Anyone else LOVE the ending song?

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When I heard it, I wanted to hear it again and again. Is there a way to hear the song again? Is it just a part of the credits?
I guess this must be the song from the software devleoper guy gone rock musician.
I think everyone and their uncle Phil loves this song.
"Maybe Black Mesa.......... That was a joke, haha, fat chance!"
I think the question should be: "Did anyone NOT love the end song?"
I loved it so much I extracted the mp3 from the portal content.gcf and I have been playing it again and again. It's really stuck in my head now!

"This of all the things we learned
for the people who are
still alive"
I... LOVE... THIS... GAME.

Who do I email to send thanks for this product? This is the first game I have ever wanted to email the dev team to express my gratitude for them making a game.
I... LOVE... THIS... GAME.

Who do I email to send thanks for this product? This is the first game I have ever wanted to email the dev team to express my gratitude for them making a game.
I know EXACTLY how you are feeling.
This game is seriously.. Perfect.
I'm listening to it now, and surprisingly I'm not quite in love with it.

It's pretty cool though I guess, I dunno. It might grow on me.
This song explains a lot about Portal and what Glados was up to.
Seems she was just doing what was nessecary for the benefit of everyone who is 'Still alive' and what you went through was your training to use the gun in real world situations to help mankind...

She refers to the experiment as a 'triumph' and that she is very satisfied with the results:

Aperture science, we do what we must because we can, for the good of all of us...Except the ones who are dead...

It isn't clear why she tried to gas everyone at Aperture science and the distinct lack of decayed/decaying corpses seems to imply she was somehow sealed off down there.

She expresses some regret but assesses:

There is no sense crying over every mistake, just keep on trying till you run out of cake, and the science gets done and you make a neat gun for the ones who are still alive.

It seems like Glados has been working on the Portal gun on her own in isolation since the Black Mesa incident (Which Glados is obviously aware of) and using various subjects to test it on in real world applications resulting in the death of each subject until you...
She also expresses that you 'broke her heart' because you 'killed' her as the final act to complete your rather un-orthadox 'training'.
Then she says:

As they burned it hurt because I'm so happy for you...We're out of BETA and releasing on time. And I'm glad I got burnt, think of all the things we've learnt for the people that are still alive

As twisted as Glados is she clearly feels that she has done what is nessecary to advance science and 'train' you to go out into the world and somehow use the portal gun to benefit everyone...She also appears to have a deep affection for you but has had to hide it from you so that the test would be a success.

Then she says:

Go ahead and leave me, I think I prefer to stay inside. Maybe you'll find someone else to help you.

Could the finding 'someone else to help you' in the song be Gordon Freeman and the rebels in ep.3?

Anyway, Glados is a very lovable and crazy AI...She appears to have been programed with the sole intention fo advancing science (Portals in particular?) and initially backfired on her creators by trying to gas them all because she lacked 'morals'.
It appears that after Black Mesa, or maybe the whole thing with the Borealis, or the Combine invasion the facility where Glados is/was was abandoned/sealed underground along with her and her test subjects where she carried on advancing science unattended...Subsequently coming up with the handheld portal gun and a very elaborate way to test it out which appears to have led to the deaths of all of the test subjects apart from :P:cheers:
Oh my gosh the song is astounding. It is so kiddy, but it feels so...right.

Are those credits of the developers, or do they list the test subjects that died?