Anyone lost interest?

(its called freedom of choice, besides where all young here anyway, and games give people security and justification , just as much as maybe you find in whipping it out for your lass, or getting an A in judgementalist studies )

I whole-heartledly agree; my post was intended for those who act as if VALVe is the driving force behind their lives.
Go outside and play kickball.

[Edit: And I'll forgive your thinly-veiled condescending tone. This time :E ]
they probably do play sport, they just dont say :imu:

Edit: And I'll forgive your thinly-veiled condescending tone. This time

:E a thank u
I, for one, think that VALVe sucks for what they're doing to us. They can just take Hald-Life 2 and shove it up their ass. No one's going to buy it anymore. I wish they'd go bankrupt, and take Vivendi with them! :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown:

...Just kidding. That was my impression of all this immature, patientless kiddies posting all these Anti-VALVe and "HL2 is taking too long" things. Honestly, I'm even more hyped up about HL2 then I was when it was supposed to come out a year ago. Maybe that was their plan all along. I have an ATi card, I've played the beta, I have both complete E3 movies in .MOV format, and I have the CS:S Beta. I know that this game will be the best game to come out for a long time to come. Of course, it would have been much more earth-quaking if they had beaten Far Cry and Doom3 and STALKER to going Gold, as we now have something to compare it to. Before, HL2 would have been, well, pretty much uncomparable to anything besides, er...Half-Life, I guess.
While I am content to wait patiently another month (I've already waited a year and a half), I urge VALVe to hurry up from the depths of my heart. Half-Life 2 will be the greatest thing to be created since pickled strawberries.

Ive regained my interest with that last bink, the action looks so sweet.
We have to give Valve a little slack because of all the dam new software that is always coming out. They have probably have had to change alot of stuff. But they should have told consumers about it a couple weeks or a couple months before it comes out not a year or two.
It's kind of good they delayed it..I mean I bet the game would'nt have been as good if it would have released a year ago and we would'nt have gotten to play the CS:S beta..