Anyone else notice this? (minor spoilers)



This has been bugging me...but all thoughout the game there have always been vortigaunts helping the resistance people. But after the week long teleport back to Kleiner's lab, they've all vanished. How come they aren't helping you fight the combine? I kept waiting for them to appear and start deep frying some overwatch guards.
oh but isn't there that...oh erm. Didn't notice that, but then considering the frequency they were seen earlier on in the game, that does seem strange.
What I've noticed is that Breen call the metrocops "Trans-Human".
So in a way, the combine ARE human.
Thats interesting actually, I wonder where they all went. I'm sure there must be some somewhere...
i was Watching some science programme, they were talking about cloning, and mentioned something about trans-bacteria, this is bacterial that is cloned but with a certain protein from human DNA added, (something about creating insulin for diabetes suffers) any way trans-humans could mean modified humans with the alien combine DNA added to their genetic structure. Maybe that’s why Breen thinks they are superior and the next stage of evolution.
Humulin insulin is produced in bacteria vats.

The bacteria is modified and manuiplated to produce the insulin.

The trans-humans are the modifed humans.

You see them in Nova Prosepkt, and later the Stalkers in the Citadel.
I believe the Metro-cops are merely brainwashed humans with no genetic manuiplation or implants, unlike the Combine Soldiers and Elites.
if you notice in the trainstation at the start of hl2, people are collecting 'packages' from a machine in the wall.

one of them states something like she wants to be a metrocop. it's the only thing she can do. and then tells you that we shouldn't be seen together
i laughed out loud when i saw the vortigaunt sweeping the floor at the train station.

It's funny how vortigaunts refer to humans as "The Freeman" or "The Vance". Do they refer to themselves the same way? Or do they have a hive mentality, where every vortigaunt is equal to the others?

**FIRST POST! WOOHOO!!** :bounce:
Jenga said:
i laughed out loud when i saw the vortigaunt sweeping the floor at the train station.

It's funny how vortigaunts refer to humans as "The Freeman" or "The Vance". Do they refer to themselves the same way? Or do they have a hive mentality, where every vortigaunt is equal to the others?

**FIRST POST! WOOHOO!!** :bounce:
I wouldn’t call it a hive mentality… More like a belief that all living things are just expressions of one true ultimate living thing. Like in Hinduism where everything is really Brahman and Brahman is everything. At least that’s feeling I get from them.
- " We are a tapestry woven of vortessence. It is the same for you if only you would see it. "
Some call that enlightenment.

On another note most people here seem to not realize that the word Transhuman has been around for some time now. Yes the Term absolutely no doubt means modified humans. According to Wiciapedia the term 'transhumanism' was coined by Julian Huxley in 1957, though his definition differs substantially from the one commonly in use since the 1980s. Transhumanism was given its modern definition and characterization by philosopher Dr. Max More: "Transhumanism is a class of philosophies that seek to guide us towards a posthuman condition. Transhumanism shares many elements of humanism, including a respect for reason and science, a commitment to progress, and a valuing of human (or transhuman) existence in this life. Transhumanism differs from humanism in recognizing and anticipating the radical alterations in the nature and possibilities of our lives resulting from various sciences and technologies”
But their speech in referring to humans seems to refer to them as ultimately unique people. Doesn't this contradict the Hinduism-ish philosophy? Or is it just a question of semantics?
Jenga said:
But their speech in referring to humans seems to refer to them as ultimately unique people. Doesn't this contradict the Hinduism-ish philosophy? Or is it just a question of semantics?
They are unique people… still only part of a greater whole. A drop of Brahman if you will. People forget they are constantly changing loosing parts of themselves and gaining new parts. Were you not really you when you were 3 or as has the definition of what makes up you changed to encompass new things and lost others? Think of yourself as an adjective rather then a noun… you are anything the behaves in a “Jenga” like manor. The definition of what that manner is constantly changing based on actions you take.
I’m not saying this is true… it’s just the sort of vibe I get from the vorts. Seeing that they are energy channelers I could buy them having a mystical rather then dogmatic view of creation.
or maybe they havent mastered the use of the English language. :E