Anyone who says they won't buy Half Life 2 if another delay occurs...

ive also heard this one, which is entirely plausable...

"im not going to buy the game because by the time it is released, at least 100 different groups will have figured out what the key to decrypt the preload is. i'd rather play a cracked version than give two untrustworthy companies my money."
T.H.C.138 said:
where did all these negative nancy's come from?
"blah I will not buy the game"..."blah this whole thing sucks".."I hate you/me/Valve/Vu/BLAH!!".....what is the average age here,3?seems to me most people here are just pouting like spoiled little kids that can't get the toy they want NOW!!!!! I am pissed at the POSSIBILITY that VU can delay HL2 (more)...thats don't want it?good for you..I could care less..I still want it as do many others here there and everywhere..

just pretend its last week or 2 weeks ago when everyone was STOKED!!
I agree with you that alot of people are whining, but most are genuinely dissapointed with the entire situation, such as me. I admit, i did say i wouldn't buy the game if they do delay it, and I admit, i may have been speaking out of pure anger (not the right word, but it'll do), but i still think there's a chance i may not.
I'm not whining, i'm not spoiled (at all) and i am 15, not 3, thank you... By the time HL2 comes out, all the hype will have been sucked out of me, and i will eventually just buy something else (such as halo2,or one the other games that are coming out), then eventually (i'd give it two more months) i'd forget how much i was looking forward too it, and not want to buy it anymore. This has happened so many times before (not because of a delay, but because i had to save up money).
Why on earth anyone would want to play Halo 2 over Half Life 2 is beyond me :p
seriously...don't get me wrong,I loved halo and so far halo2 looks sweet but....and the comment I made about the average age here....have any of you seen that little brat in the store that throws themselves down and the floor kicking and screaming because they were told "No,not today,but soon we will give you that toy/candy/whatever the little darling wants"...most of the time the kid pitches such a fit they get NOTHING...some of the posts of the last 24 or so hours sound rather similar...thats all I was personal offense intended...
Why on earth anyone would want to play Halo 2 over Half Life 2 is beyond me :p

Let's reserve the judgment for when the games come out, okay?

For all you know, Halo 2 might give Half-Life 2 a swift kick in the pants.
i dont believe many were offended, because your comment was way off.
T.H.C.138 said:
seriously...don't get me wrong,I loved halo and so far halo2 looks sweet but....and the comment I made about the average age here....have any of you seen that little brat in the store that throws themselves down and the floor kicking and screaming because they were told "No,not today,but soon we will give you that toy/candy/whatever the little darling wants"...most of the time the kid pitches such a fit they get NOTHING...some of the posts of the last 24 or so hours sound rather similar...thats all I was personal offense intended...
No offense taken, just showing that not everyone who thinks they won't buy HL2 is a spoiled brat, or a whiner.
24Gamer said:
what if 20 people showed up at you door asking to play a LAN game (HL2 being released) would you have a LAN Party (play the game)?

EDIT: I can't imagine that one person in this forum will not go and buy HL2 when it is released, no matter what you say.

Ive been waiting over a year to play this game, even if it takes another 6 months for it to come out (which would totally suck) i will still buy it.

If it was over 6 months no. I wouldnt have a copy of the game. IF 20 people came over and wanted to LAN I woul dhave no problem.
I said I would not try to put it together again becasue it has been a waste of time. If someone else got everyone togther I have no problem hosting or even going to someone elses house.

I have been waiting (theorically) since about a year after the 1st HL for a sequel. While I can "wait" more Im one of those that you can only wait so long for something then I give up. Now if it was something dependent on my Wife or Sons life that would be a different thing but a game can only keep me "excited" for so long.

Also since I have Beta'd WoW Im thinking I will not have time for anything (much less HL2) when that thing goes live.....
I still might not buy HL2 if it comes out tomorrow! If the reviews for it are poor, I won't buy it. From all indications, that's not the case. If it comes out in a year, and the reviews are great, then I'll buy it.

My desire to buy a game is not based on WHEN it comes out or how often it was delayed, but how good a game it is in the end.

Just let people vent and don't worry. All those mad at Valve and the community usually go away for a while and then wander back when things get going again.
Ill buy Half-Life 2 no matter what from retail. Because its fully paid off at EB already.

Oh and BTW:

900th POST!1!!!1!!
Zoltan_cs said:

Nice first post.

(Congrats Barney)

Why on earth anyone would want to play Halo 2 over Half Life 2 is beyond me. :p

Well, people have different tastes, you know. :cheese:
CrazyHarij said:
Well, people have different tastes, you know. :cheese:

a concept that many on the internet can't seem to grasp
;( :bounce: :farmer:
The game could come out tomorrow or next year, I still won't buy it.... I have an ATI Coupon ;)
P43.2/1Gig/X800P said:
:flame: Im Not buying it anymore .. Really

Your loss pal - feel free to head to the exit of this Half Life 2 fansite anytime - the door is right over there. :hmph:

Though none of us believe you in the first place once the first review gives it a 95/100 or something to that effect.
Your loss pal - feel free to head to the exit of this Half Life 2 fansite anytime - the door is right over there. :hmph:

Why must we leave if we are not going to buy the game? I can still come in here talk and discuss topics with people and NOT buy the game.

So while I may not buy it I still have opinions (as do others) on the game and what is going on with said game.
If, at this point, you've decided that you aren't going to buy the game, then I pity you. Just because you're not playing it yet, or because it won't be quite as new and shiny as it was a year ago, or because you dislike Valve for some reason, you're going to forfeit your opportunity to play a great game. Please, don't even attempt to explain your positions to me, because any reasoning you supply is probably a load of crap.

If the game turns out to be bad on release, then I can understand.

Furthermore, if you don't intend to buy the game, then I fail to see why you're here. Granted, there's no law barring you from this forum, but what's the point? You're not going to buy the game, so what could you comment on? You've clearly lost interest, so what will you talk about? Yeah, you can stay if you want. But I hope you recognize the irony in posting on a HL2 board while declaring "I WON'T BUY HALF-LIFE 2".
he said he wasnt going to buy it. You can still get it without buying u know.
I truly don't understand this thread at all.

Why in the world do people care so much about what other people plan to do? If someone does or doesn't want to buy it they don't need your approval, pity, scorn or anything else. We're talking about buying a video game here. Sheesh, isn't there something more constructive to post about rather than judging people game buying decisions?
I'm pissed off that it could be delayed, Again. It does'nt mean i'm not going to buy it though...well maybe i wont buy it afterall...who knows, but if its delayed into next year and i walk into GAME and see HL2 next to STALKER i know which one i'll be picking up without hesitating...Stalker of course, im alot more excited for that game than i am for HL2 and have been for ages since HL2 is just delay delay delay...same if FEAR is on the shelves and the same if GTA4 is on the shelves and GT4. HL2 used to be my most anticipated game, now its just a game because better things have been shown to us.
Neutrino said:
I truly don't understand this thread at all.

Why in the world do people care so much about what other people plan to do? If someone does or doesn't want to buy it they don't need your approval, pity, scorn or anything else. We're talking about buying a video game here. Sheesh, isn't there something more constructive to post about rather than judging people game buying decisions?
Well said. I wanted to say that but couldn't figure out how without resorting to nasty words.

The first post of based off an assumption. If people say they aren't going to buy Half-Life 2 because off all the stuff that's happened that's their choice. They're allowed to make that decision. Consumers react in different ways to experiences they have with companies. Not everyone is saying they won't buy hl2 to sound tough. Some people may truly not be buying it and i can fully understand why they feel that way.

Personally, i'm buying it no matter what. That value i've extracted from my experience with Valve over the years is worth far more than the money i payed for Half-Life 1 and Opposing Force years ago.
Absinthe said:
If, at this point, you've decided that you aren't going to buy the game, then I pity you. Just because you're not playing it yet, or because it won't be quite as new and shiny as it was a year ago, or because you dislike Valve for some reason, you're going to forfeit your opportunity to play a great game. Please, don't even attempt to explain your positions to me, because any reasoning you supply is probably a load of crap.

If the game turns out to be bad on release, then I can understand.

Furthermore, if you don't intend to buy the game, then I fail to see why you're here. Granted, there's no law barring you from this forum, but what's the point? You're not going to buy the game, so what could you comment on? You've clearly lost interest, so what will you talk about? Yeah, you can stay if you want. But I hope you recognize the irony in posting on a HL2 board while declaring "I WON'T BUY HALF-LIFE 2".

You have never been "fedup" with a situation which makes you decide it is not worth it anymore?

We are not giving up on a person near death, we are not giving up on a person with a drug/drinking problem, we are "giving up" (if delayed 6 or more months) on a game. A "game" that has promised and promised a release. Regardless of who is at fault (Valve, VU, Hackers, Sunspots, etc.) it just doesnt appear to be worth it.

As others have said other games are right around the corner. I for one will be playing WoW and (probably) STALKER.

A company deserves your business when they put out a product/service when its "promised". Not when its promised, delayed because of "hackers, delayed because of litigation, delayed because they ran out of tutti fruity ice cream, etc.

It shows an air of irresponsibility on everyones part involved. Who is at fault? It matters not to me. A customer does not want to hear who is at fault. A customer wants the product. Period. They do not care if Joe spilled coffe into the network server and it crashed, they do not care if the slurpee machine is broken. They want their email and they want a Slurpee.

If this happens once you chalk it up and come back later, if it CONTINUES to happen you take your business elsewhere.

Simple as that.

And to touch upond the comment of "they said they wont buy it" I wont steal it either and I suggest no one else does who supposedly wont buy if delayed for 6 months. Why? Well if you "steal" it and play it and someone ask you about it you know jave an opinion of the game. Instead of telling them how craptastic the companies involved, screwed around until you decided the game was not worth it and bought <insert game here> and have been playing that.
Aknot said:
You have never been "fedup" with a situation which makes you decide it is not worth it anymore?


Instead of telling them how craptastic the companies involved, screwed around until you decided the game was not worth it and bought <insert game here> and have been playing that.
(Edited for length.)

Exactly my point! I'm getting VERY tired of all this waiting. And you people you have not been here for as long as we have (I've been waiting since may 2003) do not understand, SO DON'T say you do. And do not try to tell me waiting for a game for this long, getting hyped over and over and let down EVERY TIME (release hype that is...) does not get tiring.
eth8686 said:
(Edited for length.)

Exactly my point! I'm getting VERY tired of all this waiting. And you people you have not been here for as long as we have (I've been waiting since may 2003) do not understand, SO DON'T say you do. And do not try to tell me waiting for a game for this long, getting hyped over and over and let down EVERY TIME (release hype that is...) does not get tiring.

I find a little rest away from the forums every now and again is helpful. Waiting for any game is the same, Doom 3 was expected to come out at the end of 2002. How is that any different?
IRT Aknot

What matters is if the end product is still good. How it gets to that end is irrelevant. If the game is a kickass good time by the time it ships, then does it really matter how troublesome its development cycle was?

IRT eth8686

1) Everybody's been waiting. Many longer than you. Please don't try to make your case special in some way.

2) Yes, the hype and waiting and broken promises are tiring. I don't disagree there. However, I don't see why that should affect my purchase. There's only one thing that's going to stop me from buying the game when it comes out: If the game sucks.
Absinthe said:
If, at this point, you've decided that you aren't going to buy the game, then I pity you. Just because you're not playing it yet, or because it won't be quite as new and shiny as it was a year ago, or because you dislike Valve for some reason, you're going to forfeit your opportunity to play a great game. Please, don't even attempt to explain your positions to me, because any reasoning you supply is probably a load of crap.

If the game turns out to be bad on release, then I can understand.

Furthermore, if you don't intend to buy the game, then I fail to see why you're here. Granted, there's no law barring you from this forum, but what's the point? You're not going to buy the game, so what could you comment on? You've clearly lost interest, so what will you talk about? Yeah, you can stay if you want. But I hope you recognize the irony in posting on a HL2 board while declaring "I WON'T BUY HALF-LIFE 2".

Bravo - thank you for saying what I couldn't rationally. Honestly, if you're not going to buy this game when it comes out because of all of these "superior" games that will be available or EVEN WORSE, if you're going to pirate this game - then just get the heck out of this forum now.

We don't want you here. Period. End of story. And I hope others make you feel as unwelcome here as possible. You're wasting your own valuable time as well as ours by coming to a HL2 fan site for a game that you don't intend to buy or play - that's simply illogical.
ukfluke said:
he said he wasnt going to buy it. You can still get it without buying u know.
...Thank you... I never said i wouldn't play friend is a huge HL fan, he's going to buy it...i'm planning on borrowing it when he's done...I just don't really feel like spending $55 on it, because as i've said, a couple of months from now (assuming they are going to delay it, which i don't think they are) the hype will be lost...and i won't really want it anymore...(i'll still want to play it though). I'm not whining, and i'm not pissed at anyone (well, maybe a little), i just can't imagine myself paying for it... But hopefully they are not going to delay it.
I'm to busy playing Fable and Sims 2 to even think about HL2. I'll worry about it when it's actually in stores. I might buy it on steam though just to spite VU.
I don't think this "the hype will be lost" thing is a valid argument. Everybody and their grandmother knows that the hype will return once it hits retail stores.
Bravo - thank you for saying what I couldn't rationally. Honestly, if you're not going to buy this game when it comes out because of all of these "superior" games that will be available or EVEN WORSE, if you're going to pirate this game - then just get the heck out of this forum now.

We don't want you here. Period. End of story. And I hope others make you feel as unwelcome here as possible. You're wasting your own valuable time as well as ours by coming to a HL2 fan site for a game that you don't intend to buy or play - that's simply illogical.
SFLUFAN, everybody is welcome here, however an attitude like you've just displayed in this post is not welcome.

I'm sorry mate, but try to be a little bit more constructive.
Bravo - thank you for saying what I couldn't rationally. Honestly, if you're not going to buy this game when it comes out because of all of these "superior" games that will be available or EVEN WORSE, if you're going to pirate this game - then just get the heck out of this forum now.

We don't want you here. Period. End of story. And I hope others make you feel as unwelcome here as possible. You're wasting your own valuable time as well as ours by coming to a HL2 fan site for a game that you don't intend to buy or play - that's simply illogical.

So if I'm not sure about buying it or not I'm now unwelcome here and should leave?

I said it before and I'll say it again, why in the world do you care what other people do? Why don't you stick to worrying about yourself and let other people worry about themselves. I think it's better for everyone that way. :)
No need to apologize - I was out of line when I said it.

I'm just angry at those who are being so very illogical in their statements that they won't buy or play the game when it's released but yet will post such sentiments on a fan site.

It just baffles my mind.
SFLUFAN said: absolutely lying to us and themselves.

I've seen these posts in a few threads now:

"This delay sucks - I'm not gonna buy Half Life 2 because the technology will be dated." (that's a great argument!)

"I'm not gonna buy it because Valve/VU sucks." (another intelligent argument)

"I'm not gonna buy it because there will be too many better games out to play." (all right - name a few)

If you've made any of these type of posts, please hang your head in shame. You know you'll be at the store or eagerly downloading it from Steam with the rest of us on the day that it's released.

Stop your silly self-righteous posturing and admit the truth :cool:

Here's a great argument. I'm not going to give money to a company (VU of course) which doesn't give shit about its customers. I'll rather wait for suprnova. But me, personally, I aready got the ATI coupon, so... :)
A.I. said:
Here's a great argument. I'm not going to give money to a company (VU of course) which doesn't give shit about its customers. I'll rather wait for suprnova. But me, personally, I aready got the ATI coupon, so... :)

Then you'll take money from VALVe as well, and we definitely don't want people, who are going to warez the game, around here.