Aquamark3 The Reality Benchmark

My rig looks too be the first Athlon in the results:

XP2600+ 512mb 2700DDR 9800np (clocked to pro speeds) Asus A7N8X

36.452 (Gfx 5.340 CPU 5.742)

very pleased with that and the money I saved on the non pro over the pro. Can't see where the extra £100 would have gone. I'd like to see people posting the Gfx and CPU scores aswell. I know this is probably obvious but have you noticed that you score is just your average framerate.
Originally posted by freddythefrog
wtf is the talk about? I thought about aquamark three?

so we are posting our scores :cool:
512mb ram (pc133)
gf4 ti 4800

a PATHETIC 15,000

yerg, time to upgrade.
Originally posted by MacGraham

I'd like to see people posting the Gfx and CPU scores aswell. I know this is probably obvious but have you noticed that you score is just your average framerate.

My cpu score was about 9k a little over by a few hundred ( p4 2.8ghz)

Cant remember the gfx score off the top of my head, and i cant reem to get to my saved scores.

*edit* AquaMark Score: 44393 (CPU: 9227, GFX: 5844)
Originally posted by Aaron
My cpu score was about 9k a little over by a few hundred ( p4 2.8ghz)

Cant remember the gfx score off the top of my head, and i cant reem to get to my saved scores.

that seems a bit high, is your cpu clocked higher than or running at 2.8. Thats twice my score, a 200mhz difference wouldn't yield that even if it is a different chip.
Originally posted by Aaron
My cpu score was about 9k a little over by a few hundred ( p4 2.8ghz)

Cant remember the gfx score off the top of my head, and i cant reem to get to my saved scores.

*edit* AquaMark Score: 44393 (CPU: 9227, GFX: 5844)

This benchmark kinda seems to suck... cuz its way diffrent between almost identical systems... i dunno
Originally posted by Deadline
This benchmark kinda seems to suck... cuz its way diffrent between almost identical systems... i dunno

comparing mine to whos?

Also macgraham u have to remember there not acctually 200mhz apart

AMD Athlon XP 2600+ *333 FSB* (2.08 GHz)

And ur gfx card is none pro, so u cant expect it to score the same, even if its clocked to pro speeds.

Also i would really be pissed if are cpu scores where close, i mean ive paied more than double for my cpu that what u have.

AMD Athlon XP 2600+ *333 FSB* (2.08 GHz) "Thoroughbred" £81.38
2.8GHz (PG-800FSB) HT Intel Pentium® 4 CPU 512k Cache £228.28
Originally posted by Aaron
comparing mine to whos?

Also macgraham u have to remember there not acctually 200mhz apart

AMD Athlon XP 2600+ *333 FSB* (2.08 GHz)

And ur gfx card is none pro, so u cant expect it to score the same, even if its clocked to pro speeds.

I'm aware of the funny XP naming crap, It still seems a leap though. I'd like to see some other CPU/GFX scores then we can really compare. I'm not accusing you of anything I'm just curious.
Originally posted by Aaron
comparing mine to whos?

Also macgraham u have to remember there not acctually 200mhz apart

AMD Athlon XP 2600+ *333 FSB* (2.08 GHz)

And ur gfx card is none pro, so u cant expect it to score the same, even if its clocked to pro speeds.

Also i would really be pissed if are cpu scores where close, i mean ive paied more than double for my cpu that what u have.

AMD Athlon XP 2600+ *333 FSB* (2.08 GHz) "Thoroughbred" £81.38
2.8GHz (PG-800FSB) HT Intel Pentium® 4 CPU 512k Cache £228.28

also our GFX scores are almost identical which is interesting. It seems that an overclocked Non Pro is very comparable to a Pro.
mainrig: Barton 2500+, radeon 9700pro = 33235 (cpu;5638 gfx;4713)

Rig#2: Athlon 1,1ghz, radeon 8500LE 64mb, sdr133ram = 13413 (cpu;3184 gfx;1698)
Couldnt get a score. Gave up. I think I actually heard my Geforce 128 card scream in agony when the "large" vegetation came on screen. It has now ran out of my PC and curled up around my ankle whimpering...
AMD XP 2500+ @ 2,4 GHz
Radeon 9800 Pro 128 MB
1024 DDR-Ram PC400 CL2,5
Asus A7N8X Deluxe
45500 Aquamark Points
AMD Athlon XP 2500+ (OCed to 2.083GHz), 512MB PC2700 DDR SDRAM with a 9700 non-pro: 34,139 marks

Got 31,438 with card at stock clock/mem speeds
Originally posted by Malic
AMD XP 2500+ @ 2,4 GHz
Radeon 9800 Pro 128 MB
1024 DDR-Ram PC400 CL2,5
Asus A7N8X Deluxe
45500 Aquamark Points

can I ask how your clocking your XP that high on a A7N8X. I have an XP2400+ in the same board and can't get it to OC any higher than 2600.
Originally posted by MacGraham
can I ask how your clocking your XP that high on a A7N8X. I have an XP2400+ in the same board and can't get it to OC any higher than 2600.

My 2500+ has the AQZEA stepping.
FSB to 200.
Multi to 12 and voila. I got the system watercooled
and it runs with 48C.
It was not necessery to raise the VCore.
The 2500+ Barton is very nice. :)

BTW. your cpu isnt a barton and the 2400+ is not good
for overclocking at all... try a 1700+ jiuhb. or
2500+ aqzea, aqxea.......
Originally posted by MacGraham
can I ask how your clocking your XP that high on a A7N8X. I have an XP2400+ in the same board and can't get it to OC any higher than 2600.

I forget the exact techno mumbo jumbo but 2500+'s are extremely overclockable.
Originally posted by Malic
My 2500+ has the AQZEA stepping.
FSB to 200.
Multi to 12 and voila. I got the system watercooled
and it runs with 48C.
It was not necessery to raise the VCore.
The 2500+ Barton is very nice. :)

BTW. your cpu isnt a barton and the 2400+ is not good
for overclocking at all... try a 1700+ jiuhb. or
2500+ aqzea, aqxea.......

can i get mine running any quicker then? I built the PC but i'm not overly techy when it comes to CPU clocking. I just fiddled with the mobo bios settings.
Originally posted by MacGraham
can i get mine running any quicker then? I built the PC but i'm not overly techy when it comes to CPU clocking. I just fiddled with the mobo bios settings.

sorry mine was the XP2400 in a A7N8X
Get a 2500+. Its an overclocking monster...
Im sure with PC466 Ram i will be able to get 2,6 GHz out of my baby.
Your cpu will not run faster i think...
Just a question:

I bought a P4 2,8 Ghz with 800 Mhz FSB

What is the difference with the 533 FSB?
Is the overall speed faster, or the transport with the memory?

I have 2X 512 Mb 400 Mhz placed in Dual Channel, so that is 800 Mhz.

What is the effect of 800 Mhz FSB on the games?

Thanks! :cool:

My specs
Originally posted by Malic
Get a 2500+. Its an overclocking monster...
Im sure with PC466 Ram i will be able to get 2,6 GHz out of my baby.
Your cpu will not run faster i think...

just checked, i can get one for £70. The user reviews said it can run at XP3000+ speeds with stock cooling. Thats amazing...very tempted even though I only bought the CPU three months ago. It the bios much different between the non and deluxe a7nx8 boards? I have the non
Originally posted by MacGraham
just checked, i can get one for £70. The user reviews said it can run at XP3000+ speeds with stock cooling. Thats amazing...very tempted even though I only bought the CPU three months ago. It the bios much different between the non and deluxe a7nx8 boards? I have the non

Nope. I had the 2500+ on a A7N8X-X (yours) at 3200+ with stock
cooling without problems....
Tested this at work. :)

Of course you will need new Ram cause FSB200 is required.

And dont forget the stepping! very important...
Best is AQZEA. AQXEA is good too...
This benchmark is crap..

3dmarks 2003 scores are almost identical for my setup with others.. I have a Barton 2500+ with Radeon 9700 and get score of 25000, and yet some others here with similar setup get scores of 30000 or better.. wtf?
Originally posted by TAZ
This benchmark is crap..

3dmarks 2003 scores are almost identical for my setup with others.. I have a Barton 2500+ with Radeon 9700 and get score of 25000, and yet some others here with similar setup get scores of 30000 or better.. wtf?

Yeah, my results were surprisignly low fps-wise, whereas I'm getting decent ones on the most demanding of tests in 3D Mark 03. And those tests are a tad more thourough when it comes to testing shader/dx9 capability.
Another wierd thing just happened.. Considering this benchmark was the last thing to run in d3d, I can only blame it as before I ran the benchmark everything was fine.

I was playing BF1942 and quit and came on here and saw this benchmark, downloaded it and ran it with crap scores. Commented above and then went off to play some Vice City and my screen went black. Game was running, but nothing visible! Ctrl Alt Delete. Tried BF1942 again and same thing.. WTF!!! Reboot. Everything is fine again. Deleted Aquafux 3 and they can stick the benchmark where the sun don't shine!!
It seems like i have shitty results for my hardware. 19400 or something on a Athlon 2500+ barton (@200x10), 512Mb pc3200, 9500 Pro. Other people with a setup like mine get much higher results. :eek:
Dont take it to heart Dalys .. the benchmark sucks and should not be considered a true test of the capabilities of your Gfx card as it is too unpredictable.

3dmarks2003 is still the benchmark of choice in my books as it is a much better DX9 benchmarking tool...
Originally posted by DaLys
It seems like i have shitty results for my hardware. 19400 or something on a Athlon 2500+ barton (@200x10), 512Mb pc3200, 9500 Pro. Other people with a setup like mine get much higher results. :eek:

How much is the difference in your score running the 2500 at stock speeds and at 200x10?
It's not like i trust benchmarks but i find it strange anyways. Why oh why did i download this?! I never run a gfx benchmark before because i dislike them very much. Now i just get worried. Crap.
Originally posted by Jagermeister
How much is the difference in your score running the 2500 at stock speeds and at 200x10?

300 points/marks, or whatever it's called.
i got 42500 with my setup cpu score about 7400 or somfin

im gonna play around with my fbs and multiplier though.
GFX : 2.079 (FX5600)
CPU : 7.881 (P4 2.6C)
AquaMarks : 18.366
chamone mo-fos!

I got a mega result for my machine. its got a 60 in it.....

yep you guessed it....


(Athlon XP 2000+, 1gig ram and MSI FX5600 normal. boy i ****ing regret that GFX card, cost me £130 notes)
i got 40,531

cpu 8,668
gfx 5,289

p4 2.4g @3.1g
512 megs corsair xms cl2
9700 pro 355/333
p4p800 dlx
GFX 3,165 with my 5900U 256 which obviously pwns and humiliates me
CPU 6,066 I guess this is the Cards CPU because I have a 3.2ghz and it should pwn others with less processor.

Overall: 29,100
20,000 and a couple hundred

p4 3.0ghz
512mb DDR ram
Radeon 9500 Pro 128mb

not too bad, the smoke test is what killed me.