Are you dissapointed with Story/Graphics/Physics?



Is it me or are all the people complaining about not understanding how City 17 came about probably younger, born after the fall of the Berlin Wall? (haha), or those who have not read 1984? If you think about things, it isn't too difficult to see how constant war can produce a paranoid martial society. So HL2 doesn't explain all the details (who knows, I'm still on Chapter 1), so what?

As for this being the most Uber shooter of all time: maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I do know that after playing the original Half-Life, FPS's would find it hard to live up to that "first time" feeling. For example, HL 1 was the first time I had seen character skinning and lip sync'ing in a video game. There is no way I can get that feeling back. I've had it once before, when I first played Elite a long, long time ago on my BBC Micro! These things are rare and usually represent a technological or gameplay breakthrough. I think Half-Life 2 provides that breakthrough with the physics engine. I do feel like I'm doing something new in an FPS that I haven't really done before. Likewise, the Doom 3 unified lighting model was a treat (those who talk about everything looking like it is wrapped in plastic: blame the artists, not the engine) but they are just developing the current FPS genre graphics, rather than creating a whole new one.

So, from what I've seen of Half-Life 2 so far I would say that it probably will dissapoint people who expect that "wow" factor with every new release (can I ask, did you buy Opposing Force and Blueshift after you played Half-Life 1 through? I did and I loved them both). But it does raise the bar somewhat.

Well worth the purchase price imho.

(btw: I do have one gripe: that is having to register with steam in order to play the game. It took 5 - 6 hours yesterday to get setup to play the game. I left work early so I could play it and was dissapointed/angry that I couldn't. Maybe it will save on piracy, maybe it won't. I'm pretty sure that someone will crack single player and make the whole registration process purely a future marketing excersise. The thing is, I feel that I have paid £35 for something self-contained, but in effect I have paid £35 for something that remains bound to a third party. I don't like this because its completely different to my usual game buying experience. Maybe it is the future and if so, I'm just being an old farty ;) ).
Burnhard said:
So HL2 doesn't explain all the details (who knows, I'm still on Chapter 1), so what?

After you've finished the game, you'll see that NOTHING is explained. Nothing from Half-Life or Half-Life 2 is explained, but you'll get to see another cliffhanger. I'm guessing that Half-Life 3 won't explain anything, either.
Spartan said:
After you've finished the game, you'll see that NOTHING is explained. Nothing from Half-Life or Half-Life 2 is explained, but you'll get to see another cliffhanger. I'm guessing that Half-Life 3 won't explain anything, either.

Just watch, if you look around in forums there are people who completly get the game and will provide you a huge post about the story.

Clues throughout the game show you parts of the story, cliffhanger ending? Kind of, not nearly as bad as Halo 2's. I actually liked it it was pretty cool and it was alot like the first Half Life in the sense that the G-Man brought you back into the I guess Time Portal and left you there when he left. They answered a few questions, but not enough in my opinion. Maybe I just didn't see the answers, and alot of people won't, but like I said just wait for people to be posting the whole story online. My few questions that are left are....

Who is Gman?
Why was Gman in Black Mesa in the first place? Did he come through the portal when the aliens came?
Is Gman involved with the Combine?
Who are the Combine?
How come Dr. Greene had control of the Combine? Were they his creation?
What happened to Alyx, here dad, and the resistance? Did they overthrow the Combine finally?
I don't think we'll find out much about the G-man until the very last Half-life game, however many that will be I don't know, but my guess would be valve will leave it at 3, and we'll get the answers to all our questions then. It would of been nice to find out more than what we did, but atleast it gives us something to speculate about.
I'm not dissapointed with any of the 3 things in the topic, the only thing that slightly dissapointed me was the length, I would have liked it to go on for a bit longer.

It'll have to be a trilogy.
HL2 is awesome its like halflife on steriods thats my opinion
One thing I have seen in the game and It didn't irritate me as much as I thought it would is the parallels between HL2 and George Owells 1984. I didn't really like the book but the game has made it look better. Minus of course th alines (Xen) it is very similar.
Oh yea, I completly agree with this post. People are complaining about the graphics? The physics? The gameplay? I'd like to see you make a better game, and tell me what other game has incorporated physics in it that hasn't been a complete failure? The graphics, your complaining about the graphics. I do not see why you complain about the graphics there is no game that looks better. And the gameplay is awesome, I think it's alot more fluid then in Half Life and things get going quicker which I like too.
I think the main beef with this game will be more the length of it, rather than the gameplay/graphics/physics. Oh, and the lack of DM is getting up a few people's noses too it seems.
If anyone complains about the physics of HL2, I will personnaly stab them and set them on fire. some of the puzzles remind me of The Incredible Machine. can't beat that...
I don't see how people can complain about the length one bit. 14 hours in Easy Mode is what it took me. And I didn't just run through, but I also didn't take time to mess around with everything I probably could have and look at the enviroments that deeply. If you want to know a game that ended up failing because of it's length look at Halo 2, 3 years and its a 6-7 hours game on Normal....
the-chronic said:
Just watch, if you look around in forums there are people who completly get the game and will provide you a huge post about the story.

I haven't seen anything yet. I've seen a lot of people proclaim that there was a huge story to HL2, but no one has elaborated. I think they're full of shit.

Is Gman involved with the Combine?

You fought the Combine for the G-man. Plus, the vortigaunts work for him as well. This is one of the details that I've picked up, but it's very insignificant.

How come Dr. Greene had control of the Combine? Were they his creation?

He was a representative of the human race, working for the Combine. It's pretty obvious that he is only a subordinate of theirs, so I'm suprised you missed it.

What happened to Alyx, here dad, and the resistance? Did they overthrow the Combine finally?

That's why they call it a cliffhanger ending...
the-chronic said:
I don't see how people can complain about the length one bit. 14 hours in Easy Mode is what it took me. And I didn't just run through, but I also didn't take time to mess around with everything I probably could have and look at the enviroments that deeply. If you want to know a game that ended up failing because of it's length look at Halo 2, 3 years and its a 6-7 hours game on Normal....

Yeah but thats Halo2.. sub par in many in my own opinion of course, lots will disagree and thats fine :)
your complaining when ur at chapter 1, pathedic, and why dont you try comparing hl1 with 2? totally pathedic
I can see a halflife expantion a year later, I mean they got the techlogy figered out, it should take long for another:]
How does everyone already finish the frickin game already? Am I the only one with a job? Do I just suck (LoL). Anyways you all know it's badass and you can't get enough. I hope 3 just comes out quicker since the obvious choice would be to use the Source engine to create the 3rd.
HL2 is mirroring HL1 in the story aspect. In HL1 you have no idea what's going on, and nothing ever gets explained. It's the same with HL2. If you expected it to explain everything, you really need to remember what this is a sequel to.