

Party Escort Bot
Feb 11, 2005
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Let's sit around and chat about anything (within reason!)
Why isn't my pizza here yet I ordered it like 40 minutes ago, gosh darn.
I'm ill, bored, and pissing off the whole of my facebook community by being a cock and spamming.

EDIT: Shit, now I want pizza. So. Much.

EDIT2: Is this going to get locked, or end up some swollen, obese thread of delicious personal exposition?
I sincerely hope for the latter.

I'm pigging on cookies.
I think post-modern intellectuals are frauds.
I think you just summed up Off-topic in one thread title.

Also I just gave my mum lots of stories from my Creative Writing class, and they most likely contain lots of swearing. So that'll be fun.
I think post-modern intellectuals are frauds.

Really? PM is a huge topic - postmodernism in history or historiography is probably where your point holds the most water
I have to go get some food from the store soon, because all I have in the kitchen right now is 4 cans of Black Cherry Fresca.

But im thinking of ordering some chinese instead, even though I cant really afford to eat out right now.
I just thought of a good movie plot/twist, inspired by a dream I had.
I got an essay due to wednesday about the citizens' democratic role in the EU. The next couple of days won't be funny.
Crysis finally intrigued me for the first time...

And I warez'd Quake I. Shame on me. :O
Triming your pubes while cooking pasta and being drunk is not a good me :bonce:
I would like to hear more of Ravioli's story.

Also, I went out and got food from the store. All in all im pretty happy with that decision, since I payed 2 dollars for two things of double stuff chocolate oreos.
me and my friends got really drunk last night and on the way home from the party we stopped by pizza pizza and my friend peed all over the walls...we ran outta there as fast as we could howling then ran through a construction site and tipped over a port-o-potty.
Holy shit. You tripped over a port-o-potty? How tall are you guys?!
Tipped, Krynn.

Also at this moment I'm failing at Solitaire and thinking about the awesome play I went to see. Was a MPYT production of Cinderella. Awesome stuff.
Oh, his story would have been more interesting if it were tripped.
Goddamn school taking away precious time for playing Empires Mod. AND WHY THE HELL IS ACCESS SO GODDAMN HARD, IT'S MICROSOFT IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HARD
Access is a piece of piss. A mind-numbingly boring piece of piss at that.
my computer genius mate used access (only thing available on school computers) to make a fake admin login box which copied the password that the admin puts into the box and prints it down in a small box off the screen. My mate was already kinda IT admin but since he was in school at the time the main admin didn't trust him, so he did that to get the password.

Was awesome.
So.. How big was all your shits today?
So.. How big was all your shits today?

Go spam myspace.

I'm debating what plot points to insert into the zombiecon, and who to kill/not kill (Oh the power) while pondering designs on light fighter/cargo ships in the near future.

The second one is so much harder.
Today was really ****ing long.

Now that school has started, I can't sleep past 10am anymore which pisses me off. I got home late last night, dead tired, and I only sleep seven hours. Bah. Last night was fun though, so I guess it's cool.
wow, it was just a joke, calm yourselves!

As for the topic (for real this time), I'm playing through Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield solo, and only with a MK22 Silenced.. Talk about hard...

My setup is:

Main Weapon - NONE
Main Weapon Attachment - NONE
Secondary - MK22
Secondary Attachment - Silencer
ITEM1 - Secondary Clips
ITEM2 - Secondary Clips

Team - Just me playing as Ding Chavez.

And that's the campaign on Elite.. The guys have freaking superhuman reflexes..
You should add some teammates. They only make things harder.
f*cking lol at the last one. Oh my god, you made my day.

You should add some teammates. They only make things harder.

Actually 3 other teammates make it harder (so god damn stupid, always in the way, they shoot each other.. god..), but if you only have one other team mate, he actually helps. I can't tell you how many times one other guy saved my life, while 3 others have killed me or f*cked me over..
just got gears of war. great game but man, those characters' physiques are more exaggerated than conan. halo 3 online is the shit. i am working on a movie script, drug story set in a very realistic environment. gonna shoot it with friends later hopefully