Are you part of the 98% of the population of the world, or the 2%?

I remember when I saw this years ago...I thought of a Blue screwdriver :\
actually i thought of a red wrench, but chose a pink hammer because i thought the general answer would be a wrench for some reason.
I thought of a blue wrench. Guess I'm abnormal...even though I don't know why most people would say a red hammer.
green scissors

haha I am special! I am special!
green hammer!

Also, i think a lot of us are different than the general population. I remember when we all took the Myer Briggs personality test, and a lot of us scored INTJ, which is one of (if not the) most uncommon one.
God damnit, you ruined the quiz for me by saying your results.

**** you all.
green hammer!

Also, i think a lot of us are different than the general population. I remember when we all took the Myer Briggs personality test, and a lot of us scored INTJ, which is one of (if not the) most uncommon one.

yeah we are a bunch of abnormals weeeee!
I didn't even read the replies! It's in the first post!!
I thought red hammer, but this test is really ****ing useless.

This kind comes to mind too.

.....cept in a cyan or calm blue.
I thought of a black knife. :/

/So, I;m

a) abnormal (possibly?)


b) this test only applies to a certain culture/language.
Perhaps it's not a good idea to check for the abnorm on

For I am Legend.
lol that test does nothing. its all on in the chance of what you guess.
This didn't work at all for me. I thought it was a trick question so where it said

"Now - just follow the instructions as quickly as possible.

DO NOT go to the next calculation before you have finished the previous one..

You DO NOT need to write or remember the answers, just do it using your mind. "

I thought that was the trick and since there was no previous calculation before the first that meant you weren't supposed to do any of them so i simply scrolled to the bottom and saw red hammer. I guess I fail and am part of the 0% who cant do the stupid test haha.
Purple Hacksaw for me XD

I must be a sick and twisted person