Aquamark3 The Reality Benchmark

I agree, theres just something wrong with this benchmark, idk.. I just dont like it..
the ones getting low scores with high end systems need to reconfigure the direct3d contral panel. thats how some people are getting such high scores. i think.....
I have that problem, and that didn't help. :(

edit: seems like a lot of other people are having the problem too?
I got 15.7k

ATI 8500
AMD xp 2400+
768mb ram

I need to upgrade the vid card soon.
Originally posted by Tork
the ones getting low scores with high end systems need to reconfigure the direct3d contral panel. thats how some people are getting such high scores. i think.....
Oddly enough, mine didnt change very much. I first ran the test, then remembered, ah, I had high quality on all the stuff! Score was around 34-35k. Then I set them to high performance, mipmap low, etc, I STILL get 35k, but its a whole lot uglier (alot).
I would be intrested to see what an nvidia fx5900 ultra gets to compare it to the zillions of 9800 pros in here.
I'm sure they get pretty good scores too, since it's not TRUE DX9. :/
P4 2.66
P4PE Mobo
GeForce 4 Ti4400

AquaMark Score: 20318
AquaMark CPU Score: 6783
AquaMark GFX Score: 2388
Average FramesPS: 20.319


My score is good compared to others with the same graphics card as me, but the result is overall pretty disappointing. I am nowhere near the top 60034. :)
Dawdler you can't configure anything in this benchmark unless you buy the PRO license, it says right before you launch with what settings it will run the benchmark: 4 AF, NO AA, 10*7 and very high details. Those are default settings for everyone who downloaded the demo.
Fuzzy'd l337 scores.-
- GFX=240
- CPU=3,300
= 2,327

i cant finish the benchmarkit goes at 0.4fps at the Steam bit :( that word is sooo bad luck