Are you in good physical shape?


I look a little bigger than usually in that picture, because I just got back from a cruise, and most people will gain around 5 pounds while on. I lost the gained weight, so I'm still extra built.
I can bench 275 pounds. Pretty good being 170 pounds.
However, it's on a machine :(
I'm in great shape now, way above average, but still a far cry from my goals. I used to think that I was in good shape when I lifted weights and did regular cardio.
i'm in a great shape now....I practice swimming from the age of 10.....:p
It was there, you just didn't have much definition. The anatomy of the rectus abdominis is exactly what we praise the six pack to be. It's mostly achieved by low body fat percentages.

Doesn't count if you don't have definition ;)
Sure it does. I'm right, you're wrong. Muahahaha.

A mountain is still a mountain on a map, even if its flat on the paper. :E
Sure it does. I'm right, you're wrong. Muahahaha.

A mountain is still a mountain on a map, even if its flat on the paper. :E
The whole "everyone has a six pack" is just to make people who can't see them feel better about themselves.
If a mountain is flat both on the map and on the actual terrain, would we refer to it as a mountain?
The whole "everyone has a six pack" is just to make people who can't see them feel better about themselves.
If a mountain is flat both on the map and on the actual terrain, would we refer to it as a mountain?

It's all semantics, really.

Technically does everybody have the muscle group which we refer to as sixpack? Yes.

Do we acknowledge that fact if it is not visible or well defined at all? No.

Muscular structure is all the same pretty much, no matter what the exterior looks like. It's just whether those muscles are larger and more defined, and body fat low enough for visibility.

And honestly, I just go on about the 'everybody has a six pack' thing, because I like seeing how people react to it. Since it's technically true, but not culturally recognized or accepted.

Bodybuilders have regularly said that for the development of a well defined six pack, one must not focus so much on abdominal exercise, but rather diet and nutrition to lower the overall body fat percentage. Contrary to popular belief, even skinny people can have a higher body fat percentage than when you see a sixpack, which is usually around the pre teens percentile wise.
I'm currently working towards my best shape. I've been training for the last month 3 times a week, that's each time 1,5 hours slowly dying.

This year is the first time that I'm going to basketball in a national league.
I don't eat very well, but my competitive swimming keeps me in shape when I'm in-season.
I'm pretty fit but that isn't my main card, health is.

I don't see myself as "super duper fit" but i know i am increadibly healthy.....i eat almost perfectly and have good genetics.

I'm 6ft, 180lb, i'm not ripped but i have an excellent power to weight ratio, benching around 300lbs on my current weight, including lots of fat.
I'm aiming to be able to bench twice my own bodyweight.

I'm quite good at long distance running despite having a sprinters build.
I recently ran 28miles in around 4 hours.
I wouldn't say im fit, but i'm not overweight and look perfectly fine. I have to admit though I hardly ever eat healthily.
I have a health card!? Does that count?

Well, considering all i do all day is play hl2 and mock shows on the Family channel and what I do do for exerscise is much MUCH too embarrasing to be mention. (Dont think that kind of embarrasing pervert)
You blatantly just photoshopped your face onto Arnies body :p
Don't forget to do your daily 40mph jog, short recoil.
I'm pretty fit but that isn't my main card, health is.

I don't see myself as "super duper fit" but i know i am increadibly healthy.....i eat almost perfectly and have good genetics.

I'm 6ft, 180lb, i'm not ripped but i have an excellent power to weight ratio, benching around 300lbs on my current weight, including lots of fat.
I'm aiming to be able to bench twice my own bodyweight.

I'm quite good at long distance running despite having a sprinters build.
I recently ran 28miles in around 4 hours.
WTF is your definition of ripped?!
This reminds me, did anyone see that thing on Channel 5 about that man who was so muscly his arms exploded?
I wonder how many of you are fit. I'm somewhat fit, as I do cardio 5 times a week and lift 4 times. My body isn't great, but it's getting there. How about youz guys?


keep thread on topic :p :p :p
yeah, good shape.

to whoever said they can do 30 pull ups; impressive.
I hardly work-out but I eat very well so I never have too many problems. I do ride my bike alot and go to the park with friends and we play there.
i am slim, so think i dont need to work out. Or should I????
A couple months ago I was in really good shape I could do a lot of working out and barely get tired. I stopped for a while and now I can only do a little bit. I guess I'm in "average" shape right now
Pretty good shape - go to the gym 3-4 times a week and generally (bar a 4 curry a week habit) eat well.
This reminds me, did anyone see that thing on Channel 5 about that man who was so muscly his arms exploded?
Didn't have anything to do with muscle mass. It was due to the fact that he injected synthol oil into his muscles. However, the people who made the "documentary" conveniently left that out.
I'm skinny with low muscle mass, but I'm nice and bendy.
I generally sprint when I have to (always have) so I'm not a distance runner, but I'm highly acrobatic and the only thing stopping me doing ninja flips is that I'm scared I'll break my neck :(
Let me be frank with you: Fabio hasn't got s*** on me. And I'm being modest.
im 5'9", 170lbs, and 7% body fat...about the abs, yes it is mostly about your body fat percentage whether they are going to show very well or not...when i stopped running for a good while because of a knee injury, i gained a little weight back and my abs werent showing as great as before, but i recently started running again and them babies are starting to come back full force! generally they start showing pretty good when you are 10% body fat or less.

I used to be though. Five years ago I was extremely overweight (I weighed like 164 and was only about 4'11) and so I lost alot of weight and muscled up, and so I was about 120 and 5'5 three years ago. But now I've gained almost all of the weight back, and have only grown two inches :x

its time to get on a diet again.
My upper body is pretty good since I unload trucks all day, but my lower body is just embarassing (penis included).
My upper body is pretty good since I unload trucks all day, but my lower body is just embarassing (penis included).
Loooooooooolllllll Laugh at him becuase he has a small peni.
I'm 5'10-11 and 140-45. I'm not ripped but I've got good muscular arms and legs and alittle chest. No six pack. I can run really fast and I can play a soccer match of running around but when it comes to marathon running, I'm not very good.

So yes, I'm in shape.
You're a fatass. Stop lying to yourselves.
Ok i hate making own opinions of myself, but im in shape too. Im 17, 3rd Dan Black belt in karate, also a qualified instructor. I go to two lessons a week; one a 1 hour lesson, the other a 2 hour lesson. I also go for a a few mile jog once a week, more if i have the time. I also lift weights, do a lot of press-ups and sit-ups most nights before i go to bed or in the morning after a get up. I only weigh 9 and a half stone (mainly because genetically, my whole family is skinny), but I have a well toned body and ive been told to have a very hard hit on my day, but im as light as a feather =D