Anyone else staying away from these forums when the game releases?


Oct 9, 2003
Reaction score
With the recent trolls that have been popping up out of nowhere and posting pics of tg and the like, I've realized that once this game releases, it might not be the smartest thing to stick around these forums until I complete the single player campaign on my own. I can already see random jerks registering on the forum just to post some mega-spoiler as a topic title. What's worse is there isn't really anyway to combat that, short of not letting any new users register. And even that wouldn't fool-proof it.

So what are your thoughts on this? Are you gonna say screw it and take the risk or are you gonna disappear for awhile and only emerge from your hiding place when you have completed the single player mode?
Maybe Valve will have some official forums open by then which should attract most of the punks :p
Id say pullin the wire on your net connection is the only fool proof way.
you're acting as if the game is going to be released this century, we don't allow that kind of talk around here. :p Actually yeah, I'll prolly stay away until I finish the SP.
Just as an advanced warning - there will be no staff here ;)
I shall be gone from IRC + these forums + most of the internet really...dunno if i'll cope lol
Chris_D said:
Just as an advanced warning - there will be no staff here ;)

I think you'll be lucky if you have any members here. I for one plan to play Hl2 for 2 weeks straight.
at no point between the start and end of hl2 will this website be more appealing than shooting combine.

(this doesn't mean i don't like the site)
jonnyapps said:
at no point between the start and end of hl2 will this website be more appealing than shooting combine.

(this doesn't mean i don't like the site)
/me kicks jonnyapps

Ungreatful git ;)
I'll prolly stay away just a little.. and say my views about the game and what i like etc.. :D
I'm gonna bail once I start seeing people post about it arriving.
I will be MIA till i have completed the SP of the hardest difficulty
You're kidding? the forums will be empty, because the game will be out... IMHO
I am not staying. I must finish the game at least twice before I com back to here.

and that is 2-3weeks.
My Anti-Hl2-Info-Bunker is almost finished, just need 22 emergancy flares and a 300 gallon tank of K-Y jelly, and im rareing to go!
This is going to be a wierd place when HL2 comes out... two weeks after the game comes out, all the Forum Vets are going to have to band together and take the boards back from the n00bs :)

of course, the mods are all vets as well, so we shouldn't have much of a problem :)
Yes, could you all please **** off for two weeks when the game is released so the staff can go play it and not have to follow you all around changing your posts when your not looking and inserting hidden meanings into them as in-jokes ;)

oops I said too much *grins*

Naa I'll probably be around to randomly ban people so don't worry you wont be alone heh :p
Fenric said:
Naa I'll probably be around to randomly ban people so don't worry you wont be alone heh :p

I know. You are good at it. aren't ya ?

:p :sniper:

/me runs awayyy....
You can run, but you can't hide Gr0g0g0gn :flame:
Lobster said:
My Anti-Hl2-Info-Bunker is almost finished, just need 22 emergancy flares and a 300 gallon tank of K-Y jelly, and im rareing to go!

I gotta get me one of those.

The bunker, not the tank of K-Y jelly....
/staying away because I'll be playing, not some other reason.
why do you need 300 gallons of KY.. i was all with you about hte bunker thing but you lost me after that.
I think he means that HL2 is so sexy, that, um, he'll um.......


Alyx is pretty sexy though.....
Soundwave said:
With the recent trolls that have been popping up out of nowhere and posting pics of tg and the like, I've realized that once this game releases, it might not be the smartest thing to stick around these forums until I complete the single player campaign on my own. I can already see random jerks registering on the forum just to post some mega-spoiler as a topic title. What's worse is there isn't really anyway to combat that, short of not letting any new users register. And even that wouldn't fool-proof it.

So what are your thoughts on this? Are you gonna say screw it and take the risk or are you gonna disappear for awhile and only emerge from your hiding place when you have completed the single player mode?
No offence but i doubt this is going to happen, because there could've been a lot of people posting stuff from the beta* and it hasn't happened yet. (at least not in concerning numbers, and if so with spoiler tags)
*Which i haven't played and i'm happy
You can never have enough KY.

Ill keep posting right up until i install the game.

then ill use some KY and play the game


Dont worry i'll be on here the day after to voice my negative opinions on all the bugs and MP unbalances that Valve overlooks/doesnt have time to fix. Its no different from any game ;)
I'll occasionaly check in, but with hl2's release there will be a massive sign-up of newbs that will all post repeat questions, "omg valve sucks" threads and "why doesnt hl2 work on my comp..." things will be VERY busy around here....
Man its been a while since I visited these forums...

Anyways, I must request for days of work (Pizza Hut ;)) And then play the game religiously between days of summer school. Coming here will be out of the question. As Is executing any other program on my computer until I beat HL2 at least 3-4 times.

By the way, Ill just say hi to everyone, sorry I left, (not that anyone noticed I was gone, I don't post very much :dork: )
Six Three said:
I'll occasionaly check in, but with hl2's release there will be a massive sign-up of newbs that will all post repeat questions, "omg valve sucks" threads and "why doesnt hl2 work on my comp..." things will be VERY busy around here....
Naa just busy for the site staff, removing, locking, banning the trouble makers. If we do our job right you'll hardly notice.
good to see that there are dedicated mods here, I forgot all about the flood of "OMG HALFLIFE2 WONT BOOT UP HELP" topics that are gonna spring up everywhere.
Soundwave said:
good to see that there are dedicated mods here, I forgot all about the flood of "OMG HALFLIFE2 WONT BOOT UP HELP" topics that are gonna spring up everywhere.
Steam plus people who haven't used steam = A catastrophe! Hopefully not, but who knows!

As for these forums, I'm going to soak up the blissful atmosphere of the release. These forums will be buzzing like my mums....electric...razor as will all other HL2 fan forums. Good times ahead, good times.

And of course, like every other game release i've witnessed there will be 1 post people who flock to forums to bag the game as much as possible. I'm not sure if they work for competeing companies but every new release of games i've followed has had this happen.
im going to keep a distance from these forums (which rock) and mp until i beat the game. then ill come back for a few days, play mp, then beat the game again.
hmm. actually I think you guys SHOULD pull the plug on new registers. :|

edit: at least for like 2 weeks.
What HL2 comes out.....I'm just not going to talk to ANYONE for a couple of days. Except my GF. She'll be the only thing that can get me away from the PC after HL2 comes out.
Because I'm not that much of a geek.
Fender357 said:
What HL2 comes out.....I'm just not going to talk to ANYONE for a couple of days. Except my GF. She'll be the only thing that can get me away from the PC after HL2 comes out.
Because I'm not that much of a geek.
yes you are. can I have her? please?
Why is everyone saying they're going to stay away?!? This place will be ten times more interesting around the release time! We'll all get to give our opinions, discuss the storyline, arrange MP games...basically we'll get to debate the finer points of HL2!

Sue me, but I prefer that to the pointless speculation and retarded bickering that has generally dominated these boards. (No offense HL2.NET, I still love ya.)
DarkStar said:
Why is everyone saying they're going to stay away?!? This place will be ten times more interesting around the release time! We'll all get to give our opinions, discuss the storyline, arrange MP games...basically we'll get to debate the finer points of HL2!

Sue me, but I prefer that to the pointless speculation and retarded bickering that has generally dominated these boards. (No offense HL2.NET, I still love ya.)
right, but theres going to be dipshits, and spoilers, and a lot of new members, alot of which(but not all) will be asshats, but the vast majority. I'd say it would be good if the munro decided to close off registration a week prior to release for like a month.
I'll be staying away. I want to play the game at my own pace and not rush through it just incase some n00b posts with the title "Omg!!11 g-man an Alix get maryd!!11oneone".

I don't care how long it takes me, I just want to savour every moment.
I'm not gonna be here until i finish the game .. i don't want any spoilers nomore :p