Anyone read about the new Doom3 expansion?

Xenome said:
lol :)

This is gonna be a damn hl2-ripoff lol..

you are right cuz there will be big bugs called antigers and litle things tht eat your head called headspiders
Devil's advocate rather than Hl2 fanboy. But I do think that Id would have used a little more discretion. Hl2's gravity gun could also grab projectiles ( fusion-ball thingies, don't know the name :p ) and by the end of the game could pick NPC's up - so the versatility of Doom3's 'grabber' isn't particularly original.

Either way, c'mon, they're blagging some ideas. Nothing particularly new about that - those who imitate no-one create nothing - I was merely pointing out that Id, known for innovation, have come to rely on other developers for ideas; quite a turnaround, and an interesting discussion point. I'm sure that Id will implement said ideas well, I'm not doubting the quality of the work they do.

As for reporting bashing to moderators, you've come to a Hl2-fan website, so don't expect unbiased opinions.

