4, if you switch mags half way through you wouldn't have to pull the pin back right?
Hmm that CADMonkey could be a double edged sword... What if you had 10-15 rounds in the clip (assuming that you can only carry 3-4 clips) and you needed the ammo, but you needed the full clip for a room full of CTs or Ts?
Maybe it would work, maybe not. I wouldnt mind, i conserve ammo anyway.
I would like to see a map of a bank too, watch the Sci-Fi TV movie "Slipstream." In the beginning the Ts run into a bank full of people (in CS:2 they would be NPCs) and fire a couple of rounds into the air to get the crowds attention, then the (break from movie) the CTs drive up outside, and (the front of the bank is glass ) see the Ts going into the vault to grab the money. The CTs can go straight in, or wire the Ts car with explosives... etc.

I would also like to see a city map, or a theme park (like in the Tom Clancy book), maybe a hospital, or something more real than the Death Arenas we have now. Seriously, some of the maps on UT 2003 look more real than CS which is supposed to be "real."

CS:2 needs to add to the standard CS objective bases. I would suggest a more fluid point/gameplay base. More in the ways of ambush and suprise rather then head on conflict (which, BTW is what most Counter Terrorism operative wish to avoid)

My $0.02
NO VEHICLES if u guys want vehicles then dont play cs play BF2 sor sumfin then theres the prob with the fact that nades blow up too early real nades are supposed to take like 4 secs or sumfin and there shuld be a heat-sensors cos the night vision sux balls
Wow, could you at least try to use proper english. And keep out the sucking please, this was a constructive thread, people like you ruin em.
You can grab the enemy from behind and use him as a human shield. Just like Splintercell.

This sound stupid but it is very useful for the situation when you rush into a room full of enemy. You can kill a lot without losing any hp. Get me? It may be hard to do in real life but it could work on the hostages easily.
And being able to squeeze past people, that would be mega cool, fun, realistic, and would help combat the scurge of blockers.
what do you mean by squeeze past people? what move is that