Anyone gone back to play normal CS?


Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
I did yesterday. GOOD GOD it sucks in comparison! I can't stand looking at those graphics after playing Source. Quite an experience. I'm too spoiled now I suppose.
I still love regular CS. Both are good but if I had to choose Id go with regular.
I left behind the one dimensional mouse twitchfest of CS long ago - the only thing that makes CS:S even remotely interesting in revisiting that old game style is the new Source engine graphics. However, once you factor in the wierd physics and the really bad netcode/hitboxes it completely loses any appeal.
AgentSmith said:
I left behind the one dimensional mouse twitchfest of CS long ago - the only thing that makes CS:S even remotely interesting in revisiting that old game style is the new Source engine graphics. However, once you factor in the wierd physics and the really bad netcode/hitboxes it completely loses any appeal.

Yes, you the dumb. My english are bad.
it's not just thw physics and the graphics - the game is faster and therefore way more fun.

i played regular cs yesterday and it totally suxx00red.
Source has the best netcode to date, weird physics; how so? However, I do agree on hitboxes, they do need a lot of work on them.
Oxygenetic said:
Source has the best netcode to date, weird physics; how so? However, I do agree on hitboxes, they do need a lot of work on them.

The netcode is simply terrible - how can you even say it is the best when all it does it what Quake 2 games did (small maps, no vehicles, small player counts, no advanced weapon physics, etc)? Sometimes I really wonder if CS people have any idea what other games out there are capable of, whether you like them of not you simply cannot deny that far move advanced games are out there (gameplay and otherwise). The hitbox issue is most probably an issue with the netcode, certainly I would bet they can be designed better but the problem with them not matching up is more networking issue than design.

As for the physics that is another obvious one - move into an object and watch it push you away, get near a wall and get push away or get that stuck thing. The physics look good but if you intereact with them with anything but a ranged weapon they are terribly unrealistic and even annotinh and detrimental to play.
agent smith,

i think everyone knows that there are more advanced games compared to CS, but CS is just fun. its not realistic, and its fast paced...just what i like. i mean i like realistic games ( example AA), but i hate waiting 5 minutes to play after i die. cs:S is still the fast paced game it was last year, but now it just looks better.
agent smith, if you didn't know, which you didn't, they took out real physics in CSS so that it wouldn't lag as much, wait until HL2, if it doesn't change then we know it sucks...
I still love 1.6 at 640x480 with no aa or af and a custom config.

Besides, I have to beacuse I'm in a clan.
AgentSmith said:
The netcode is simply terrible - how can you even say it is the best when all it does it what Quake 2 games did (small maps, no vehicles, small player counts, no advanced weapon physics, etc)? Sometimes I really wonder if CS people have any idea what other games out there are capable of, whether you like them of not you simply cannot deny that far move advanced games are out there (gameplay and otherwise). The hitbox issue is most probably an issue with the netcode, certainly I would bet they can be designed better but the problem with them not matching up is more networking issue than design.

As for the physics that is another obvious one - move into an object and watch it push you away, get near a wall and get push away or get that stuck thing. The physics look good but if you intereact with them with anything but a ranged weapon they are terribly unrealistic and even annotinh and detrimental to play.

Physics in CS:S arnt that bad at all! Sometimes there are strange ragdolls but thats about all there is! The other physics are fine, and there not used so much that the change the gameplay too much. The grahpics are great, it IS a little bit faster, runs EXTREMELY well for its graphics, and what are you talking about w/ the netcode? CSS has great Netcode. Sure it might not be the best, but its still good! And there really isnt "low player counts". Ive seen a game w/ around 40 something people w/ a ping of 100. Not bad for that number w/ these graphics!

And yes, Ive played many other games out there, and no, Im not a fanboy (just ahead of time in case you try to use that). Sure, there are like 4 games out at the moment w/ better graphics and at least moderate gameplay. Physics are all the same or worse, and they just aren't as fun.

The point is I dont get what you getting at.
I have, but I have updated models for just about everything... all custom, high poly nice looking models, some of which make the CS:S ones look like doom guns on an atari 2600.

however, I still love CS:S more because its so much fun to be in a map while someone is shooting at you and see debris from just about everything flying around you only for you to put a desert eagle shot in his head and watch those ragdolls fly.

much fun.

but I still love both
Haven't gone back to 1.6 unless I had a reason.
The old HL engine feels so B-rated after playing source. Playing condition zero felt weird, and then playing on source felt so natural. I <3 source. I dont see how people think its dated. Its the most photorealistic engine out IMO.
I actually installed CZ + CS earlier today for the first time, i had only played CS:S before that. I thought they were a lot of fun, but definately worse than CS:S (and i'm not talking visually i'm talking general feel etc..) i remember reading a post on here or possibly at steampowred where someone said the new animations were terrible compared to CS+CZ, i have to say i dont know what that person was smoking because the animations were pure crap.

Overall though i can understand why some people would prefer CS because it definately does have its own appeal, from my n00b perspective anyway. But i'd be hard pressed to ever consider it better, it didnt even seem as polished as i had been led to believe, the hit detection seemed just as pissed as CS:S imo.