Are You Mad At Valve For Lyeing About The Counter-Strike Source Preloading?

Are you angry at Valve for delaying CS:Source Beta preloading?

  • Yes! I was really looking forward to it!

    Votes: 72 40.7%
  • No. They did what they had to do.

    Votes: 105 59.3%

  • Total voters
ValveBULGE said:

Congratulations, because you've avoided that very same problem by sounding like an idiot.


All his points were more valid than you could comprehend.
Link said:
I suspect that unlike you, he is allowed to stay up after 7.00, so he can in fact work and post that much in the evenings.

Besides, say he is as you describe, living with his mother at 30. How is that even remotley your business? Or is it a case that you don't like his post because it disagrees with your views, so you resort to random insults?

no no insult just facination with the amount of posts that's all the rest was just funny comment.
Pi Mu Rho, I'm not sure which of your two posts in this thread I should use as a new signature. Both of them are just so excellent and true!

EDIT: Oh what the heck, I'll just use both.
TMPer Tantrum said:
All Valve did was give an estimate of the preload and playable dates for CS : S.

I am a little disappointed that they didn't make it but they would have their reasons. I'm sure they don't intentionally and maliciously keep their products back just to annoy people.

So I am disappointed but not mad. It will get here eventually and Valve never lied, they just didn't make the date.

Exaclty how I feel.

Why in the world would they lie? They want to make money with this game...they want to get it out as soon as possible.

I love how people throw the word "lie" around when it comes to valve.
Diablo2k said:
Then they should say we release it when its done, instead of dissapointing people over and over again with not making release dates.

Well if they'w not made a release date anyone with normal witt would understand that 'its done when it sdone'
ValveBULGE said:
no no insult just facination with the amount of posts that's all the rest was just funny comment.

Fair enough, then I retract my previous statement.

However, I'm curious, how does my post make me like "LENIN AND STALIN COMBINED"? and thats a genuine question.
Why so f***** mad!? They wount delay the beta mre than 1-3weeks MAX!
And who knows, maby they ran into some minor problems which will be sorted in a few days. Calm down and stopp wining. gezz.....
Onions said:
What a pathetic poll. There is no option for us people with more than 3 brain cells!
They didn't lie. It's called a delay, i'm sure your mind can comprehend the concept, just try your best! I'll even go as far as to edit your poll for you :)

what do you mean they didn't lie? they said preloading would start on the 5th. it is the 5th and preloading hasn't started, that is a lie. they didn't say preloading MIGHT start on the 5th, if they had said that then it wouldn't be a lie said:
A false statement deliberately presented as being true; a falsehood.
Something meant to deceive or give a wrong impression.
They missed the date by misjudjment, they did not give the date intending to miss it. Thus not a lie. Unless you can prove they knew they would miss the 5th when they announced it, then you have no basis to say they are lying. And you can't, so you don't.

Now end this stupid topic. It has been disproved that you have any right to complain or be angry and it has been disproved that they lied, thus any further discussion can only be flames or misinformation, neither of which, I suspect, the mods would welcome.
It has been disproved that you have any right to complain or be angry and it has been disproved that they lied

Disproved? :upstare:

Plz carry on with the angry posts people. We have every right to be annoyed by the way Valve works.

I'll bet, if HL2 gets delayed to an unspecified date sometime during Holidays. We will still be here only to pay homage to Valve. :dozey:
This is probably the fourth time I have posted this:

The Mullinator said:
People have to understand that this is the game development business, any date you set could be completely washed away in a matter of hours no matter what stage in the project you might be. Almost every game is delayed, all of these developers no matter how intelligent and experienced they are can try to give what they believe will be a reasonable deadline. However they are almost always wrong. HL2 has had more pitfalls than most games and the fact that it is such a huge project with so much hype surrounding it automatically means that if the developers are to ensure it lives up to the hype then work that might not have been planned for may have to be done, and that means delays.

This is not like writting and essay where you have a set deadline and it is easy to know how long it will take to write, writting a major computer program has far too many variables to take into account that can cause a delay. Some developers get lucky and can release a game that lives up to their expectations and did not require a delay but those games are rare. The trick for games is to know when to announce what your planned deadline is to the public. Don't announce anything and people are pissed off because they want you to tell them, announce it at a time that the public can be satisfied with but is too early to know for certain that the deadline can be met will often result in the problem that HL2 has had with its fans. Plus often the developers don't even have a choice as it is the publisher that will announce the date whether the developer wants it announced or not.

Unless you are a game developer that has had experience creating a major game and found it easy to know when your game would be done and could say for certain how long it will be then you really shouldn't be complaining since you know basically nothing about the whole process. Now I am not saying that I have had any experience, this is all just based on what bits and pieces of information I have gleaned from observing the development of games
I don't like repeating posts but I am certainly not retyping this whole thing again to argue what is basically the exact same point from a couple weeks ago.
but when you set a deadline to like a week later, you SHOULD be able to meet that deadline, don't you think? valve said cs:s would preload on the fifth, about a week ago
DrunkPanda said:
but when you set a deadline to like a week later, you SHOULD be able to meet that deadline, don't you think? valve said cs:s would preload on the fifth, about a week ago
Do you know why it was delayed??

No I didn't think so, it could be because a problem with steam was discovered (not enough bandwidth will be available in time?). Legal problems with the publisher, a major bug came up that until its fixed would make using it or distributing it impossible. It could be anything, just don't automatically assume that it was delayed due to poor planning by Valve.
I won't read through 4 pages of reply, but what makes me mad (well not really mad.) is the fact that we have no official announcement for the delay. They could at least tell us what went wrong and what happened.
CS: S was shown at E3 2k4 and seems to be very polished, CS: S was shown at G-phoria and people wowed at how polished and nice it was to play. a week later we get a "its not ready" delay...hmm...? Gee i dont know about that.
DrunkPanda said:
but when you set a deadline to like a week later, you SHOULD be able to meet that deadline, don't you think? valve said cs:s would preload on the fifth, about a week ago

Pre loade on the 5th, unlock on the 10th. its 5th today, 4 days left then. why be so negative :|

Pitbul said:
CS: S was shown at E3 2k4 and seems to be very polished, CS: S was shown at G-phoria and people wowed at how polished and nice it was to play. a week later we get a "its not ready" delay...hmm...? Gee i dont know about that.

How do you even know if its the CS:S beta somethings wrong with?
Maby its the bit in Steam for the Beta? or the ppl who are going to whach over the beta? And you dont know how big the problem is. Maby they'w fixed it in a few days or a week(most likely a few days)
I think this is the 7th time i have to say that :hmph:
Why do so many people think that VALVe is lying..

There is a line between lying, and delaying.

Lying is simply not telling the truth.
Delaying is simply not getting it out on time.

Jess Cliffe made the decision to delay it. He probably found some bugs that he wanted to fix, before releasing the beta version. (Although it sounds stupid, it could be true. Fix a bug for a beta test before it comes out, makes sense though)
hegele said:
It's an added bonus and they can take as much time as they want. I'm exited, but im not going to curse them for not giving us our free gift on time.


Link said:
*Sigh* I am getting VERY tired of these sort of threads, so I will explain it slowly using small words so everyone can understand...

You do not have the right to be mad. Got it? Right.
You are entitled to nothing except what you have paid for. Got that? Good.
Your only right as a potential consumer is the right to not buy thier products. Good.
Why do you push for a release date, forcing valve to guesstimate, then bitch and moan when they don't make it???

If the above was to much for you to understand, just read and follow the following. Do not question it, it is fact.
Do not think you have any rights to valves free products, nor may you demand accurate release dates.

do you have the same right where you live?
TST_Devgru Seal said:
(Although it sounds stupid, it could be true. Fix a bug for a beta test before it comes out, makes sense though)

nah, sounds senible for me. ;)
If you found some bugs, why not get them out, instead of waiting for the players to find them, and get lots of unnessesart bug reports on a bug they already know about
OK so CS:S was delayed, but is HL2 delayed or did taht go gold today (by gold i mean that there are no more bugs and they shipped it to vivendi universal games) i hope it did.
I just hope they dont delay a mid to late september release for hl2...then ill be pissed off at valve.
Wouldn't that be funny if VALVe released CS:S Beta tomorrow (06/08/04) just to ***k with everyone and say, "You said our 'soon' means how long..." :angel:
I am definately disappointed cause I wanna play it, but I can't fault them they are just following the trend in todays society. Peoples "word" means nothing anymore. No one is ever done when they say they will be, they don't show up when they say they will, and they don't do what they say they will. What ya gonna do...hate them for it but sure as the sun rises you'll be there the first day to get the game if you haven't already preordered it. (i know i will mine is ordered)
Is it better to release a software you know are too full of bugs or delay it for later release with a decent product? You will get your games when they are ready. I agree that VALVe needs a new PR managementteam, if they even have one, cause it stinks right now, it lacks proffesionality.
Onions said:
What a pathetic poll. There is no option for us people with more than 3 brain cells!
They didn't lie. It's called a delay, i'm sure your mind can comprehend the concept, just try your best! I'll even go as far as to edit your poll for you :)

do they send you notes for flaming people too? cuz i got like 10 of em in my pm box.
Link said:
Fair enough, then I retract my previous statement.

However, I'm curious, how does my post make me like "LENIN AND STALIN COMBINED"? and thats a genuine question.

Well you spoke of "rights" and that was the first thing that popped in my mind. We have rights, rights to express our happiness as well as disappointments regarding Valve. Since we are! The SOLE provider of their funds. Now make no mistake about this! We are the only one source of funding since with out us there is no valve. So we do have a right to complain, to demand explanation, and to be treated like fans of their work. And what valve does? They ignore a lot of it. Weather they set official or unofficial deadlines it should make little difference since it happened not once but several times before and continues! I would appreciate VALVE if they would communicate with us, letting us know what is going on and what we should expect, instead we have people who start threads about VALVE APPRECIATION, wth?
I just want valve to give us a new date for the cs:s beta
Pauly said:
I just want valve to give us a new date for the cs:s beta

If they can`t keep their dates, they should just shut the **** up! :flame:
ValveBULGE said:
Well you spoke of "rights" and that was the first thing that popped in my mind. We have rights, rights to express our happiness as well as disappointments regarding Valve. Since we are! The SOLE provider of their funds. Now make no mistake about this! We are the only one source of funding since with out us there is no valve. So we do have a right to complain, to demand explanation, and to be treated like fans of their work. And what valve does? They ignore a lot of it. Weather they set official or unofficial deadlines it should make little difference since it happened not once but several times before and continues! I would appreciate VALVE if they would communicate with us, letting us know what is going on and what we should expect, instead we have people who start threads about VALVE APPRECIATION, wth?
Give me five examples of other major development companies that you think is better with their fans. Please provide evidence as well. Valve is surprisingly good to us, you may not think so but believe me they are much better than alot of other game publishing and development companies out there.

EDIT: Also you seem to have this twisted idea that because you are a future Valve customer that you automatically have the right to tell them what you want them to do. Guess what, you don't have that right. Valve listens to the community far more than you would like to believe, if they didn't then CS would not be getting the continued support it has.

Also why do you think that Valve must give all the detailed information about why HL2 was delayed? You know how many companies actually give the kind of information you are demanding? Probably very few.

Give your flaming a rest, Valve is not some sort of evil twisted company that seeks only to annoy you. Oh and they are not your slave.
why do people feel the need to defend valve when people make posts like bulge's? do you take it as a personal insult when people criticize valve? if so, that is very sad. why should you even care whether another person criticizes valve? is it preventing YOU from liking valve or something?
I'm not really "OMG I NEVAR TRUST VALVE AGAIN!!!11!" mad about the delay, just a little disappointed. Life will go on.
Lying? Oh yeah, wait, other companies miss dates, Valve lies about them.
Sure... whatever.... now go find yourself some deadly disease.
I'm disapointed AGAIN.

They should have learned from the reöease date mess in the past.
schaf said:
I'm disapointed AGAIN.

They should have learned from the reöease date mess in the past.

Like somebody here already said: then stop asking for releasedates!
You think any developer would give releasedates if the fans didn't demand them?
When we get HL2 we'll probably start bitching about releasedates for HL3 :)