Anyone else staying away from these forums when the game releases?

same here.

maybe i take a peek at the forums when i'm progressed pretty far in the game though. maybe.
I'll try to keep away at least until I have played it through. If it's as hard as HL1, I'll be gone for years (yeah. I beat it for the first time like 2 years ago). But I believe that hangind around forums such as these & discussing etc really adds A LOT to the gaming expereince in a whole. So I'm not really sure what I'll do :) Discussing/waiting for/reading about a game etc is almost half the experience to me right now ;)
Mr-Fusion said:
Steam plus people who haven't used steam = A catastrophe! Hopefully not, but who knows!

As for these forums, I'm going to soak up the blissful atmosphere of the release. These forums will be buzzing like my mums....electric...razor as will all other HL2 fan forums. Good times ahead, good times.

Yup, that's why I will be getting into the MP mode on the first day for at least an hour or so, because that's how it usually is the first day an anticipated FPS is released. Everyone is in a state of euphoria over how cool said game is, no one's complaining about campers or cheaters or whatever else yet and everyone's having a good time. If only it could stay that way...

Which reminds me. I already mentioned this for Doom3 in the General Gaming Board, but I really think us board members should get together for some HL2 mp games. Not necessarily a Clan, just a way for us to ensure that we'll be playing with a good group, no assholes or cheaters involved. Perhaps a sticky thread could be made or even a new forum set up for game matchmaking when the game is finally released?
The Evil Scheme Of Mine:
I most likely won't get the game the day it's released, so I will lurk around forums and read as much as I can about it to get hyped enough lol, then when I'll get the game I'll simply play it. When I get too scared/owned, I come back here and read more to get hyped again to overcome the terror! ;b get in.. get back.. and again... repeat. repeat till it's over. Then do it again in terms of scientificial research (search the game for anything interesting, experiment stuff). Then whack MP.
Done the same with a few other games already ;b becoming a tradition of sorts.
I am way too addicted to this site to stop coming...

Allthough I might stop a little because of my exams.... :p
What HL2 comes out.....I'm just not going to talk to ANYONE for a couple of days. Except my GF. She'll be the only thing that can get me away from the PC after HL2 comes out.
Because I'm not that much of a geek.

I really cannot see the logic in coming here and discussing hl2 when you could be playing it.
You're damn right I'll be staying away from these forums when the game releases. Actually I'll stay away from anything 2D once the computer I'm building is complete, because there will always be some sort of a 3D game on the screen. I'm never going to reboot. Life will be good!