Are you male or female?

m or f

  • male

    Votes: 100 82.0%
  • female

    Votes: 11 9.0%
  • "Confused"

    Votes: 11 9.0%

  • Total voters
bliink said:
I put it there.. it weeds out some of the dumb votes where a guy would otherwise press female anyway.

oh you made this thread?/!

hm, well I thought confused was funny, I got a big laff out of pressing that button :D
VirusType2 said:
oh you made this thread?/!

hm, well I thought confused was funny, I got a big laff out of pressing that button :D

I didn't make the thread, I just added the poll option afterwards.
MarcoPollo said:
hmm my theory on the "confused" votes......tr0n....babyheady....johnmedz..pressure...RRunner.....gordonsbrother...and...TDE??? (don't magically kill meh)

actually i forgot to vote :rolleyes:

heres me, either the red head on the left or the bearded lady on the right....
RRunner said:
actually i forgot to vote :rolleyes:

heres me, either the red head on the left or the bearded lady on the right....

lol. "bearded lady"

you look intelligent
CREMATOR666 said:
I bet your next poll would be something along the line of "What kind of guy do you like" :p
CREMATOR666 <Sighs> He's so dreeeamy. :)
Male here......
Damn,everyone is female here......
I am a guy, and i voted it, but now, im kinda wishing i picked confused... darn.

Oh and shens.... quality. BTW

Let me guess, this is a "who is teh girls???!!11 I want to sex0r them!!!11 :O omg! girls!!!" ;)