Anyone lost interest?


Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
I used to be a complete HL/HL2 fanboy and I cant beleive im actually saying this, but Ive now lost complete interest in the game, it doesnt even look that good anymore and I really have no excitement about it whatsoever, hopefully when it comes out my attitude will have reversed, anyone feel the same?
It's not a lover. It's not a wife. It's just a god damn game.
I'm certainly sick of the BS that VALVe keeps throwing at us, but I for one will be the geek at the front door of best buy at 8:45 ready to buy the game the day it's released.
Well to me its not just a god damn game, but the first game I have ever been so excited about. And that excitement wont go away until it's finally released.
But when they release, all shall be forgiven.

Besides, it's only a game (although it is THE game :E).
nope and all ive been doing for the last couple of weeks is looking at the web sites and forums like today the only thing ive done is been on here all day talking about hl2 i carnt believe how long today ive actually been on here
TripleB-SM- said:
Anyone lost interest?

Yep. Valve has really been a letdown. And it's obvious that they know how we feel. They read these boards, and many others as well. Yet they do nothing to fix their bad PR, and over all communications.
I pretty much have the same level of interest as I did back when HL2 was revealed in PC Zone.

I'm just patient. :)
I haven't lost interest, but I certainly have edited my optimism.

But, that only has to do with a release date and not with the game itself. I still think the game will be outstanding. I certainly will still be getting it the first second it comes out.
Agreed, it is only a game, but Doom 3 was such a disappointment, now I'm hoping VALVe will come through for us with a game that'll actually keep me interested and now wanting to smash my keyboard over my head... figuretively speaking of course :E
I was never really hyped about Half Life 2, cause I know from past experiences that if you go with the hype you will most likely end up dissapointed when you play the real game.

But all these delays are making me lose interest too..
i wish everyone would just shut the **** up moaning and wait for the game patiently...the sun is shining outside...bask in its glory instead of hanging about for 24 hours a day watching for news of gold. valve are working their hardest so cut them some slack.
I suppose I'm tired of the hype. I think I'll just stop thinking about it until its actually released.
I wouldn't say I've completely lost interest.. Faith in it ever turning up maybe, and the fact it couldn't hope now to live up to the hype. It's just a game and one thats not half as advanced as it was meant to be :(

Oh well, role on HL3 :p
RoyaleWithCheese said:
Well to me its not just a god damn game, but the first game I have ever been so excited about. And that excitement wont go away until it's finally released.


however, the bs that has come from valve is really starting to piss me off now. they've cried wolf so many times now, no one knows whether to believe what they say anymore. they say shipping will be on the 15th sep, and i for one dont know if i should believe that.

anyway, i will still buy through steam and love the game, but my excitement has gone to ****. im not that bothered about it any more. 'hl2 delayed again' could be the new headline on this site, and i would just shrug and look at something else.

but thats just me.
I've lost interest in anything valve says, if they shoved a copy of HL2 down my top I still would'nt beileve its released, but I've not lost interest in hl2 itself, I'll be buying it when it finaly comes out.
pingu said:
I used to be a complete HL/HL2 fanboy and I cant beleive im actually saying this, but Ive now lost complete interest in the game, it doesnt even look that good anymore and I really have no excitement about it whatsoever, hopefully when it comes out my attitude will have reversed, anyone feel the same?

i have, 90% of it anyway. I still check back here occasionally for some reason.

I'll play the game
KagePrototype said:
I pretty much have the same level of interest as I did back when HL2 was revealed in PC Zone.

I'm just patient. :)
I agree with KagePrototype. People need to learn more patience and resolve in my opinion rather than whinging about how valve has ruined their half life 2 experience already.

arcy said:
I'll play the game, but I won't be giving Valve a cent (I encourage others to do the same).
You, my good man, are an asshat for making that statement...stfu.
I get excited every once in a while. Some really awesome games are coming out between now and Christmas, so I really won't freak when Valve delays HL2 again. GTA San Andreas, NFSU 2, Burnout 3, and Sims 2 are my personal favs.

Doom 3 was a little bit of a disappointment. I waited for that game for two years! I guess Id never thought that a scary game like that would'nt have much replay value. The MP is good, but it follows a pattern. First person with the rocket launcher is going to win. People like rocket launchers alot in Doom 3 for some reason. Hmmm. Farcry's MP is really fun. I've been playing it since June and still find a lot of excitment and fun within it.
Now that I've started my first year at college, I feel like I have better stuff to do now. I haven't really payed any attention to these forums lately. I'm sure when it does come out though I'll be one of the first in line..
Seriously, anyone who reads these forums has not 'lost interest'.
Presumably, those people who've lost interest aren't here paying attention to this board.
I hav lost a litle of interest but I still fan of the game and still waiting for HL2

I think that the way to up the "Hype" is that valve release atleast new screenshots whit new content
cuz everitime we see something NEW we get excited

for that reason I see screenshots of the beta leaked, the first time I wacht beta screems I get a lot excited
Put it this way, i wont cry if the game never comes out.

with RTW and other games like DOW and COD expac coming this month i realy dont care when HL2 comes anymore.
Dougy said:
Put it this way, i wont cry if the game never comes out.

with RTW and other games like DOW and COD expac coming this month i realy dont care when HL2 comes anymore.
If you don't care atall, why are you here still, and posting in a HL2 thread saying that you don't care if it ever comes out? :p

Atleast the others still care to some extent.
I am actually more intrested now than ever, I was really intrested before, but the wait has given me more time to find out more about the features, I think it will be the best game ever... until HL3.
well, i'm in a good situation right now!
i heard last year that hl2 is in development, but only recently (half a month ago) i became interested in hl2 (i barely knew it existed before)!
so i know about 10% of what you know about hl2 right now!
it's all new for me, so i don't realy have an opinion about hl2!
i'm sure the game will rock big time! :p
hey that a true quote from gabe..or u just making it up..the one about 12000 email or something...the scary thing is i believe it..and no i havent lost interest ..seeing as how i come on here everyday for any scraps of just getting antsy..its been a long time coming for this game...and i cant wait to hear about the hl2 multiplayer...(hoping cs:s isnt it)oh myyy the possiblilities :angel:
Funny you mention HL2 doesnt look as good anymore and that you were a HL fan because HL never looked that good to begin with, the graphics were already dated when it came out.

And to Arcy who encouraged people to warez HL2 because you don't like the developement cycle I ROTFL at your simple mind.
*shrugs* I'll bet all the ppl who say they dont care anymore will still be falling over each other to buy it when the game is finaly released.
I for one am still very excited and look forward to play some HL2 (eventually).
Someone said:
I haven't lost interest, but I certainly have edited my optimism.

But, that only has to do with a release date and not with the game itself. I still think the game will be outstanding. I certainly will still be getting it the first second it comes out.

This is the best post in the whole forum right now a) because it totally is what i was gonna say to the T and b) because it is reasonable!!!!

To those who say it shall now be shit take note! e.g. the guy who started the game looks shit? well it got you buzzing before, what has possibly changed? that's right, some time has passed. Jeez.
Not really.

Stilll gonna be the first inline :D
If you think about it, anyone that has lost interest wouldn't be here and wouldn't post so... anyway

Im still lookin forward to it as much as ever
I was much more exited after the game was announced back in E3, but after the delay my interest has fallen quite a bit. I guess it will come back when the game is finally released ..

To keep the interest we need some new bink-vids.
I think the game looks better than the first day I looked at it simply because of the fact that they've made some minor changes that really top the game off. I honestly haven't found one thing in the movies released and the screen shots that make me frown. Everything about the game, the detail, the movement, the sound... absolutely everything is flawless and perfect.

So, for all of you who think that the game doesn't look good anymore, or all of you who have 'lost interest', take a polaroid of yourself when you blow your load the first time you load up the game. You know you will. :flame:

Show me a game that even comes CLOSE to the amount of detail we see in Counter Strike: Source. Yeah, I thought so. Now show me a game that comes close to HL2... yeah.. that's right. Who needs to shut up and let VALVe do there thing?
The Dark Elf said:
It's just a game and one thats not half as advanced as it was meant to be :(
Which promise will it break?