Are you male or female

What are you?

  • I'm a male

    Votes: 69 78.4%
  • I'm a female

    Votes: 4 4.5%
  • I'm a mrBadger

    Votes: 4 4.5%
  • I'm an Abom | nation

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • I'm a SidewinderX143

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a SpuD

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • I'm a [Insert (post) mods name here]

    Votes: 2 2.3%
  • I'm a Munro and I like to wear latex bodysuits

    Votes: 5 5.7%
  • Any mod.

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • I'm a Chris_D

    Votes: 1 1.1%

  • Total voters
hey sidewinder you sly dog


*runs to get his girl bonkin' club*
Oh dear... I hate when things end up like that :P

You shouldn't have said anything girls :P
The smart girls (nothing against you dfc05), wouldn't say anything about whether or not they are a girl. Given to the fact that they would recieve more heat and sexual comments about it. A lot of computer/gamer type guys think computer/gamer type girls are hot, and bother the hell out of them,...I agree fully with Mr. Badger, even though he's the one that set this up...
I wonder how many PM's the girls who put their hand up got afterwards about it from those looking for a bit of well yeah?

dont name names though, wouldn't be fair on the lonely hearts out there :)
Lol. That's what I mean, unless they are asking for attention, I they shouldn't have said anything...
Originally posted by Tak
Lol. That's what I mean, unless they are asking for attention, I they shouldn't have said anything...

well.. I'm sure they can handle it, they are women afterall, and when was the last time you saw a woman lose an argument with a guy, and they can get rid of guys simply enough, our feelings are easy to hurt with "certain" comments. ;)
Originally posted by Fenric1138
our feelings are easy to hurt with "certain" comments. ;)

you mean like when they say "i didn't believe in abortion until i met you"? i get that a lot..

ah and, "i don't like to hurt people's feelings, but i don't consider you a person, you ****!" is pretty popular too.
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
you mean like when they say "i didn't believe in abortion until i met you"? i get that a lot..

ah and, "i don't like to hurt people's feelings, but i don't consider you a person, you ****!" is pretty popular too.

;( me just wants to give you a hug now, male or female doesnt matter, black, white, yellow, pink, green or radient purple either way everyone is a person....

You don't have to pretty, you don't have to be smart, everyones a person....the trouble is admitting it to yourself..........
Originally posted by Tak
Lolol. This could be true,...

Ha! No one is safe from me. As many of you well know, I'll harass anyone. Especially Tak. Laughing out loud out loud, eh? Never heard that one before ;) J/K.
No one's allowed to double-post. :wink:
I was refering to Ghost,...but that's nice to know as well. And yes I know, before anyone calls me on it, I have done it too.
Awww, you poor pathetic....--no, you're just poor and pathetic.
Haha. I'm sure there's more than that on, they just aren't saying anything.
just making a couple of comments...

Originally posted by Tak
The smart girls (nothing against you dfc05), wouldn't say anything about whether or not they are a girl. Given to the fact that they would recieve more heat and sexual comments about it. A lot of computer/gamer type guys think computer/gamer type girls are hot, and bother the hell out of them,...I agree fully with Mr. Badger, even though he's the one that set this up...

nope, never happens

Originally posted by Fenric1138
I wonder how many PM's the girls who put their hand up got afterwards about it from those looking for a bit of well yeah?

umm, none... it's always funny when someone says that because it doesn't happen :D
Originally posted by dfc05
just making a couple of comments...

nope, never happens

umm, none... it's always funny when someone says that because it doesn't happen :D

GAAAWWWWWDDDDD!!! would you please stop begging for attention!? sportscenter is coming on!!!
You forgot about Loashadka - in russian - small female horse.
Am I correct that there are 4 Russian people on the forums .. me, Mr. Reak, cybersh33p (sp?), and Loshadka?
how could you forget about DimitriPopov and Kadayai Polokov!?!?!?!?!
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
how could you forget about DimitriPopov and Kadayai Polokov!?!?!?!?!

Dmitiri admitted he's not Russian, I think he got his name from a videogame or something. Kadayi .. I have no clue.

Now what about Maskirovka?
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Dmitiri admitted he's not Russian, I think he got his name from a videogame or something. Kadayi .. I have no clue.

Now what about Maskirovka?

I'm willing to be Maskirovka is American. I think he even said it in a post some time ago.
I could be wrong though.
Originally posted by dfc05
umm, none... it's always funny when someone says that because it doesn't happen :D

what about now you've said that? lol.. maybe their just too shy? heh

put your pic up on that pic thread, afterall its pretty obvious thats why someone set that thread up :)
Och aye the noo

No, i'm not scottish, but my ma and pa are

Just letting you know so you can sleep soundly at night ;)
man i'd be willing to change my vote from wanting to be a mrBadger to a Chris_D but... i dunno.. Chris needs that Ladies man nickname first :p lol

i like what Fenric wrote in that other thread.. and at first look without knowing Chris, i'd agree with Fenric hehe

Originally posted by Fenric1138
He looks like one of those young footballers you see a mugshot of in the Sunday papers along with a story about how many Page 3 models they bedded in one night.. I hate them for that, its unfair to the rest of us ;)
Originally posted by Stone
I'm WELSH, woo, am I the only one?

Welsh are cool. The Welsh gave _me_ Charlotte Church ;), so I'll always be grateful *grins*
Originally, yes. It's spread. Funny how that happens...
Originally posted by Loshadka
You forgot about Loashadka - in russian - small female horse.

Hmm weird? Are there also a name for a big female horse? And how about the male small/big horsies?? :):):):):):):):bounce:
last time i checked i was male :D ...if it didn't change for some cruel, incredible reason, i still am.