Are You Mad At Valve For Lyeing About The Counter-Strike Source Preloading?

Are you angry at Valve for delaying CS:Source Beta preloading?

  • Yes! I was really looking forward to it!

    Votes: 72 40.7%
  • No. They did what they had to do.

    Votes: 105 59.3%

  • Total voters
DrunkPanda said:
why do people feel the need to defend valve when people make posts like bulge's? do you take it as a personal insult when people criticize valve? if so, that is very sad. why should you even care whether another person criticizes valve? is it preventing YOU from liking valve or something?
Why do you feel the need to insult them? Do you take it personally when someone says they like Valve? If so, that is very sad. Why should you even care whether people like Valve or not? Let me ask you, why do you hate Valve? Is it because they delayed the game? Is it because they gave one wrong release date? Do you feel cheated by them because they couldn't make the original release date that was planned?

Accept it, people make mistakes, does that mean you should automatically hate them forever?
ValveBULGE said:
Well you spoke of "rights" and that was the first thing that popped in my mind. We have rights, rights to express our happiness as well as disappointments regarding Valve. Since we are! The SOLE provider of their funds. Now make no mistake about this! We are the only one source of funding since with out us there is no valve. So we do have a right to complain, to demand explanation, and to be treated like fans of their work. And what valve does? They ignore a lot of it. Weather they set official or unofficial deadlines it should make little difference since it happened not once but several times before and continues! I would appreciate VALVE if they would communicate with us, letting us know what is going on and what we should expect, instead we have people who start threads about VALVE APPRECIATION, wth?

So if I talk about rights that makes me lennin or stalin? Right, that makes sense 8|

I never said not to be disappointed. I'm disappointed, however, I realise that they are within thier rights to do this and you do not have the right to get angry about it.

As you (still) have not got it, I will use your own text as an example, so hopefully you will understand.
ValveBULGE said:
So we do have a right to complain, to demand explanation, and to be treated like fans of their work.?
You can send them complaints if you like but you don't have the right to, so they can (And hopefully will) ignore them.
No you don't, they have not released it yet, thus you have given them nothing, thus they owe you nothing.
Most fans of games are ignored by the developers. So according to your statement, they are behaving as you think they should.

Please, please don't argue with me on this point, it is legal fact, you have no rights at all relating to a product you have not yet paid for.
The Mullinator said:
Why do you feel the need to insult them? Do you take it personally when someone says they like Valve? If so, that is very sad. Why should you even care whether people like Valve or not? Let me ask you, why do you hate Valve? Is it because they delayed the game? Is it because they gave one wrong release date? Do you feel cheated by them because they couldn't make the original release date that was planned?

Accept it, people make mistakes, does that mean you should automatically hate them forever?

do you read posts very well? read again ! NOBODY HATES VALVE!
Ok! Ok! Let Me Say This If Valve Misses One More Release Date We'll Talk About This Again And See How Many People Will Share The Same Opinion About Valve.
wheres the 'they didn't lie, they said what the beleived to be the truth at the time' option?
ValveBULGE said:
do you read posts very well? read again ! NOBODY HATES VALVE!
lol, no one hates Valve? Is this the first HL2 community you have come accross or something? You can't tell me you havn't seen alot of people saying stuff that is something like "OMG I HATE VALVE SO MUCH NOW!!"? Its all over internet communities.

Did you consider that maybe I wasn't talking to you? You havn't expressed any hatred towards Valve yet (to my knowledge) so I wasn't reffering to you in that post you quoted. My previous arguments with you have been because you have done nothing but flame people and because you seem to have a some sort of twisted idea that you have some sort of special rights over Valve because you plan on buying HL2. You tell people in here to get a life when all you seem to do is constantly flame people, why do you feel the need to insult people all the time?

EDIT: I was wondering the same thing myself Malarkee. :)
What the ****? Mad at Valve becasue they lied of the preloading? Not at all, dont be gay. I didn't see where they said they would NOT miss that date, and somthing probbaly came up that needed a fix before it was released to the public. You're getting a beta test of CS:S, just stfu and wait till it comes out. Test it and report bugs, don't whine how they are lying.

And to the pull, no, I'm not angry at them at all.
Link said:
Are you serious? First, that post hardly counts as a flame, unless your over sensitive, which 14 year old boys often are, so if we want to talk about who is starting a flame war, you should be looking in your own direction.

Second, if as I suspect, your idea of a flame war thrasing is using the best "Your mum" insults on someone, then yes, you may well win, as I'm not in the least bit interested in that sort of thing.
However, the real winner of a flame war is the person who actually address the issue of a debate most accuratley and points out the other person is wrong. As you are in fact wrong, it is not I who will be torn apart. I'm not into the whole flame war thing, but if you really must persist I guess I can spend a few moments making you look like a fool, if you really insist.

Third. You did not actually address a single point in my post, instead resorting to threats. This weakens your (non-existant) point even further by making you look like an idiot. Besides, you are inherintly threatening someone smarter than you. Not a good move, trust me.

Now, I will address your post...

Point 1 There is no problem with them doing this with every product they ever create. They can even delay it repeatedly and then cancel it, should they so choose. It is their product to do with as they wish. The only right you have is to not buy the product when it is released. That is your consumer power.

In plain language, until you own said product, it is up to the company that made it as to what they do with it. That is the second time I have had to explain that point, I do not wish to have to do it for a third.

True, but they hardly made a big show of announcing it before the delay. Also see point 1.

They admitted just before 30/9/03 that they were going to miss the date, accepted that they had cocked up and appologised for it. Also, see point 1

6 Months is not that long for a game delay these days, and again, see point 1

Very true, they utterly utterly missed thier release date...except they never gave one. They announced they were making it, but never gaver a date. Also, see point 1. Also your a monkey.

God alive are you serious? See point 1 and remember while reading it that its bloody free

Its an auto update system. If you need me to explain why that is asinine then I doubt you can actually read my words anyway, so I won't bother. Oh, and see point 1.

Free video. Not paid for. Given to your for free. I'm not sure which way I've got to say this to get you to understand.

Yes, valve must be to blame for the release of a game they didn't even produce

See point 1

Upon reflection I guess its possible. They may be delaying as a marketing strategy or something like that, so I have a suggestion as to what you can do about it. you can read point frikking 1 and stop bitching like you have a right to accurate release dates. You may want them, but I want a million quid and I don't get it. Deal with it

*Cue queen music* Duhduh-duh-duh, another one bites the dust...

Look at the movie industry and if a movie ever got delayed like games now days the movie companys would go broke.

I know its hard to make a game, but its hard t make fx to a movie aswell, and how come movies almost ever make the date?
Is it cause its easier to make movies?
Is it cause of better market planning?

What would happen if New line cinema would announce the premiere date for LOTR to 20 November and then on the 17 they sad that it might be delayed and that they would comment on it later.. then like 6 months later they would blame it on something.
Ppl would get mad like hell then.

I don’t think we should put Valve on a pedestal and worship them like gods.
If they announce a date they better stick to it. And especially not delay it without saying why.

This is happing over and over, delay of CZ (even thou they didn’t delay it (or so I hope) it was probably VUGames), delay of HL2, delay of CS-S. If a company cant make a real date don’t announce one.
Look at ID, they didn’t announce a date and when they did they rlsed it.
Farcry is another fine example.
I don’t think that FarCry was much easier to make then HL2.

Dont get me wrong. I love Valve and I don’t think they lie on purpose, but they should be really careful next time before opening there mouth and disappoint the fans.
Here's a poll for you.

Basically, what you're TRYING to say through your long and drawn out flame war, is that you: a) have way to much time on your hands, b) have no real aspirations in life except to look smarter than the average moron on a gaming forum, c) you wish you were me, or d) all of the above.

I'm sure this probably doesn't actually apply to all of you, but out of the 5 random posts that I read out of this 6 page battle of [half-]wits, it definitely applies to some of you.

Good day.
dugly said:
Here's a poll for you.

Basically, what you're TRYING to say through your long and drawn out flame war, is that you: a) have way to much time on your hands, b) have no real aspirations in life except to look smarter than the average moron on a gaming forum, c) you wish you were me, or d) all of the above.

I'm sure this probably doesn't actually apply to all of you, but out of the 5 random posts that I read out of this 6 page battle of [half-]wits, it definitely applies to some of you.

Good day.
You seem to misunderstand the point of an argument, the idea is to win the argument and get your point accross. That is what people here are doing, we are here on a HL2 forum to debate HL2. If you don't like that because you think that "we have way too much time on our hands" or "we have no real aspirations in life except to look smarter than the average moron on a gaming forum" then I see no reason why you should even be here.

People don't want to be a misunderstanding person who thinks of themselves higher than everyone else. If you don't like these debates then kindly leave and let people do what they want instead of insulting them. It will make you seem like a much better and much more mature person.
The Mullinator said:
You seem to misunderstand the point of an argument, the idea is to win the argument and get your point accross. That is what people here are doing, we are here on a HL2 forum to debate HL2. If you don't like that because you think that "we have way too much time on our hands" or "we have no real aspirations in life except to look smarter than the average moron on a gaming forum" then I see no reason why you should even be here.

People don't want to be a misunderstanding person who thinks of themselves higher than everyone else. If you don't like these debates then kindly leave and let people do what they want instead of insulting them. It will make you seem like a much better and much more mature person.

ValveBULGE said:
I didn't say anyone was winning. I was simply saying thats what the goal of any argument is.
after all thats happened, i EXPECT valve to lie these days :E
Bobban said:
Look at the movie industry and if a movie ever got delayed like games now days the movie companys would go broke.

I know its hard to make a game, but its hard t make fx to a movie aswell, and how come movies almost ever make the date?
Is it cause its easier to make movies?
Is it cause of better market planning?

What would happen if New line cinema would announce the premiere date for LOTR to 20 November and then on the 17 they sad that it might be delayed and that they would comment on it later.. then like 6 months later they would blame it on something.
Ppl would get mad like hell then.

Please tell me your joking, right? Either that or you didn't actually read my post before you quoted it.

And movie companys would go broke if they missed date? They don't give out sodding dates untill the movie has finished!!! GAH.
Link said:
Please tell me your joking, right? Either that or you didn't actually read my post before you quoted it.

And movie companys would go broke if they missed date? They don't give out sodding dates untill the movie has finished!!! GAH.


HAX. I am in no way affiliated with valve, nor do I know Dougie. I mean Doug...I mean Mr Lombardi...Damn.

No really, I'm not, but that made me chuckle.
Btw this is not exactly related to Valve specifically, but someone said you do not have a right to complain about a product you haven't bought. This is not the case, everyone has a right to complain to a company, even if they have never purchased from it, even if only to express problems with advertisement content, false advertising etc.

Not perhaps particularly pertinent to the exact case in questions, but someone was stating it as fact that you have no rights pertaining to things you haven't purchased.

Luckily Valve do not float on the stock-market, or else they'd probably be in a lot of trouble with investors and regulators for making false targets and misleading the consumer.
We really are reaching into the realms of desperation here arn't we?

Fine, yes you can complain to a company about advertising content, but thats hardly the same thing, is it. Marketing is directed at you, not something you have bought. You do not have the right to complain about a product you do not own. You can write to them or call them or what have you, but they are quite at liberty to throw your letter away/hang up on you if it relates to something you have not bought. In fact, if you persist, they can even take legal action to force you to stop, which is not something they would be able to do if you owned the product, unless they had resolved your complaint.

As for false advertising, you can only hold a case in court if you have bought the product that was falsley advertised. No doubt you will come up with other examples, but the general point remains the same, and is a fact.
Crusader said:
Btw this is not exactly related to Valve specifically, but someone said you do not have a right to complain about a product you haven't bought. This is not the case, everyone has a right to complain to a company, even if they have never purchased from it, even if only to express problems with advertisement content, false advertising etc.

Not perhaps particularly pertinent to the exact case in questions, but someone was stating it as fact that you have no rights pertaining to things you haven't purchased.

Luckily Valve do not float on the stock-market, or else they'd probably be in a lot of trouble with investors and regulators for making false targets and misleading the consumer.

You are absolutely right! if Valve was a publicly traded company they would probably be out of business by now!
Link said:
We really are reaching into the realms of desperation here arn't we?

Fine, yes you can complain to a company about advertising content, but thats hardly the same thing, is it. Marketing is directed at you, not something you have bought. You do not have the right to complain about a product you do not own. You can write to them or call them or what have you, but they are quite at liberty to throw your letter away/hang up on you if it relates to something you have not bought. In fact, if you persist, they can even take legal action to force you to stop, which is not something they would be able to do if you owned the product, unless they had resolved your complaint.

As for false advertising, you can only hold a case in court if you have bought the product that was falsley advertised. No doubt you will come up with other examples, but the general point remains the same, and is a fact.

you are painting picture of a company that according to you we cannot complain too and they do not give a shit and can even sue us for doing so! Man half-life 2 might as well be about VALVE! I get one thing from your messege VALVE IS OUR BIG BROTHER!
Link said:
And movie companys would go broke if they missed date? They don't give out sodding dates untill the movie has finished!!! GAH.
WRONG!!! you walking example of a moron. movie get dates upwards of three months before release, sometimes even 6 months. you really should not incorporate information into an arguement that you are not fully aware of, because you look like an ass.
Pitbul said:
WRONG!!! you walking example of a moron. movie get dates upwards of three months before release, sometimes even 6 months. you really should not incorporate information into an arguement that you are not fully aware of, because you look like an ass.
Filming by that time though is already done. Its special effects and distribution deals that take the rest of the time after a movie release is given. Movies also get delayed too, look at Alien vs Predator.
Pitbul said:
WRONG!!! you walking example of a moron. movie get dates upwards of three months before release, sometimes even 6 months. you really should not incorporate information into an arguement that you are not fully aware of, because you look like an ass.

Kschreck said:
I don't even own Condition Zero. I had not plans to participate in the beta for Counter-Strike Source, it's just the fact that they keep on lyeing to their fans.

Are you really that retarded..? :O

"lying to their fans" -- no comment
114 stupid people have read this thread, and it's not locked yet.
Didn't they say that they were trying as hard as they could to preload by the 10th...I think I heard that somewhere, but don't bitch at me if i'm wrong.
^Thomas^ said:
They are! Im getting F U C K I N G pisst now!

No, they're telling what that current planning is, and you think of that as a 'promise'..jeez how old are you?

They are free to delay if they want to, of course it's dissapointing for fans, but that's something you gotta live with..
Oh dear

Delaying is not the same as lieing.

1. A false statement deliberately presented as being true; a falsehood.
2. Something meant to deceive or give a wrong impression.

1. It wasn't a statement ever given out by valve, it was some unoficiall word given by cliffe trying to keep fans informed about progress.

2. It was never meant to deceive people it was an estimate of when it was going to be out and they misjudged it.


1. To postpone until a later time; defer.
2. To cause to be later or slower than expected or desired: Heavy traffic delayed us.

2. There you go read it carefully. TO BE LATER OR SLOWER THAN EXPECTED OR DESIRED. This is what valve has fallen victim to.
Ok, This thread is just stupid. Drop it already. And read Ben^'s post.
The Mullinator said:
Filming by that time though is already done. Its special effects and distribution deals that take the rest of the time after a movie release is given. Movies also get delayed too, look at Alien vs Predator.

rare occasions, AvP your one example... :rolleyes:
I think im gonna copy and paste that whenether i see people accusing valve of lying.
^Ben said:
I think im gonna copy and paste that whenether i see people accusing valve of lying.
lol, its fun when you make a post that can be applied like that. I've got mine for this topic which has already been used 5 times. :LOL:

Oh and Pitbull, I don't care much for movie news so no I don't have any more examples. However my point was that movies can be delayed, not that they are delayed often (although they could be and I just don't know it). However if you want I could compile a list of games that development companies have delayed. Its not like Half Life is an anomaly and that its delay should automatically be attributed to Valve purposely lying or having bad planning skills. Although even if it was bad planning skills I don't see why someone should start hating Valve, nobody is perfect and its not like they aren't trying their hardest.