Anyone else not touched HL-2 Since they bought it?


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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Well, I like the game, I LOVE the game. I enjoyed it very much, however I have found that I haven't touched the game AT ALL since I have finished playing it! I don't know why.

Maybe its because i'm waiting for the mods, and am giving them lots of time, such as the team fortress classic mod.

I certainly don't think I dislike the game, because I love it, I just have found I haven't touched it once since I finished it.
I've played dm and cs:s a bit... but only sp to mess with physics and gary's mod :|
i played HL2 the other day, played alittle CS the other nigght. Thats about it.

Played it more than most of my other games though.
I'm finding it harder now, it's a progressive game so it's difficult to find a place where I can just launch in and shoot a shed load of people over and over again and not get bored or have to move on
Yea but only because I'm waiting for my new uber system to arrive so I can play unrestricted.
I'm holding off so it doesn't loose its charm untill I get my new rig. Then I max out the settings and pwn you all :D
I've completed it three times.
I just beat it for the second time, and have started over with the Substance Mod.

It really is a good game.
I've beaten about 3 times, and just played with cheats and stuff a helluva lot, not too mention cs:s and hl2dm.
I've played through three times. Well, more accurately I've played through it twice and then played particular sections when I felt like it.

Mostly I've been screwing around with it and picturing how incredible some parts would be to playthrough with real people...

C'mon Sven!
I've played through it approx. 8 times now, getting close to finishing up 9. I don't know why, but I can't seem to get enough of it. :)
I still have spawning wars in HL2, and make cool explosion pictures. :D
Since I got it I have stopped playing Single player(I'm at the part where I have to go into Ravenholm) because:

A) CS:S is sucking up all my multiplayer gameplaying time
B) Garry's mod is sucking up all my singleplayer game time(and lately alot of my multiplayer time too).

When I first got this game all I could think was "When is TFC:S coming out?". Now, I'm like "TFC who?".
I'm waiting on my broadband conn to play online and try out new mods and maps. Dialup sucks. So, for now, the HL2 DVD is collecting dust.
Garry's mod is only 3.2mb.

Believe me, that will be the best 3.2mb you ever downloaded, and that includes por...uh, educational films.
I just upgraded to a gig of memory, and Jesus, does it make a difference!

I can finally play with hardly any stutter at all. So I'll almost certainly be playing through some of the more eye candy-ish levels.
I played about a third of it and have been reading mapping and modeling tuts and have made half a map and failed once in a weapon port.

Sad huh.
Haven't completed it in the sense of going through all the chapters. I've replayed some chapters multiple times.
Raziaar said:
Well, I like the game, I LOVE the game. I enjoyed it very much, however I have found that I haven't touched the game AT ALL since I have finished playing it! I don't know why.

Maybe its because i'm waiting for the mods, and am giving them lots of time, such as the team fortress classic mod.

I certainly don't think I dislike the game, because I love it, I just have found I haven't touched it once since I finished it.
Not at all like that for me. Totally the opposite. I haven't been able to put it down since I bought it. :p
I beat it once and have not played it since besides messing around with garrys mod. I have been playing a lot of cs:s though ( Even though I hate cs...I need source mods :( ) and hl2dm.
Joe said:
I've played through it approx. 8 times now, getting close to finishing up 9. I don't know why, but I can't seem to get enough of it. :)

Man after my own heart. I've roughly completed the game about 4-5 times and I'm about to do it again.(I have sometimes used noclip to pass up a couple of spots that i didn't want to play through again) But I can't get enough of this game!
First on hard and now I have played through it with bullet-time, modified weapon scripts(pistol ownage), medium difficulty and am currently doing "speed runs"(like HL2DQ, but I'm nowhere near the skill that those folks have) but I'm doing it just for fun and to test my abilities with the manipulator(sadly I don't have much in that area ;( ), bhopping, and, new to me, flying.
yes, i touch my copy of hl2 more then I do my girlfriend :thumbs:
I actually play Single Player quite a bit. Not sure why...its just fun to mess around with Gary's mod etc...

As for Multiplayer, I play Counter-Strike alot, HL2DM maybe a few times a week at most
I completed it twice. I haven't touched it in well over a month..I find it to be f*cking annoying.
Finished it three times and found something new everytime, which is SICK. I also play a lot of DM, but pick up the single player every once in awhile to marvel at it's shiny goodness.
I completed it once. This is normal however, I only finish SP games more than once on rare occasions. The fact that I went straight into modding probably helped as well.
Love that avatar, Bunny.

I've only played through it once. I keep meaning to play through it again, but I often end up playing CS:Source instead (partly due to me being in a CS clan, and us having our own server). That said though, I'm still playing through Call of Duty: UO and I've just got The Punisher to check out as well. It may be a while before I play through it again :(
I prefer online gaming to offline, so i'm still on the water level. I have had it for months as well. I can count the number of time I played it offline on one hand.
Only oplayed it through once, but not through choice, got coursework and stuff (3rd year of uni), but my housemate is playing it through at the moment and it is just an amazing game in everyway :)

was half-way throught it for a second time on hard and then wiped my HD :( forgot about the save games whoops :) but when it first came out i just didnt go to uni for a few days while i played it through taking it all in :D

Play CS:S all the time tho :)
I have played some Source game every day after the release. Recently there has been so many updates and mods released that you get more material the same speed you play it :)
Havent played the HL2 singleplay so often, maybe 2 times through and then repeated the best parts.
Played it, finished it in about a week or release. (for some reason the boss thought it might be a good idea if I turned up for work rather than dossing around at home, go figure...)
Haven't touched the single player since but play HLDM and CSS every day, great fun!
Damn, you're right. I still haven't gotten round to completing it (Though I skipped ahead quickly to see the end). Usually when I boot HL2 up it's with Garry's mod or something similar.

I also play CSS one hell of a lot, and so I guess I'm also just waiting for mods...
Completed it 3 times. Messed about with various things, like creating characters and making them do weird scripting.

Played my favourite chapters more in depth.

Watched the ending and beginning 10 times.

But yeah, I haven't played it in a few weeks. Haven't tried any mods yet, I'm waiting for all the big ones to come out.

I haven't played it to death like I did HL1 :(

I have played through HL1 countless times, but I don't believe I could do that on HL2.
i beat it on normal, played cs source for awhile, played dm for awhile, went back to cs source, and now i'm playing through half life 2 again on hard.

I relised i missed a lot of stuff the first time though. The second time i was more familiar with things you can do with the physics. This time, i drove through the logs holding up a pier killing the combine instead of driving past. I figured a lot of different ways to do things which was really cool