Anyone lost interest?

The Mistress said:
I've lost interest in anything valve says, if they shoved a copy of HL2 down my top I still would'nt beileve its released, but I've not lost interest in hl2 itself, I'll be buying it when it finaly comes out.

and sold that copy on ebay :naughty: :laugh:

i was like KagePrototype and am still to some extent but i gotta admit, i am a bit annoyed at all the miscalculations/missed dates Valve have managed.

does this mean i am an angry HL fan and will warez the game when its available? no...of course i will get it.. tho i can admit here like i did in another thread.. the game has lost some of its luster.

it will still be a great game :)
waiting patiently.. cant wait to play it, but im not going to cry if it comes out december or anything.. i wouldnt now.. nor did i when it was delayed from september 2003 to april
leadfish said:
You, my good man, are an asshat for making that statement...stfu.
And what an intelligent statement you make here. Please take care not to use this kind of attitude towards other members because frankly, it makes you look like the asshat.
I must say I was a lot more interested a year ago, at this point I just check phl and every few days to see if valve has decided to release a bullshit press release again.
I have lost interest, but I think that just because I realised that its probably the smart thing to do with all the spoilers going arround..

That and the amount of school work I have to do.... :(

That reminds me... :'( Cya...
sometimes i wish i could lose interest, but then i think about the SDK and possibilities i and others will explore with that. valves continuing support of adding new features to the engine for newer video cards not to mention new content they will produce for availability on steam to make the subscription worthwhile. all the cool user-made mods that will spring forth.

and of course the SP version of hl2 itself. but i suppose im talking about the whole package of what hl2's release entails. thats what gets me stoked about it
Narcolepsy's Rubber Band Theory

Imagine your brain as a gigantic rubber band. From September 30th, your brains have been streched out further and further, creating unbearable tension. And it seems that with the word "November," the rubber bands of many have snapped with violent force. Violent anticipation turns to a complete lack of interest (just as tension suddenly erupts into a complete absence of itself).

Thus, why many are losing interest. But, does your brain have to be streched? Instead of resisting against all of these aneurism-inducing PR exercising, just play along. It is just a game, after all. Remember, anticipation will probably be the most enjoyable aspect of this game, after all. There is no possible way it could live up to ALL of the expectations. Violent anticipation becomes the antithesis of itself, but a middle ground will stay relatively constant. I suggest the latter.
Nobody has lost interest in this game, if people had actually lost interest, why are they on a HL2 forum looking out for news and posting in threads... everyones interested.
Just what I've been doing the entire time, enjoying the anticipation. I really dont care when it comes out.
True true ... I enjoyed the 2 hours i stood in line for my copy for doom 3 then the game itself . heh. :stare:
How does anyone say "I've lost interest in HL2" in a HL2 forum?
New thread idea. Poll: Who here reads forums?
kiwii said:
True true ... I enjoyed the 2 hours i stood in line for my copy for doom 3 then the game itself . heh. :stare:

I enjoyed walking into best buy on august 3rd, walking right up and grabbing a copy sitting among about 80 others, then buying and walking out.

No lines, no nothing (and i came about 12 noon).
Yep, I've lost interest. HL2 will suffer from the same hype Doom 3 encountered recently.
With other games like WoW coming out ive lost a little interest, but will still buy the game ASAP when it comes out.
i purposly lost interest so that anything that comes by seems like magic
CrazyHarij said:
It's not a lover. It's not a wife. It's just a god damn game.

Well we seperated for a time to give each other a bit of space. But I think I've grown strong enough again to bear the burden of waiting for her to come back to me.

pingu said:
thanks for pointing that out but we really cudnt give a shit

...your welcome? :|

If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. A mod has merged a duplicate thread with this one, if you got the wrong idea or something.
No, because if I had lost interest I wouldn't be on these forums wasting my life away. I actually did lose interest/forgot about it for around 10 months (boy did time go by fast) only to be shocked that it still hadn't come out in august '04 lol.
No, i'm still patiently waiting, but am dying for it to come out, for it will be the best game i've played in a long time. I'm waiting for too many games, and really want to play something with the awsomeness of todays techonology. :thumbs:
pingu said:
I used to be a complete HL/HL2 fanboy and I cant beleive im actually saying this, but Ive now lost complete interest in the game, it doesnt even look that good anymore and I really have no excitement about it whatsoever, hopefully when it comes out my attitude will have reversed, anyone feel the same?

Most people who have lost interest have probably left the forums.

.......... :upstare:
right, if u lost interest,

jverne said:
well, i'm in a good situation right now!
i heard last year that hl2 is in development, but only recently (half a month ago) i became interested in hl2 (i barely knew it existed before)!
so i know about 10% of what you know about hl2 right now!
it's all new for me, so i don't realy have an opinion about hl2!
i'm sure the game will rock big time! :P

I wish I was still a HL2 virgin like you. I have been following development from the start. Its been a long, long, oh so long road, but with the end in sight my interest is piqued once again to a certain extent.

I will buy the game the day it is released and love every minute of it. However, I can't help feel sorry for valve for missing the boat on this one a little.

With games like FEAR and Stalker coming in the near future it will really be a test to see how HL2 and the source engine hold up.
arcy said:
I'll play the game, but I won't be giving Valve a cent (I encourage others to do the same).

I'll eat my hat if that originally wasn't hinting to piracy..
i´m ****** fed up.

And surely the game has to be veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery good to spend my money on it.

Doom3 is way better in graphics than this Hl2 and i didn´t borrow it, so...

Valve coud at least release a ****** demo or something.
Yep, i've lost interest, not been in this section for the forums for a while.
Ya, I'm still here for other forums like SLH. :)

Oh, and SLH... I don't remember guessing A, S, B, R, O, and G! :O
It's pretty pathetic how people come here and make the 'I don't care anymore' posts. You obviously do care at least a little because you're reading the forum right now, it's called HL2 General Discussion. If you post in the HL2 discussion forum and say that you don't care about HL2 you're either an attention whore, a liar or someone who has nothing better to do than post on forums for a game that you don't like.
This is the first time I've checked any half life site in weeks... I'm tired of waiting, and you know what? The game would have looked great had it come out over a year ago. But it didn't. Oh well, too bad for Valve, they lose another customer.
so many awesome games are coming out and just came out so yes i have. btw Burnout 3 is AWESOME
I've been patient enough. from what i've seen i'm intersested. doom 3 had no variety other than hell level. i only hope it isn't over-hyped
Lose interest in HL2? Impossible. Valve can delay the game all they want, I'll still be sitting here waiting patiently for my gaming experience to be turned upside down, twisted, and thrown into my face.
SGT Tenor said:
I've been patient enough. from what i've seen i'm intersested. doom 3 had no variety other than hell level. i only hope it isn't over-hyped

Too late - it has been overhyped for quite a while now... There are always going to be the nay-sayers that pick apart the entire game and say things like:

"I can't believe Valve did this"
"I can't believe they didn't include that..."
"The graphics suck..."
"It's not 40 hours long, boo!!"

You can't please all the people all the time. Face it, there are going to be some serious letdowns for people expecting the world from Valve. The game will rock and may set a new benchmark here and there, but will it be genre defining...only time will tell.
Letters said:
Oh, and SLH... I don't remember guessing A, S, B, R, O, and G! :O
heh, was just about to make a dumb reply, then saw your name. :)
I've not as hyped about the game as I used to be but I certainly didn't loose interest.