Anyone believing REINCARNATION aberration?

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100% believe there is another planet out there with intelligent beings on it.

or just lizards or sumthing ...
I don't believe in an afterlife nor reincarnation. Why not? Simply because there's zero reason to, other than 'everything is so pretty it can't end when you die *sobs*' and simply because you think it would be nice.
qckbeam said:
I'm not religious, nor am I spiritual. I don't believe in reincarnation, or anything else for that matter. I'm perfectly happy admitting I have not the slightest clue what comes after this life. I think it's foolish to try and come to any conclusion about such topics without so much as a single shred of credible evidence proving anything one way or the other. Instead of spending my limited days contemplating the after-life, I focus on this one. It's the only one I'm certain to have.

Couldnt have said it better myself :thumbs:
I don't believe in God because I'm afraid of death. I do not fear not existing, because I will not be around the experience. I'd be sad that I wouldn't be able to keep seeing enjoying the world for what it is. The thought of upcoming pain is scarier than boredom...which is the only comparison I can make since I haven't experienced non-existence. I believe in God for my own personal reasons, and experiences.
JunkieXL said:
I believe we each are a part of a bigger, 'global' conciousness (which was talked about in HL2 =), which explains dreams of future events, and the way that some people can tap into the conciousness 'archive' and pull out information, either from the past or the future, which is called Remote Viewing.
So do you mean much like our conciousness is more than the sum of our parts? All these cells at are their own are practicaly nothing, but together are something so amazing as our mind. Or more like the internet, which you plug into rather than make up a part of it.
Razor said:
What a sad way of looking at life.
So you should believe in something that isn't true because it feels nicer?
Thats living in a fantasy world, life is not as wonderful and beautiful as people think........

If a human cannot handle a truth they invent something else in its place and believe it to be real.
When a loved on dies some people carry thinking as if they are alive.......they want it to all be wonderful again.

People die, when they die they are dead......simple logic.
Why would there be anything else, its all created by the human is not a solid truth like the fact the earth is there.
(well there are "matrix" theories but then again anything is possible)

If you look at the way a human mind works, being very complicated you can see that the thoughts and everything are proccessed there, scientific proof for memory areas, speech areas e.t.c e.t.c
Using that you can see that your "councious thought" is simply in your brain........when you die your brain stays in the body....nothing comes out (unless something like shotgun suicide e.t.c), not electricity, nothing like that.
(and before anyone says "oh you cant detect the soul" could say that about anything "oh theres actually a pink elephant in the garden but its not detectable")
So, with the body dying and the bio electric curents and chemical relay stopped in the brain ......the brain stops, just like if you turn the power off on a proccessor.

Us Humans always come up with some wonderful to fill the dark spaces, its how we are.

Think what you like, it seems we will all die anyway.
If only there was some way that i could see into anothers mind to know i am not the only one "thinking"........if you know what i mean.
All other humans could be "artificial" and i wouldn't know thier thoughts, i only know my own.......

More science needs to be done on the human brain, that is one of the few wonderful things, it has untold power.
Farrowlesparrow said:
You just said it yourself short recoil.

Anything is possible :P
I prefer to believe what i can logically work out from my senses, this data has worked throughout my life so far so i may as well carry on.
At the end of the day, even if we are in a "matrix" or "god realm" .........what can we do about it?
May as well just do whatever in your life, if you go on to something better at the end, very well......i just think its nonsense thinking that it is 100% the truth with no reasoning other than a automated response from your brain.

Anyway.....i could find out now if i wanted, blow my brains out.
But i would rather not and just carry on with life instead, making the most of it because in the end it might just fade away into nothing.
Some people here seem to be so damn sure there is no such thing as a non-physical organ, body or even existance , so I'm going to refrain from sharing my thoughts on the subject. (Isn't it somewhat against science to blindly assume that, considering the scientific calculations on the possibility of several dimensions?)

You don't have to blindly believe in something, personally I think one should be careful with doing that (no matter if it's based of the Bible or A Brief History of Time) as the mind is very easily convinced about the "truth" of something without any experience of it. But, it is on the contrary impressive how much experience and evidence can be attained by investigating the subject.

Like JunkieXL said, I don't feel like following any particular religion. Personally, I feel much more comfortable with basing my views of this subject on experience rather than dogma.

I believe that everyone should respect eachothers beliefs and opinions, they are all extremely precious since they add to the diversity and uniqueness of the human race.
Wouldn't it be boring if everyone knew the truth, whatever it is, or believed the same thing?
Farrowlesparrow said:
So do you mean much like our conciousness is more than the sum of our parts? All these cells at are their own are practicaly nothing, but together are something so amazing as our mind. Or more like the internet, which you plug into rather than make up a part of it.

Kind of like both. You are a part of it on a sub-concious level, but you can also access it for information, like the internet.
I believe in the redeeming power of Cookies. Aside from that, I have no beliefs. Or is that not possible? Surely I believe I don't believe anything? (/me heads to Cookie Jar)
Now that reminds me of Seinfeld.

"Black and white sitting next to each other in perfect harmony. Look to the cookie!"
You're born.
You die.
The bit inbetween is called "life"
Enjoy it.
short recoil said:
So you should believe in something that isn't true because it feels nicer?
Thats living in a fantasy world, life is not as wonderful and beautiful as people think........

If a human cannot handle a truth they invent something else in its place and believe it to be real.
When a loved on dies some people carry thinking as if they are alive.......they want it to all be wonderful again.

People die, when they die they are dead......simple logic.
Why would there be anything else, its all created by the human is not a solid truth like the fact the earth is there.
(well there are "matrix" theories but then again anything is possible)

If you look at the way a human mind works, being very complicated you can see that the thoughts and everything are proccessed there, scientific proof for memory areas, speech areas e.t.c e.t.c
Using that you can see that your "councious thought" is simply in your brain........when you die your brain stays in the body....nothing comes out (unless something like shotgun suicide e.t.c), not electricity, nothing like that.
(and before anyone says "oh you cant detect the soul" could say that about anything "oh theres actually a pink elephant in the garden but its not detectable")
So, with the body dying and the bio electric curents and chemical relay stopped in the brain ......the brain stops, just like if you turn the power off on a proccessor.

Us Humans always come up with some wonderful to fill the dark spaces, its how we are.

Think what you like, it seems we will all die anyway.
If only there was some way that i could see into anothers mind to know i am not the only one "thinking"........if you know what i mean.
All other humans could be "artificial" and i wouldn't know thier thoughts, i only know my own.......

More science needs to be done on the human brain, that is one of the few wonderful things, it has untold power.

I just think that there should be more to life then just death, what is the point of living if you're just going to end up dead. My belief is that death is just a gateway, from one dimension to another, whether you call the dimension heaven, or whatever, i think there is something out there where our conscienceness survives.
Well, if I'm right about conciousness, then I'm going to be pleased when I die and realise that there is something more.

Otherwise, I'll be unable to think, and so I won't feel anything. So I won't care that I'm wrong. It's a win-win situation.

-Angry Lawyer
lePobz said:
You may think you're looking down on people that believe in the afterlife, because you think such people are weak minded that they can't deal with the thought of their conciousness ceasing to exist, but in most cases, you're wrong to.

I've seen and experienced enough weird and wonderful things to be able to be pretty certain that the human soul exists (call it a soul if you will, its our conciousness that can be detached from the body). What happens to this conciousness after death is the big question. I've seen plenty of evidence to suggest that some conciousnesses remain here to guard their earthly posessions or simply don't accept that they are dead (caused by sudden traumatic deaths etc).

Where the other 99.99% of entities go I do not know. Reincarnation is a good theory, but it wouldn't really work on a planetary scale... where will people reincarnate when the planet is destroyed? Maybe it's a universal thing. Maybe there's a heaven. God knows.

Just remember you're not smarter than anyone else because you're an atheist or can only believe what you can see. You're infact being pretty small minded and ignorant to a lot of truths. Astral projection will probably open your eyes as it did mine. There are many things in this world that can't be explained by science, life after death is just one of them.

You had me listening to you until you started talking about astral projection....after that I was just making Three Stooges noises in your general direction....
death is really a transition from one world to another. the real life, an eternal life starts with death. According to the Day of Judgement, we are going to live in Hell or Heaven.
donot forget that the onle correct answers we can get about afterlife is from our Creator. All other answers would be imagination.
Its all bs - no reincarnation, no heaven, no hell. Just death and nothing after that.
Calanen said:
Its all bs - no reincarnation, no heaven, no hell. Just death and nothing after that.
Sounds like a personal problem.
There's one thing after death - decomposition/decay (and the rate of decay is half-life)
Calanen said:
Its all bs - no reincarnation, no heaven, no hell. Just death and nothing after that.
And thats your professional opinion is it?.. You seem so sure, clearly you have proof that nobody else has.

Really, looking at your posts its like, anyone you don't agree with is wrong and deserves to be laughed at. Your making no friends with that attitude.
YAY RELIGION THREAD, i just wanted to get into the fith page before it hits 650 posts and 25k views..... GOD SUCKS, NO YOU SUCKS. :upstare:
Who needs pain and suffering when we've got calanen... That happy chappy brightens my day up every time.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Who needs pain and suffering when we've got calanen... That happy chappy brightens my day up every time.

I'm guessing that's sarcasm....
Its all bs - no reincarnation, no heaven, no hell. Just death and nothing after that

I actually agree with you.
As for Christiany contradicting itself maybe its best not to go down that road. ;)
What do you feel on a dreamless night? Are you aware of where you are and what you're doing? I feel nothing on a dreamless night and I'm not aware of anything, let alone where I am or what I'm doing.

What do you feel when you're knocked out for surgery? Are you aware of anything? When I had surgeryI was aware of nothing, I felt nothing and felt like I was unconscience for only a second after I was awakened.

Why would death be any different? When you're dead, you're unconscience. Therefore I believe that I won't feel anything, I won't be aware of anything. It will be like a dreamless night, or a day in surgery.

Now if you're asking me if I believe in ghosts and haunted houses and spirits, the answer is an emphatic no. How could I believe in life after death while not believing in haunted houses and spirits? I can't, it would be hypocritical.

I am what I am because of the electrical impulses in my brain. If those impulses ceased to exist, so would I. My body may still exist but the essence of myself wouldn't. When you die, so does the electrical activity in your brain.

I don't know about anybody else, but I'll be perfectly happy in a perpetual deep sleep after I die. People say it only takes a millisecond of real time to generate a whole night's worth of dreams. Maybe in the few instances before your brain dies you'll be in an eternal dream. Good dream = heaven, bad dream = hell? I don't know. I won't waste time thinking about it now, I'm patient and I can wait to find out the real answer. Until then it's all speculation and no facts.
yes, but when you sleep / pass out you eventually wake death you dont, so how can you experience the end of it?
hate to get off topic here but did the forum design just change?
I believe in reincarnation as much as i believe in the heaven or complete nothingless.
I am what I am because of the electrical impulses in my brain. If those impulses ceased to exist, so would I. My body may still exist but the essence of myself wouldn't. When you die, so does the electrical activity in your brain.

I agree its pretty hard to conceive of thinking without having any 'mind' left.

As for ghosts I don't believe in them either. But believing in ghosts is only contradictory with not believing in an afterlife, if you see ghosts as sentient. If you believed that they were something else (like an old movie burnt onto the fabric of reality by things we don't understand) then perhaps not.

Btw I should say that I don't believe in ghosts or spirits period - but Im just throwing out some other theories that people have about ghosts which may not be inconsistent with the view that there is no afterlife.