Anyone believing REINCARNATION aberration?

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I believe people are in search of believing something that's why this kind of unrealistic beliefs like reincarnation occur.


Some people believe they will find the happiness and peace of mind they are looking for in religions such as Hinduism or Buddhism. Many people have been influenced by these eastern religions because of their aura of mystery and mysticism, and because they make use of techniques such as meditation, and because of the unusual attitudes, dress, manner of speech and religious practices of those who follow them.

However, although religions like Hinduism and Buddhism- among the oldest we know of-give some good ethical advice, not everything they contain is true.

I believe in reincarnation. In a universe where God doesn't forgive you, I don't want to live.

BTW, you're a noob :monkee:
the book of lePobz said:
...and thy lost souls that do not believe they are deceased roam the land of the living for eternity.
My beliefs are so wacky and unique, its like the best bits of all religions all rolled into one non-contradicting belief.

Maybe I should write my own religious book some day.
I think Buddhism is the coolest and most peaceful religion...
i believe there is a place where you go after you die, and i believe in riencarnation :D
'Reckon Pullman said it best in his Dark Materials - sure, you die, but in dying become everything else.

It's a pretty beautiful description, and it takes the edge offof death for me

*stops drinking as is sounding like a pussy*
lePobz said:
My beliefs are so wacky and unique, its like the best bits of all religions all rolled into one non-contradicting belief.

Maybe I should write my own religious book some day.
Well why don't you tell us now.

I'm interested in seeing it.
Yeah. I'd love to see a religion that for once doesn't contradict itself.
Tr0n said:
Well why don't you tell us now.

I'm interested in seeing it.
bvasgm said:
Yeah. I'd love to see a religion that for once doesn't contradict itself.
Hmmm, If I gave my opinions to others, I would be just as bad as those I look down on for doing the same.
I'm saying it as a bad thing.

I'm really interested in religious/spirtual type of I would like to read your views on it. (Not going to judge it or anything, btw.)
mikal said:
I believe people are in search of believing something that's why this kind of unrealistic beliefs like reincarnation occur.


Some people believe they will find the happiness and peace of mind they are looking for in religions such as Hinduism or Buddhism. Many people have been influenced by these eastern religions because of their aura of mystery and mysticism, and because they make use of techniques such as meditation, and because of the unusual attitudes, dress, manner of speech and religious practices of those who follow them.

However, although religions like Hinduism and Buddhism- among the oldest we know of-give some good ethical advice, not everything they contain is true.

If you want to call their beliefs and practices unusual you should probably state where you stand as a comparison... so other people can say how unusual your beliefs are to them. IMO, all religions existing today are constructs of humans' interpretations/explanations of life. Even the religion that some people want to govern the entire country by was made by people. Modern day Christianity copied a lot of its views out of Zoroastrianism... but before that it was basically just a modified Judaism... and Judaism was a modified form of the indigenous religion of the Israelites... who happened to be polytheistic. Yes, that's right, some of the same sacred texts (retranslated to a monotheistic view) of modern Christianity came from a polytheistic religion in which you worshipped the god of the region you were in at the time (the concept that was later distorted into the non-existence of other gods). Maybe I'm just cynical, but I don't believe anything that has been passed down for 2000+ years and of which there are literally thousands of interpretations that different groups of people all believe in equally. Even if the original people had it right the beliefs have changed so much so that you would be considered a heretic if you lived back then and practiced the modern form of the same religion. For my personal view on any form of religion I will merely give you a quote from Donnie Darko:

Dr. Lilian Thurman: Donnie, an atheist is someone who denies altogether the existence of God. You're an agnostic. An agnostic is someone who believes there can be no proof of the existence of God, but does not deny the possibility that God exists.
Also, IIRC, the Buddha didn't necessarily originally teach that people get reincarnated. In Hinduism everything is Brahman and, thus, everything is eternal... so it would follow that whatever it is that makes you who you are is also eternal. The way they maintain continuity (people die and the eternal being has to go somewhere) instead of having a "normal" after life is through reincarnation. The Buddha's explanation of rebirth is much more ambiguous. Some forms of Buddhism believe in it... some don't. In the early forms of Buddhism there was no Brahman and nothing that is eternal... this explanation would seem to say that you don't have a soul. The thing people call reincarnation in Buddhism can also be interpreted as a cause and effect system in which every life helps to shape the future and keep the process of life going. Here's one way I've seen it explained (expanding on the metaphor of transferring a flame from one candle to another, supposedly used by the Buddha himself):

A flame can be passed from one candle to another. The new physical matter of the second candle (representing the body) then supports the energy of the transferred flame (representing the supposed self). But this transplanted flame is not exactly the same as it was when on the other candle, or even from one moment to the next on the same candle, because a flame is an ever-changing product of the candle holding it and the environment surrounding it and the time containing it. All systems, and every element thereof, are only "momentary configurations within a continual process of change" (144). But if the self is likened to a forever-mutating flame, what then is the Buddhist self-identity?:

Even our identity is impermanent. There is no continual "I." What we regard as our self is simply an ever-changing bundle of fleeting feelings, sense impression, ideas, and evanescent physical matter." (144)

If there is no self, what then is continued through reincarnation? The process of being. The verb "burn." A flame may change interminably, but as it is jumps from one candle to the next, "burning" never ceases. This process itself is the continuous legacy. In this way, upon physical death, being continues and the essential existential process travels via reincarnation across generations.
There is nothing wrong with sharing your opinion with others lePobz....Or maybe there is something wrong with sharing your opinion with others.

I believe what I believe. I'm a Christian, but since we're all unique, we all have a different take on it. I won't go into details because it would take too long :D
I'm not religious, nor am I spiritual. I don't believe in reincarnation, or anything else for that matter. I'm perfectly happy admitting I have not the slightest clue what comes after this life. I think it's foolish to try and come to any conclusion about such topics without so much as a single shred of credible evidence proving anything one way or the other. Instead of spending my limited days contemplating the after-life, I focus on this one. It's the only one I'm certain to have.
Well from a perfectly logical point of view, there is no need to stop existing when you die. It all comes down to your sense of self identitiy. When you are alive, your identitiy is tied to your physical being and your mind and whatnot. But if you were to die, you would have no more relations with the physical universe. If you do not identify with your physical self, then you can exist in a purely abstract sense. Hell you're off in Hawaii getting tanned so long as it's not Hawaii in this universe. Your mind is simply a a certain combination of atoms and impulses. Dying simply prevents that combination from existing relative to what we know as reality. However, relative to nothing, you can exist as anything. Just my thoughts.
bvasgm said:
Yeah. I'd love to see a religion that for once doesn't contradict itself.

Explain to me where christianity contradicts itself. I missed that part.
xcellerate said:
Explain to me where christianity contradicts itself. I missed that part.
Oh're getting yourself in a world of trouble with that comment. :laugh:

Prepare for a beat down by the atheist.
Tr0n said:
Oh're getting yourself in a world of trouble with that comment. :laugh:

Prepare for a beat down by the atheist.

This isn't the politics forum.
Shens said:
This isn't the politics forum.
Doesn't mean the people from the politics forum won't migrate to OT.Also OT has been home to many flametastic religious threads.
Razor said:
What a sad way of looking at life.

Everybody goes.. Some just sooner than others. It can't be stopped.

your memory is what lives on, not you.
Razor said:
What a sad way of looking at life.

He's right though. We live, fall apart, and die and thats it. So make the most of it. You can conceive of every form of heaven, deity, reincarnation or whatever. Does not make it so.

But its a hard thing for people to accept that they live and die and thats it. So they lean on religions to get them through the day. And thats fine by me. But if I am being honest with myself, I do not believe in an afterlife. There is only death.
You may think you're looking down on people that believe in the afterlife, because you think such people are weak minded that they can't deal with the thought of their conciousness ceasing to exist, but in most cases, you're wrong to.

I've seen and experienced enough weird and wonderful things to be able to be pretty certain that the human soul exists (call it a soul if you will, its our conciousness that can be detached from the body). What happens to this conciousness after death is the big question. I've seen plenty of evidence to suggest that some conciousnesses remain here to guard their earthly posessions or simply don't accept that they are dead (caused by sudden traumatic deaths etc).

Where the other 99.99% of entities go I do not know. Reincarnation is a good theory, but it wouldn't really work on a planetary scale... where will people reincarnate when the planet is destroyed? Maybe it's a universal thing. Maybe there's a heaven. God knows.

Just remember you're not smarter than anyone else because you're an atheist or can only believe what you can see. You're infact being pretty small minded and ignorant to a lot of truths. Astral projection will probably open your eyes as it did mine. There are many things in this world that can't be explained by science, life after death is just one of them.
Ghosts aren't real.. sorry.

Only your memory will be left behind.. You however.. will be 6 feet under... that, as they say - is that.

EDIT: Not believing in an after life does not make him, or myself athiest... but I wouldn't take that to the bank :naughty:
If you're an atheist please keep your beliefs and comments to yourself. Don't try and sway people away from their beliefs.
It's up to every single person to decide what they believe, not up to a member of a forum.
... Doesn't that kill the point of the topic.. and the idea of the forum in general?

What if I said Christians should keep THEIR beliefs (oh yeah, and comments) to themselves? What then? I'm not liking what your doing, trying to shut me up like that. It's related to the topic, it's waht I believe.. so I don't see the problem?
I'm not trying to degrade you or make you feel less of a person because of believing in something, yet saying that I only believe in it because of my fear of death.
It's gotta happen sometime.. but I understand where your coming from.
Calanen said:
He's right though. We live, fall apart, and die and thats it. So make the most of it. You can conceive of every form of heaven, deity, reincarnation or whatever. Does not make it so.

But its a hard thing for people to accept that they live and die and thats it. So they lean on religions to get them through the day. And thats fine by me. But if I am being honest with myself, I do not believe in an afterlife. There is only death.

I can't understand the concept that the whole point of life is to die. I am not religious, but i am spiritual, i do believe in god and i do believe in Heaven and Hell, etc. But something inside of me would love to get reincarnated and try life again.
I don't think anyone mentioned the Quantum theory of life yet...

But I think it's something to do with you can't die from your own point of view.

For example, if you were to try firing a gun at your head (*Disclaimer* DON'T TRY THAT - IT'S JUST A THOUGHT EXPERIMENT), you would find that the gun would misfire or fail, leaving you unharmed, or possibly in agony. But you wouldn't die - in your personal quantum universe anyway.

Although there's no way to test it really, barring personal experimentation, (which is not recommended).

Here's something similar to what I just said:

Quantum Suicide

Quantum Immortality

I'm sure they explain it better than how I chose to explain it.

As for me I don't know what to believe in.

I think an ever-lasting conscienceness would be pretty tiresome though.
kirovman said:
I don't think anyone mentioned the Quantum theory of life yet...

But I think it's something to do with you can't die from your own point of view.

For example, if you were to try firing a gun at your head (*Disclaimer* DON'T TRY THAT - IT'S JUST A THOUGHT EXPERIMENT), you would find that the gun would misfire or fail, leaving you unharmed, or possibly in agony. But you wouldn't die - in your personal quantum universe anyway.

Although there's no way to test it really, barring personal experimentation, (which is not recommended).

Here's something similar to what I just said:

Quantum Suicide

Quantum Immortality

I'm sure they explain it better than how I chose to explain it.

As for me I don't know what to believe in.

I think an ever-lasting conscienceness would be pretty tiresome though.

I think this is where Reincarnation comes from, an everlasting conscienceness, but with each new life, you live it from a different point of view not knowing what happened in the previous life.
I believe in reincarnation 75%. :) However, I don't think every life is on Earth. We will find ourselves living in INTELLIGENT life on another planet. :E
Sometimes, I think 'Woah, maybe there isn't an afterlife', alongside such things as 'Woah, what if we have no free will'?

But then I look at humanity, it's capability to love, it's ability to hate, the way we create, the way we destroy. How the morning air smells, how the light reflects off a pond. Then I think - how can we even believe in beauty, in love, in ugliness, in hate, if we're just a random collection of atoms? How can our minds be simply a computer with no free will, when we have the ability to even question free will?

I don't know what comes after death, but it doesn't feel bleak, nor does it feel the end. Simply the ability to think that it's the end, the ability to question conciousness, the ability to try and define nothingness - that's what proves that we have souls.

-Angry Lawyer
I believe in reincarnation, and in an afterlife. Primarly by the buddhistic view of it.

I've thought about it endlessly, and come to the conclusion you just can't die and that's it. Where does all the energy go? What are those 22 or 23 grams you lose when you die?

Anyway I was once an atheist too, I was severely depressed at that time too for many reasons, and thought god can't exist in such a cruel world and you know the rest..
But then I started hearing stories about people seance'ing, and really got into lucid dreams etc.

Since then I've completely changed my views about death and all the things that concern it. I also don't follow one religeon, but draw my own conclusions from what I expirience.
You have to wodner though. if reincarnation is true...

Just how many conciousnesses are there? The population is always growing, so either new ones are being made or the same ones are coming back at at different times, and do not abide by the way times "flows". Couldn't this mean that actually, we are all the same concious...just reincarnated at different times?
I believe we each are a part of a bigger, 'global' conciousness (which was talked about in HL2 =), which explains dreams of future events, and the way that some people can tap into the conciousness 'archive' and pull out information, either from the past or the future, which is called Remote Viewing.