anyone here in the MILITARY??? please serious ppl only.


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
hi, i was wondering if anyone here was in ANY branch of the military. i'd like to ask a few questions.

1. how was your experience in the military? Good? Bad? do you regret it?

2. did the military give you the discipline you needed? or did it build your character in any way.

3.what branch of military are you? army? marines? navy?

4. when your active duty was served, did you re-enlist? and why.

5. is the military like the movies?? like do they call you racist names and stuff like that during boot camp?

6. ok before i ask this, let me clarify.. I DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING against gay people.
i assume that when you shower, your basically in a big shower room with a bunch of other people taking showers at the same time. like i said, i do not have anything against gay people, but in all honesty, i would feel wierd in the shower knowing that their might be some gay people there. so my question is, did any of you feel weird or bothered by gays in the military?
I'm in the Air Marshall Cadet Marines, and it's just ace.
but in all honesty, i would feel wierd in the shower knowing that their might be some gay people there. so my question is, did any of you feel weird or bothered by gays in the military?

And you also run the risk of starting like what you see in those showers :naughty:
LOL I didn't read that last part about the gay people. No gays are allowed in the military.

Well, not the obvious ones :naughty:
I wanted to get drafted, but the bastards at the "duty department" turned me down. We're doing some huge cuts in our military. They say there're no potential threats to our nation, but before you know it, the red Satan in the east will have risen again. We're gonna have to be prepared for that. I'm serious, I don't trust Putin one bit.
"Wanted to be drafted"

Well there's always the volunteers.
"Wanted to be drafted"

Well there's always the volunteers.
Not here.

6. ok before i ask this, let me clarify.. I DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING against gay people.
i assume that when you shower, your basically in a big shower room with a bunch of other people taking showers at the same time. like i said, i do not have anything against gay people, but in all honesty, i would feel wierd in the shower knowing that their might be some gay people there. so my question is, did any of you feel weird or bothered by gays in the military?
How did you manage that in school after the gym?
I wanted to get drafted, but the bastards at the "duty department" turned me down. We're doing some huge cuts in our military. They say there're no potential threats to our nation, but before you know it, the red Satan in the east will have risen again. We're gonna have to be prepared for that. I'm serious, I don't trust Putin one bit.

Ya rly man, Finland has the same thoughts about the "red satan" and I think Finland is renewing its military. And that's why I have to go to the military.
Ya rly man, Finland has the same thoughts about the "red satan" and I think Finland is renewing its military. And that's why I have to go to the military.
Finlands sak ?r v?r! We really should've helped Finland against the vicious bolsheviks during WWII, but we were such cowards.

Join a Paramilitary then taxman.
I guess I could always join the Hemv?rnet.

EDIT: Godammit, will someone please fix this shit!
5. is the military like the movies?? like do they call you racist names and stuff like that during boot camp?

I am not in the military but my bro is. I also was very close to enlisting but was turned down at the last second so I know a good deal about the military.

It is absolutely not like the movies. Drill seargents can't lay a finger on you. THey will cuss you out but they back their harassment up by complimenting you when you do something good. Also every branch is guaranteed 8 hours of sleep during boot camp every night, except the first few maybe.

Basic training will be hell, it sucks for every branch. Basic isn't that long though, 1 month for most branches, 3 for marines. The first few weeks are the worst while you get used to the new lifestyle your in. After that it becomes routine and is much much easier.

6. ok before i ask this, let me clarify.. I DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING against gay people.
i assume that when you shower, your basically in a big shower room with a bunch of other people taking showers at the same time. like i said, i do not have anything against gay people, but in all honesty, i would feel wierd in the shower knowing that their might be some gay people there. so my question is, did any of you feel weird or bothered by gays in the military?

You do have to have group showers, but you get about 15 seconds to shower before the water turns off, so even if there are gay people there is absolutely no time to check other people out as you don't even have enough time to wash. My bro said it was akward at first but you get used to it and learn to not care.
Not here.

How did you manage that in school after the gym?

Well I don't know how it is over there but here there are NO SHOWERS in school and even if we did I would rather eat my own liver then get naked in front of those bastards.
Well I don't know how it is over there but here there are NO SHOWERS in school and even if we did I would rather eat my own liver then get naked in front of those bastards.

Really? Here it's one big, open room with showers along the walls. In the lower grades (like up to 8 years old) boys and girls usually showered together. I guess it would cause an outrage if something like that took place in America.
Really? Here it's one big, open room with showers along the walls. In the lower grades (like up to 8 years old) boys and girls usually showered together. I guess it would cause an outrage if something like that took place in America.
Get punctuation noob.

Is that all you have to contribute?

For the original poster... I highly doubt being in the military is like the movies. Generally you won't find all the glory you see in hollywood, and for the most part, your military life will be incredibly dull except in the event you get called to war.
I am not in the military but my bro is. I also was very close to enlisting but was turned down at the last second so I know a good deal about the military.

It is absolutely not like the movies. Drill seargents can't lay a finger on you. THey will cuss you out but they back their harassment up by complimenting you when you do something good. Also every branch is guaranteed 8 hours of sleep during boot camp every night, except the first few maybe.

Basic training will be hell, it sucks for every branch. Basic isn't that long though, 1 month for most branches, 3 for marines. The first few weeks are the worst while you get used to the new lifestyle your in. After that it becomes routine and is much much easier.

You do have to have group showers, but you get about 15 seconds to shower before the water turns off, so even if there are gay people there is absolutely no time to check other people out as you don't even have enough time to wash. My bro said it was akward at first but you get used to it and learn to not care.

thanks for the info man, you're like one of the only mature people here. anyways i should of known better than to ask a serious question here on the halflife forums.
thanks for the info man, you're like one of the only mature people here. anyways i should of known better than to ask a serious question here on the halflife forums.
If you'd bother to use proper ****ing words and use capitals you'd get more respectful answers.

If I walked into your ****ing house(internet) naked (No Avatar or Sig)
and started saying "yeh mate, I wanna no 'ow I can join da army innit"
You wouldn't give me helpful advice would you? You'd be: get the **** out of my house, get some ****ing clothes on and talk in ****ing English.
this thread is much more funny if you read the OP with a Gomer Pyle accent


You do have to have group showers, but you get about 15 seconds to shower before the water turns off, so even if there are gay people there is absolutely no time to check other people out as you don't even have enough time to wash. My bro said it was akward at first but you get used to it and learn to not care.

I would be inclined to think that if you are not well endowed, your fellow trainees are going to laugh.
If you'd bother to use proper ****ing words and use capitals you'd get more respectful answers.

If I walked into your ****ing house(internet) naked (No Avatar or Sig)
and started saying "yeh mate, I wanna no 'ow I can join da army innit"
You wouldn't give me helpful advice would you? You'd be: get the **** out of my house, get some ****ing clothes on and talk in ****ing English.
Do you have your period, or what? Give the man a break!
My half brother in law (Yeah I'm from one of THOSE families) just retired from the army, the Royal Signals with a bad back and a load of money for his retirement and compensation. WHEY

My half niece is about to join, and because she loves psychical and mental challenges she loves it. You have to WANT to do it to enjoy it.

So many people use it as a last resort and become bitter because if it. They'll be the ones making the penis comments.

Edit, how do you spell psychical?
If you'd bother to use proper ****ing words and use capitals you'd get more respectful answers.

If I walked into your ****ing house(internet) naked (No Avatar or Sig)
and started saying "yeh mate, I wanna no 'ow I can join da army innit"
You wouldn't give me helpful advice would you? You'd be: get the **** out of my house, get some ****ing clothes on and talk in ****ing English. is not your house. Stop being an idiot and trying to start arguments. is not your house. Stop being an idiot and trying to start arguments.

Heh. If it's either of their houses, it's the OP's moreso than Solaris. The OP has been here much longer.

Hell. He's been here longer than me!
hi, i was wondering if anyone here was in ANY branch of the military. i'd like to ask a few questions.

6. ok before i ask this, let me clarify.. I DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING against gay people.
i assume that when you shower, your basically in a big shower room with a bunch of other people taking showers at the same time. like i said, i do not have anything against gay people, but in all honesty, i would feel wierd in the shower knowing that their might be some gay people there. so my question is, did any of you feel weird or bothered by gays in the military?

if you are worried about this - then I cant believe that you will be brave enough to dodge bullets if you are to scared to shower. grow up.
6. ok before i ask this, let me clarify.. I DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING against gay people.
i assume that when you shower, your basically in a big shower room with a bunch of other people taking showers at the same time. like i said, i do not have anything against gay people, but in all honesty, i would feel wierd in the shower knowing that their might be some gay people there. so my question is, did any of you feel weird or bothered by gays in the military?

yea totally man...

and sometimes when I'm in a restaurant, I felt weird because I felt like there might be gay people in there... I don't think they should allow gays in restaurants either.

When I was at the Elemendorf Airforce base, we used to go to the military pool there. They'd have showerrooms where all the men would take their showers before going into the pool and after.

I was worried about all the guys seeing my wang. I gave no thought at that age whether they were straight or gay. I was only 10-13 at the time.
If you'd bother to use proper ****ing words and use capitals you'd get more respectful answers.

If I walked into your ****ing house(internet) naked (No Avatar or Sig)
and started saying "yeh mate, I wanna no 'ow I can join da army innit"
You wouldn't give me helpful advice would you? You'd be: get the **** out of my house, get some ****ing clothes on and talk in ****ing English.

dude you haven't been here a year yet, and you already have 5,600 post?

well im sure you have perfect grammer and spelling in all those 5,600 post.

i didn't even come close to saying anything like
"yeh mate, I wanna no 'ow I can join da army innit".
dude you haven't been here a year yet, and you already have 5,600 post?

well im sure you have perfect grammer and spelling in all those 5,600 post.

i didn't even come close to saying anything like
"yeh mate, I wanna no 'ow I can join da army innit".

It's just his way of telling you he hates soldiers.

I've not been in the military, though I would be if I wasn't medically disqualified. It really depends what you want out of life, doesn't it? When you can name the five key concepts you want your life to be defined by, you should be able to decide whether or not the military is for you (at least, as a career - I think a three or four year stint in the military would be beneficial to almost anybody). If not...tell me what your five are and I'll help ya out. :angel:
I'm joining the Territorial Army (not sure what the American equivilent to that is) next year sometime for the Armoured Corps and then, if I like it, I'll either join the Army Royal Armoured Corps or the Royal Engineers for full-time. I say full-time, I mean more than you do for the TA which is every Tuesday night and most weekends.

Still deciding. I've been told theres loads of benefits from the engineers, which there are, but there's just as much for the Armoured Corps, surprisingly.
Americans in general are really wierd about nudity. Just look at the reaction to Janet Jackson. OMG she has tits, that's obscene. I never would have guessed that she has the same anatomy as every other single ****ing woman in the world. Most everywhere else in the world people know what naked people look like and don't get bothered by it. Most of Europe has nude beaches. In Japan you go to the hot springs naked and it's really relaxing to be completely separated from everything else in the world.
1. how was your experience in the military? Good? Bad? do you regret it?
I don't regret it, but it wasn't particularly fun either. It's basically a lot of boring sprinkled with small bits of excitement. And if you're in the Navy at least, no matter what your job description is, you're going to be a janitor.
2. did the military give you the discipline you needed? or did it build your character in any way.
I joined right after high school, so it did teach me independence and gave me some responsibilities. Discipline? That's for Marines. :P
3.what branch of military are you? army? marines? navy?
I was in the Navy, stationed on the USS John C. Stennis in San Diego as a nuclear reactor operator.
4. when your active duty was served, did you re-enlist? and why.
No, by that time I had figured out that I wanted to do game design for a living, and had already gotten a job offer the previous year so I knew I had the talent for it.
5. is the military like the movies?? like do they call you racist names and stuff like that during boot camp?
LOL! No. Hell no. It's nowhere near as exciting as the movies.
6. ok before i ask this, let me clarify.. I DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING against gay people.
i assume that when you shower, your basically in a big shower room with a bunch of other people taking showers at the same time. like i said, i do not have anything against gay people, but in all honesty, i would feel wierd in the shower knowing that their might be some gay people there. so my question is, did any of you feel weird or bothered by gays in the military?
Are you serious? :| If you have to start out a sentence by saying "I have nothing against...", then you do have something against them.

Also every branch is guaranteed 8 hours of sleep during boot camp every night, except the first few maybe.
Err... when did this happen? :dozey: