Anyone else feel stupid?


Dec 7, 2004
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Do you feel like its going nowhere when any sort of a debate appears on these forums or any others?

Thanks to the miracle that is Google, everyone suddenly has a PHD on everything. If I said x^n+y^n=z^n has no solutions in integers for n being equal to or greater than 2. Watch what happens.

I remember a while back a debate on creationism, or at least that’s what it ended up being, and people were whipping out quantum physics and string theories. Don't get me wrong I do not doubt anybody’s intelligence, except maybe for tr0n, but I just don't believe that we, whose total age is probably averaged around 15, are using our brain as much as we should be.

I feel that much more gets accomplished when you don't use any other sources besides what you already know. That’s similar to what an actual debate is, you can learn about it before hand, but once it starts you can’t take a 10 minute break to research on a specific question like you can, and most do, online.

So basically, there's plenty of opportunity to debate on many subjects here, but most of the time I just refuse to get started because I know that anything i say will be googled immediately to test validity and find a rebuttal, rather than being logically thought out.

I go to a private boarding school, and live with my teachers. Each Tuesday night I do duty with my US teacher who loves a good debate. While I haven’t ever "won" one (the closest I’ve got to is a tie), it’s still an awesome experience. Choosing your words carefully to express an idea you’re not quite sure of about a subject that you have little more information on than a recently developed opinion.

I'm not going to lie, i have used google to help me out. But by and large i use only what i know, right or wrong. I remember the last one i got into i was proven wrong on the idea behind the evolution of the eye. Hey, live and learn. Does anyone else feel like your running in circles trying to argue over the internet?

phew..long rant..
I agree; the only point people seem to argue is not to develop a line of thought or argument, but rather to partake in some childish game of one-upmanship.
Seriously, its just for the e-penis points. :rolleyes:
Knowledge isn't intelligence. People still need to understand what it is they're getting from google, otherwise they simply wouldn't know when to put it into the topic.
I don't see there being a big problem with using google. I find the idea that it makes you less intelligent or something like that, to be pretty absurd. Everything we know, every single piece of information has come from somewhere. Google is just another source.

Edit: I'l also say this. Someone who does feign intelligence by using google, will usually be obvious and you don't have to get mad because, they just don't understand. But on the other hand, you shouldn't be ashamed to use sources like google and the ever marvelous, wikipedia. They're tools that allow us to better ourselves like no generation before.
There's a good reason I don't post much in debates, for the same reason as you.
I won't say I never get involved, but thats why I never get mad. Online debates are at best just good practice and mental exercise.
Choose your debates, join those about subjects you know.

People who get their 'knowledge' from quick searching on google just to appear to be smart will very quickly be uncovered as they have no heart for the subject. I like discussing subjects like philosophy, quantum physics/string theories and similar things simply because they are very interesting subjects to get into and to exchange ideas with others about this might even make you learn quite alot.

And I'd just like to say I don't know very much about these subjects (except perhaps certain philosophical fields) but it's just fun to speak about it when you have an interest in it, you learn so much then.
The only times I feel stupid, is when math is involved. I am mathematically inept.
xcellerate said:
Don't get me wrong I do not doubt anybody’s intelligence, except maybe for tr0n, but I just don't believe that we, whose total age is probably averaged around 15, are using our brain as much as we should be.
Son of a bitch...
There's nothing wrong with taking information from Google, as long as the sites are trustworthy. Nor is it wrong to take information from an encyclopedia, as long as it's valid information.

And as Farrow says, you still need to apply that information.
Indeed: the simple fact remains that 44% of all forumites can feign intelligence (I^ 2/3 = 45/[intellect]) merely by peppering their posts liberally with statistics- either forged on the spot or ripped from Google's beating heart- or a liberal dosage of low-usage vocabulary straight from the pages of some collosal thesaurus.

I have, in the past, managed to pass off as intelligent as I'm highly opinionated, good with words and quite capable of drowning my long-suffering peers in bullshit.
Edcrab said:
Indeed: the simple fact remains that 44% of all forumites can feign intelligence (I^ 2/3 = 45/[intellect]) merely by peppering their posts liberally with statistics- either forged on the spot or ripped from Google's beating heart- or a liberal dosage of low-usage vocabulary straight from the pages of some collosal thesaurus.

I have, in the past, managed to pass off as intelligent as I'm highly opinionated, good with words and quite capable of drowning my long-suffering peers in bullshit.

Besides, if you make your posts long enough, there's a chance no one will read it thinking 'meh I'm sure he's right...'
Even better, keep saying the exact same thing repeatedly (just with a marginally different approach when it comes to your language choices), and don't forget to use a layout that causes internal bleeding so you can accuse those that are too intimidated to read a huge block of text of being complacent. Or go further, and repeatedly reiterate the exact facts you've already outlined (except utlising linguistic variants of your original post), and ensure you employ a technique guaranteed to melt eyeballs so you can arrogantly imply that anyone offset by the inpenetrable mass of characters are inherently ignorant and lazy.
Edcrab said:
Even better, keep saying the exact same thing repeatedly (just with a marginally different approach when it comes to your language choices), and don't forget to use a layout that causes internal bleeding so you can accuse those that are too intimidated to read a huge block of text of being complacent. Or go further, and repeatedly reiterate the exact facts you've already outlined (except utlising linguistic variants of your original post), and ensure you employ a technique guaranteed to melt eyeballs so you can arrogantly imply that anyone offset by the inpenetrable mass of characters are inherently ignorant and lazy.

That was well-said. You've got quite the vocab bud!
DarkStar said:
That was well-said. You've got quite the vocab bud!

Then you can proceed to quote perfectly harmless and accurate posts and deride them, usually through overuse of emoticons :rolleyes: People will invariably consider that if a man is that dismissive of another viewpoint, his must be better.

Sarcasm is a potent tool; but you'd know that, wouldn't you, being the ethical genius that you are?
DarkStar said:
That was well-said. You've got quite the vocab bud!

Why use a diminutive word when the definitive word will suffice.

edit: page two owned
I ain't stupid!

....Just a little slow thats all.
Edcrab said:
Then you can proceed to quote perfectly harmless and accurate posts and deride them, usually through overuse of emoticons :rolleyes: People will invariably consider that if a man is that dismissive of another viewpoint, his must be better.

Sarcasm is a potent tool; but you'd know that, wouldn't you, being the ethical genius that you are?

Now you're just showin' off.
Well, I think bringing up a source to back your arguement up is needed, if you write an article for example you will need to do it.

What really gets my goat is people who cite sources, like:

Random Forum Member said:

See?:p That proves it. I owned you

When in fact, you read the source and you find they actually could not have read it themselves.

I recommend people get their array of knowledge from wikipedia, or something with a policy of being unbiased.

It doesn't really persuade people for example when you back up your pro-monkey arguement with a pro-monkey source. (bad example I guess)

Debates can be good though, you can learn a lot of things, even if your opponent can only hurl abuse at you, well at least you know what kind of person they are...

I don't really like to post sources unless pushed, or if I think it might actually interest people.

e-penis points? Can you get that off Viagra spam then? I think I got accused of that once :dork:

As for the average age being 15, I think there's a few people, like CptStern, who drag the average up. :)