Anyone want to have a fitness competition?

Last One In

Aug 24, 2005
Reaction score
Here's the challenge: do some sort of vigorous physical activity, 45 minutes a day, 5 days a week. This can either be sports, cardio, lifting, or whatever gets your rocks off. So anyone down, because I need a challenge I can stick to?
I work 4 hoursa shift, 5 days a week as a busboy... Go out around the tables, load dirty dishes, clen the table, repeate untill tub is full, and when they're full they tip the scales at around 50 pounds. It's really pretty rough.

Does that count? :D
you could try this- start with 10 pushups, then 30 situps, then repeat. Do 7 days a week. each week, dd one to each set, you you should be up to 12 pushups and 32 situps. It seems to be working good for me, I actually have a ripping six pack now- it's just buried under fat. But I can feel it D:
losermeetsworld said:
I work 4 hoursa shift, 5 days a week as a busboy... Go out around the tables, load dirty dishes, clen the table, repeate untill tub is full, and when they're full they tip the scales at around 50 pounds. It's really pretty rough.

Does that count? :D

I did that over the summer.
Tough work, doing that 5 days a week must put you in really good shape.
Last One In said:
Here's the challenge: do some sort of vigorous physical activity, 45 minutes a day, 5 days a week. This can either be sports, cardio, lifting, or whatever gets your rocks off. So anyone down, because I need a challenge I can stick to?
I'm in.
OvA said:
I did that over the summer.
Tough work, doing that 5 days a week must put you in really good shape.

I've been working there 2 years now, doing that :smoking:

I'm of the type of person, I have a lot of body fat, (gut, mostly... see me in the post yer mug topic) and I abhorre anything cardiovascular, but set me in a weight room and I'm a beast. :-p It's from heaving the tubs around... I can bench 270 easy, never really tried to max out latley, and squat almost as much... Stupid German genitics.. Build but no tone... ****
Hmm I am tempted. I am kind of at a loss with excersizing though. I need to go out and buy some weights. Then I can do sit up/push ups in my house and lift weights...but until I get those weights I plan on being lazy some more.
S. Recoil would eat us all alive. And then use our calories to work out some more. So no, I will not get involved in your shameless promotion of cannabilism!
Greatgat said:
S. Recoil would eat us all alive. And then use our calories to work out some more. So no, I will not get involved in your shameless promotion of cannabilism!

but with our added calory boost, it may tip the scales in Norris vs Recoil, to Recoil's side =D.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Ok, starting tomorrow I'll go to the gym, starting at 5:30 in the morning. Later in the afternoon, ill do some freeweights. What is your end of the bargin?

glirk dient said:
Hmm I am tempted. I am kind of at a loss with excersizing though. I need to go out and buy some weights. Then I can do sit up/push ups in my house and lift weights...but until I get those weights I plan on being lazy some more.
you should start going to a gym. You'll want to go when your actually paying money to do it. Trust me, it works like a clock.

losermeetsworld said:
I've been working there 2 years now, doing that

I'm of the type of person, I have a lot of body fat, (gut, mostly... see me in the post yer mug topic) and I abhorre anything cardiovascular, but set me in a weight room and I'm a beast. :-p It's from heaving the tubs around... I can bench 270 easy, never really tried to max out latley, and squat almost as much... Stupid German genitics.. Build but no tone... ****
If you started doing cardio those pounds would melt off. you just gotta mantain the lean mass by doing some form of weight training.
Lol, i'm in, to tell the truth i've slacked off physical in the last few months...about time i got going again.
I'm going to the mountains in north wales next week for 5 days, should cover a good 80 miles or so, snowdon horseshoe in winter should be nice and cold :)

I've got to start working out again, properly.

My current fitness is pretty good but i've lost a lot of muscle.

Do 80 press ups, then 200 sit ups then 10 pull ups all in one go, i just did.
recoil is beast:p

i pay for gym, i woke up this mornig thought, i cant be arsed,

then i thought but i want muscles, and hey impaying for thi! so i went tore up the gym,

going to go up in weights next week again
82 on the pectoral fly should jsst about kill me i thinks:p


If any one coudl give me tips on burning fat it woudl be great, i have a 6 pack but its buried under the begginings of a beer gut, and i wanna kill that,

oh shit i tihnk im going ot pass sout

whitespirit fumes dizzyness must finish psot ahhh
Joims said:
going to go up in weights next week again
82 on the pectoral fly should jsst about kill me i thinks:p
82?? lbs total? or is that a setting on a machine. I can pectoral fly 30kg a side which is 66lbs a side.

Joims said:
If any one coudl give me tips on burning fat it woudl be great, i have a 6 pack but its buried under the begginings of a beer gut, and i wanna kill that
Drink green tea, keep your metabolism up by eating little and often all day and exercising whenever possible.
Eat the right stuff as well.
Last One In said:
Here's the challenge: do some sort of vigorous physical activity, 45 minutes a day, 5 days a week. This can either be sports, cardio, lifting, or whatever gets your rocks off. So anyone down, because I need a challenge I can stick to?

you will lose.
short recoil for the win! :imu:
Okay, everyday, I do:

2x20 Press Ups
1x10 Chin Ups
2x25 Sit-Ups (Intermediate on an exercise bench)
2x15 weights
Hold an advanced Sit-up in mid-air for 30 seconds
10 Front Snap Kicks (Each Leg)
Hold each leg in the air (locked out) for 30 seconds.

I win :p
I meet my gf every 2-3 days of the week. That's exercise, I tell you.
Beerdude26 said:
I meet my gf every 2-3 days of the week. That's exercise, I tell you.
Hmmm, that's an exercise i've never done.
I bet i'd be ace though, with my stammina :)
short recoil said:
82?? lbs total? or is that a setting on a machine. I can pectoral fly 30kg a side which is 66lbs a side.

Drink green tea, keep your metabolism up by eating little and often all day and exercising whenever possible.
Eat the right stuff as well.

82 kilograms:p

41 on each arm woooo!:p

cool, ill get hold of green tea, and im gunna cut my eating down,

(when i get bored i eat:p)

ill just substitue doing sweet FA with school work,,

oh my lifes fun :p

Ta for the heads up recoil:)
my gf will be glad to see me with a few more ripples down stairs:p, but thts a story for another time

EDIT: Beerdude is right, sechs done proper is a killer, really good for abs, and generally upper body too!
Llama said:
Okay, everyday, I do:

2x20 Press Ups
1x10 Chin Ups
2x25 Sit-Ups (Intermediate on an exercise bench)
2x15 weights
Hold an advanced Sit-up in mid-air for 30 seconds
10 Front Snap Kicks (Each Leg)
Hold each leg in the air (locked out) for 30 seconds.

I win :p
your name always reminds me of THIS
Joims said:
82 kilograms:p

41 on each arm woooo!:p
You're joking right? RIGHT?
Are you doing them properly if you are? a lot of people make the mistake of doing their pec flys improperly like chest press (which i can do 45kg a side or so)

If you're not joking then you have stronger pecs than me.
How the **** can anyone lift 45 KG with a chest press / pec fly?
Llama said:
How the **** can anyone lift 45 KG with a chest press / pec fly?

Thats me doing 30kg plus bar per side, which is pretty well my max for pec fly....chest press i do 45kg, the problem isn't doing the actual press it's getting them into position that's the bitch when you havn't got anyone to spot for you.
I really did my back in once when i tried placing them to the side whilst getting off the bench.......90kg on one section of my spine.
You have to be so careful with big weights.
ahh, pectoral fly machine for me,

i dont have the stability to do it free yet tbh


however, i can, lift a washing machine on top of another washing machine:)

thats 73.3 kg!:p up 90 cm
Joims said:
ahh, pectoral fly machine for me,

i dont have the stability to do it free yet tbh
Ah i see, 82 is still pretty reasonable though, i don't bother with machines whatsoever......i maxed out all the ones at my local gym so even if i thought they did good there would be no point in using them.
Free weights are the way to go if you want overall definition, even if the weight is half as much, machines work isolated muscles, freeweights work supporting and grouped muscles as end up stronger and more ripped.
mm, but i wanna get used and sat into a routine with gym, i know freeweights are better, but i waan progress through to them, after getting some stregnth up in muscles, toning cycle with free weights to get stabilisers up to scratch and then start to really pork it:p

ne how im off to sleep now goodnight"
I work on a farm 6 days a week and go to karate training 2 nights a week, and exercise apart from those. I don't think I need much more.
My upper-body strength is decent, but chances are I can jump higher than any of you. I skateboard, so my leg muscles are ripped.
short recoil said:
Hmmm, that's an exercise i've never done.
I bet i'd be ace though, with my stammina :)
Better work those muscles below then, because none of your trained ones will do any good :p
losermeetsworld said:
I've been working there 2 years now, doing that :smoking:

I'm of the type of person, I have a lot of body fat, (gut, mostly... see me in the post yer mug topic) and I abhorre anything cardiovascular, but set me in a weight room and I'm a beast. :-p It's from heaving the tubs around... I can bench 270 easy, never really tried to max out latley, and squat almost as much... Stupid German genitics.. Build but no tone... ****


A lot of body fat? No way.

Bench 270? No way.
Glo-Boy said:

A lot of body fat? No way.

Bench 270? No way.
He was just about to eat that snowball, and then shit out a turd the size of Kansas that would create an enormous snowball, which he would pick up and use as weights.
Well, day 1. I neither made it for a run this morning o nor did I do any sort of freeweights. Hell, I didn't even eat healthy, which is the baseline for any sort of fitness program. I'll go tomorrow though for sure. So the score for me is: laziness-3(bad eating, no cardio, no FW's), Me-0. Gotta take that lead,
I'm actually quite curious.

How many pressups can you do in a row short recoil?

i.e without a break, whats your limit?

Same with situps..

At my peak I could do 125 pressups in a row, though admitadly the last like 20 are a lil shakey...
Now I can probably do 100...

My stamina is appalling mind, shockingly bad... I need to sort that out before I go to my next kickboxin competition methinks :p

Good test to see how strong you are:
Do a one handed pressup with your hand on the floor faceing inwards (ie if you have you left hand on the floor the fingers should point to the right.) the other hand behind your back. Now put a coin between two fingers on your hand on the floor and try to pick it out with your teeth...

I can do it, just!
I ran 5.2 miles in 34minutes 50seconds yesterday in the freezing cold when i was coming down with the flu. No one on here could do that.
short recoil said:
Lol, i'm in, to tell the truth i've slacked off physical in the last few months...about time i got going again.
I'm going to the mountains in north wales next week for 5 days, should cover a good 80 miles or so, snowdon horseshoe in winter should be nice and cold :)

I've got to start working out again, properly.

My current fitness is pretty good but i've lost a lot of muscle.

Do 80 press ups, then 200 sit ups then 10 pull ups all in one go, i just did.

Hmm I dont have a prob with the 200 sit ups I do that every night..but 80 pushups all in one go is harder lol...
Razor said:
I ran 5.2 miles in 34minutes 50seconds yesterday in the freezing cold when i was coming down with the flu. No one on here could do that.
I can.
The other day i ran 15 miles in freezing cold (there was ice), i can't say i timed myself but it was somewhere around 2 hrs, this included up and down a mile long hill.
I was wearing combat trousers and a gym top.

Despite being a big bloke running is my forte, i'm like a dodge ram srt-10, big and chunky but so much power i can accelerate like a jap sports car. (but yeah, i guzzle the calories and burn the boots)
betcha Im a better sprinter than you though :p

(For my age atleast :p)
I do these exercises every day with a 6 kg weight.

2x35 Biceps
2x25 Triceps
2x25 Shoulder