Anyone need sketcher Or drawer?

well, i would also like to know how much they generally weigh. And what styles you have. I really like long blades and suttle curves in katanas.
yeah sorry i live in england so i cant exactly send one to you.
yeah the wholesalers i get my stuff from do armour like that and some nice helmets n stuff. they also do these awesome electric auto bbgun rifles like m4a1's and p90's which sell for alot.
Just going to mention something... Unless you mean that are you willing to be a sliding piece of furniture and that we may store various brickabrack within you, Please, PLEASE for the LOVE of GOD, Don't use the word Drawer.
wolvesrdogs said:
Just so you know im only 15, so i wouldnt be expecting master art, secondly ill be getting scanner in 2 days ill post some up den.

*Looks at the date*

So...2 days became a month?
Sorry guys still havent got a damn scanner cause of parents. They only way i can take pics is with cam. So yeh, they look worse then they actually are. cant see as much detail. SOrry for the wait. :cheers:
I hate to say this, but anyone who takes literally months to produce a single drawing isn't really destined to be involved with any kind of project.
unless it has been carved into the mighty tablets of fate by the omnipotent god of drawing.