Anyone else not thrilled about vehicles in multi?

yeah, that's what 40mb patches are for :p they can always change they're mind, that way...

Originally posted by Steelhed
I for one plan on waiting for the MODs to appear before I even buy HL2, just to see if it's going to go the Vehicle route, If not, I won't be buying it. I have extremely high hopes that it will though... Without Vehicles, Halflife2 would be nothing more than another FPS with great graphics, and I can tell you, there are plenty of those out...



lol, j/k................:eek:
Um...HL is in a class of its own when it comes to graphics
I personally don't attach too much of my expectations to any single aspect of a gaming experiance. If HL2 doesn't have lot's of vehicles, it's not the end of the world. The last game I was hooked on was word-shark. It was a typing game. It had words, it had sharks (stunning suprise there huh ;)) True, it didn't hold a whole heck of a lot of appeal too me (especially since i type with three fingers (and no, im not deformed)). It dosn't exactly have a whole lot of compelling gameplay advances.

Compelling. It's a good word to describe what we need. I don't think vehicles are a required factor to be compelling, not in an FPS. In a race game, of course. A war sim, they certaintly help. But if there is enough compelling gameplay to keep me interested and entertained, I don't need a vehicle too.

Maybe it's just an unfounded blind reliance on the ValVe group. In any case, I think HL2 will be compelling enough to warrant buying it. I won't need to wait until the review says "Yes, with vehicles! And aint it grand!" or some such glamouristic tripe. It's just not that important.

Not that it won't be incredibly cool! :E:E:E

There could be a downside, as well. I mentioned the game 'No One Lives Forever 2' earlier. It had snowmobiles and motorcycles. It was cool, but it also was somewhat distracting during a gameplay situation. I'd always be looting my victim's body, and then go, "Where'd I park, anyway??"

Vehicles will be super slick, I'm sure. I don't need to swim in them, though (Hmmm. Actually, I want a limo with a hot-tub :E). Vehicle's badly done would be worse than no vehicle's and tried and true HL1 style sweet, sweet action. Well, exept for that stupid on-a-rail part. that kinda bugged me...

Very astute addition, Wesisapie. I concur completely. ;)

I call it "Trampoline Syndrome".

You get in a car and drive around, but when you don't have a car, walking seems soooooo slow in comparison.

Like when you jump on a trampoline for a long time, then you get off it and try to jump normally, it feels like you weigh a ton and are jumping 5 cm in the air.
Originally posted by Wesisapie
I call it "Trampoline Syndrome".

You get in a car and drive around, but when you don't have a car, walking seems soooooo slow in comparison.

Like when you jump on a trampoline for a long time, then you get off it and try to jump normally, it feels like you weigh a ton and are jumping 5 cm in the air.

LOL :LOL: so true! I call it, um, "now i'm lazy and impatient and wanna do it the easy way!" syndrome, but the principle is the same.

Steelhed, you want a ton of vehicles play bf1942, now theres a fun game. *sarcasm*

HL2 will be awesome, with or with out vehicles, and hell, with or with out mods. I guarentee everyone will play the default mp, cause itll probably be something awesome, and the singleplayer for the story line.
thats exactly like this theory of mine i came up with!!

i call it "Wesisapie's.. *cough* ahem, i mean, uh... Eediot's Syndrome"

Extension to my theory:

You see someone jumping on a trampoline when you are just jumping normally on the ground, and you get jealous that you can't jump on the trampoline too, cause there isn't enough space on it for you too... so what do you wanna do? You want to get them back, even if they're your friend ;) It kinda rubs it in that you're barely jumping high at all.

Transpose that into games talk.
Thanks for making another useless post about it. :thumbs:

Anyway, HL2 will own, with or without vehicles. Vehicles are a nice factor for mods, i just hope they dont play an enormous role in sp.
Um...HL is in a class of its own when it comes to graphics

No no nooooo, ever see S.T.A.L.K.E.R.? That is basically tied with it. And not to get off topic (even though this doesn't really help), I think only about 1 or 2 maps on Multiplayer Mods will have vehicles, if it's like DoD or somethin'. But the custom maps....
Originally posted by Direwolf
I'm a BF42 addict, so of course I'm into vehicles.
Battlefield works as a good example because there are massive vehicle necessary maps like El Alamein as well as very small infantry maps such as Berlin and Stalingrad where vehicles play almost no part.
Yeah you are:cheers:, but I think vehicles in HL2 will depend on the terrain and setting. Obviously HL2 is capable of indoor and outdoor enviroments, It would be cool to have to drive to some location and duke it out inside.
No probs Guinny, and thanks for making 632 useless posts.
Wesisapie I'm sorry it came out like that. That post wasn't directed towards you. You replied before I could, it was directed towards eediot. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
maybe i should say something like this

no probs random user, and thanks for making (didn't bother to look) number of posts blah, im cool

and the next person should reply

no probs domo, thanks for making (didn't bother to look) number of posts, im teh cool forum kid
lol, domokun, don't come on these forums and start flaming everyone, especially when your new.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I love vehicles too. But they don't need to be in every map/mod/game mode/sp level.
sorry, i forgot that postcount = dicksize

guinny is right, you should only post your ideas, after your reach a postcount of 200+ then people will read your posts and see only good.
24 posts later, Domokun's IQ is dropping faster and faster. Keep it up, your stupidity entertains me. :cheers:
it's only the size of your e-penis not your real one.

by the way i'm joking in case you couldn't tell.