Anyone else turned off by screaming zombies?

Do you find the zombie's screams disturbing?

  • Yeah, it bothers me a little.

    Votes: 41 19.9%
  • Doesn't really matter to me.

    Votes: 20 9.7%
  • No, I don't see anything wrong with it.

    Votes: 48 23.3%
  • Heck no - the screams make my nipples hard. (You sick bastard! ;))

    Votes: 97 47.1%

  • Total voters
I laughed the first time I heard it.. but I think it will be a welcome addition to the game.

Come to think of it.. Valve has a great sound department. I love the sounds the rollermines make. Reminds me of a pinball machine.
I found it extremely offputting, which is weird, for me.

Although when I play it I'll probably get used to it. That or I just won't light them on fire, and if I do I'll shotgun 'em to the head to put them (and me) out of their misery.
I think their trying (well even as a huge goal for the single player game) is to make everything more personal and empathetic. Even the screams the zombies give will give them more "depth" of personality so you really hear what's left of the human part screaming inside. In turn i guess it'll make you feel more for them... you'll still find creative ways to kill them but at lesat you know your doing the right thing this time around instead of generic "i'm a lifeless zombie" sounds :thumbs:

its a nice touch... not to mention being on fire would be horribly painful... almost make a inhuman scream
Are the zombies still scientists? if so, don't most scientists not believe in God? (Zombie screams "AHHH GOD NO!") Just throwin' out questions no one really cares about :p
Personally, I thought the zombie scream during the E32K4 sawblade sequence was just out of place. Too human, but not scary or disturbing...just misplaced. Needed more gurgle...more of a "My throat was just ripped out and I have blood and chunks of flesh lodged in my voicebox" feel to it.

Either way it sounded ametuerish to me.
I absolutly LOVE the sound of the super fast zombies in Ravenholm. Man those things sound so bloody aggressive and angry, I swear when I'm playing through that bit when the game comes out I'll be scared shitless.
Parasite said:
Personally, I thought the zombie scream during the E32K4 sawblade sequence was just out of place. Too human, but not scary or disturbing...just misplaced. Needed more gurgle...more of a "My throat was just ripped out and I have blood and chunks of flesh lodged in my voicebox" feel to it.

Either way it sounded ametuerish to me.
Hmm.... this is a really good point I think. Yeah, I think it should sound more choked and gurgly. Now that I think about it, it was a bit too clear sounding.

Also what about the headcrab itself? In HL1 it made all sorts of little noises, so you figure it'd be screaming too when you light it up......
Gojin said:
Are the zombies still scientists? if so, don't most scientists not believe in God? (Zombie screams "AHHH GOD NO!") Just throwin' out questions no one really cares about :p

See, I thought they screamed this too.. but it might just be a coincidence that it sounds like it
The zombie screaming sounds are bold and memorable. The idea of a game like HL2 is to create an atmosphere that draws you in, and makes you, if only for an instant, believe that you are experiencing it. The fact that these sounds make some people momentarily consider that they are in fact killing a human being, and are disturbed by it, is nothing but a good thing. There are plenty of games in which you can kill human beings in cold blood and think absolutely nothing of it.. it's a big step forward for gaming if even a few people question the morality of inflicting pain on game characters who are essentially already dead. The game doesn't force morality down your throught, nor does it disreguard it altogether, ala carmageddon or a million other games.. instead you are presented with an immersive experience in the hope that you will be drawn in enough to have your own moral reactions to things.

It would seem that Valve know how to create a hell of a game. Let em at it.
Logic said:
It would seem that Valve know how to create a hell of a game. Let em at it.

I do believe that's iD's job! Ha..hahah..ha..ha.... get it? Hell? iD? Doom 3? no? I'll get my coat.
Shuzer said:
I do believe that's iD's job! Ha..hahah..ha..ha.... get it? Hell? iD? Doom 3? no? I'll get my coat.
That can go in the terrible puns thread Shuzer.
The nipple-thingie got my vote :devil:
I really like the screams, cause they add more to the zombies..
But it could be so much cool'er IF you also could hear the little Headcrap scream.. or make a sound o_O that would be awesome.

Then you have the Human emotion, and the Alien Emotion in one place... Maybe that would make everybody happy eh?

Edit: I just realised this is my first post.. and I joined all the way back in july last year o_O
Gojin said:
Are the zombies still scientists? if so, don't most scientists not believe in God? (Zombie screams "AHHH GOD NO!") Just throwin' out questions no one really cares about :p

I don't think anyone is still an atheist when they have a lump of alien fats lodged to their faces.
Your only saying that because you believe in God. I'm sure many atheists don't say "Oh my God" just due to the fact that they'd get called on that a lot, and also just because they don't. I'm not atheist, I'm on the fence for now, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't say that. Anyone confirm?
I like to say "Oh my Buddha!" even though I'm not Buddhist.

I don't know if that helps you out in any way, though :)
It's a start ;) hehe

Edit: Great Futurama quote from Bender: "Oh your God!"
Gojin said:
Your only saying that because you believe in God.

Well, actually, I don't. But that isn't the point.

Back to the topic, yep, screaming zombies are cool, it really adds to the creepiness. I hope I'm not the only one who's bored of the few wave files played whenever a zombies gets hit in HL1.
Well either way it's all just opinion based on what someone would say, so I guess those scientists all share the same opinion. Kinda weird, but oh well. Don't wanna be too realistic.
Of course someone who doesn't believe in God could say "Oh my God" (or any variation of that)... it's such a common phrase in movies and TV, and in daily life, that it's probably said more out of habit than anything. Often when people say it, they're not consciously adressing God himself, they are just saying something to express their shock or disbelief.

By definition I guess I'm an atheist, but from time to time I've used the phrase.
Im sure the parent violence lock would be helpfull for ladies like you playing the game with a weak stomach.

It would probably change it so you light one on fire and he calmly mentions "Oh dear it seems ive caught alight - bad form on my part there chaps pardon me for a moment while i expire."
I like them because it kreeps me out. Yes, it is very offputting. I still sometimes get chills from hearing them in the E3 video. But I think that's what makes the experience so great. I mean, they they did use to be human. They were once your colleagues, or some other ally.

What's even more disturbing is that it seems like the host is still conscious in some way. A headcrab really doesn't have much use for the English language, now does it? And so although the headcrab is driving the body, the human mind underneath it is going through agonizing pain as he helplessly does nothing as his body is twisted apart through evolution, or Gordon sets him aflame.

Yeah, it's not pretty or nice to think about. But this is Half-Life we're talking about. Not everything's all lollipops and sunshine.
Really freaky... I like it. Probably means I'll headshot most of the poor bastards, though...

I don't think the new zoms are scientists, BTW...
it's pretty sick, but it is a zombie on fire so the poor guy's suffering... they fit well.
Rupertvdb said:
it's pretty sick, but it is a zombie on fire so the poor guy's suffering... they fit well.

I think the host doesn't feel a thing once a headcrab is latched on to his head. I mean they do get cut in half without flinching.
I lurv that sound , it makes u think....that wos once a person... :)
Gojin said:
Your only saying that because you believe in God. I'm sure many atheists don't say "Oh my God" just due to the fact that they'd get called on that a lot, and also just because they don't. I'm not atheist, I'm on the fence for now, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't say that. Anyone confirm?

I can't speak for others of course, but I'm an atheist yet still use the word God in expressions. I've never seen a reason to try to break the habbit.
No i dident turn off, it makes my nippels hard :D:D
Logic said:
The zombie screaming sounds are bold and memorable. The idea of a game like HL2 is to create an atmosphere that draws you in, and makes you, if only for an instant, believe that you are experiencing it. The fact that these sounds make some people momentarily consider that they are in fact killing a human being, and are disturbed by it, is nothing but a good thing. There are plenty of games in which you can kill human beings in cold blood and think absolutely nothing of it.. it's a big step forward for gaming if even a few people question the morality of inflicting pain on game characters who are essentially already dead. The game doesn't force morality down your throught, nor does it disreguard it altogether, ala carmageddon or a million other games.. instead you are presented with an immersive experience in the hope that you will be drawn in enough to have your own moral reactions to things.

I couldn't possibly have said it better myself. Although...

urseus said:
It would probably change it so you light one on fire and he calmly mentions "Oh dear it seems ive caught alight - bad form on my part there chaps pardon me for a moment while i expire." another brilliant option! :LOL:

(or not!)
I dunno.... can't say they ever turned me on...
i think it's freaky but cool... whatever, it doesn't bother me.
When I first heard the zombie start to scream, I grimmaced thinking "poor ****er", and then I grimmaced more when a couple of plebs in the audience found that hilarious.

I'll be headshotting them, but not if I need the ammo, same as always : >

Can always run past them like the guy tried to do, or a saw through the headcrab should do alright I guess.
If you're convinced by the human nature of pixels on a screen representing zombies not to set them on fire, you've understood what makes HL2 so important.
The screaming zombies is a nice touch, cause they sounds like humans so they still have a human quality and like was said you almost feel sorry for them.
I think the screams are awesome. I also think because it's a bit unsettling for some people is exaclty the point of why it works.

You feel sorry for them, they were once good people, perhaps friends. Remember the Hound Eyes? Always made me a bit sad to kill them because they sounded so pityful.

But these are the things which make you get into the game and have some feelings (good or bad). It's similar to reading a good book and your favorite character gets killed off (or something bad happens to them). You get sad or angry and you wish whomever was responsible would "pay".

Imagine...having strong feelings (one way or the other) over a zombie in a computer game! Those are the small little touches which will make the game better IMO.


Side note...I didn't read every single message, but I didn't notice a single person mention feeling bad for actually killing HUMANS in HL1. Sure the soldiers were attacking you, but so are the zombies. Yet just the sheer agonizing wail of a dead man who's become a zombie has evoked strong emotion. I think that speaks volumes about what atmosphere and sound can do for a game.