Are you racist?

Are you racist, either consciously or unconsciously?

  • I am consciously racist.

    Votes: 9 10.7%
  • I am unconsciously racist, but I keep myself in line.

    Votes: 24 28.6%
  • I am not racist.

    Votes: 51 60.7%

  • Total voters


The Freeman
Jun 2, 2003
Reaction score
First: The poll is anonymous!

Second: I'm just curious about the distribution of as far as racism goes; At least, those who dare venture into the depths of logic and rhetoric that are the Politics forum :p

Also, I'd like to point out that the second option is for those who are aware of, and attempt to suppress, any subconscious racist tendencies they may have. I am one of these people. I know I have these tendencies, but I do my best to never, ever allow them to affect any decisions I make or things I say or opinions I form.
Depends. In the context of modern society, I'd say I'm not even unconciously racist. However, I believe that every human being has the potential to be racist as it is in our very blood to "protect" our family / tribe / territory from foreign threats, and humans feel safer when grouped with people who they feel are similiar to them.

Can you be racist against chavs? Because I really hate chavs. That's probably some sort of instinctive racism that is firmly rooted in my being, but yet I consider anyone who speaks to me politely, whether they're black, jewish, indian, muslim or whatever, to be completely and utterly equal to me. That's why I voted "not racist".
If you're an ignorant, uneducated bitch, I hate you. Race really has nothing to do with it.
Guess you could say unconsciously racist. I'm ashamed of it, but it happens sometimes. I'll avoid groups of African Americans, fearing eye contact. My impressions of Turkish and Albanian people has bee incredibly tainted by my real life experiences with most and those of others, including a group of them beating the living shit out of my brother and his friends for no reason other than that they spoke English. Whenever somebody says they're Canadian, I audibly snicker. Although with that, there's no ill will. Just me being a dickish neighbor in good fun.

I never see these racist tendencies as valid. I never form an action or argument based on them, and I remind myself how worthless and stupid they are. If I ever use a racial slur against somebody, nine times out of ten it's against a friend and we're just messing around. The other one time is if I know it will piss you off.

I highly doubt there is anybody who can say they're entirely not racist. The forming of generalizations and stereotypes are a completely natural psychological progress, and there's often simply no way of fighting it. The most you can do is question yourself and separate the wheat from the chaff.
We're all unconsciously prejudiced. I just try to ignore that part of myself and stay openminded.
Never Never Never You Saaaaay! Cause The Klu Klux Klan Is Here To Stay
Depends. In the context of modern society, I'd say I'm not even unconciously racist. However, I believe that every human being has the potential to be racist as it is in our very blood to "protect" our family / tribe / territory from foreign threats, and humans feel safer when grouped with people who they feel are similiar to them.

Can you be racist against chavs? Because I really hate chavs. That's probably some sort of instinctive racism that is firmly rooted in my being, but yet I consider anyone who speaks to me politely, whether they're black, jewish, indian, muslim or whatever, to be completely and utterly equal to me. That's why I voted "not racist".

Umm what he said...every word. :E
I wouldn't call myself racist, I have friends of many different ethnicities. If any race annoys me the most it would be the gangster-like blacks, but then again the more civilized blacks I have no problems with at all... maybe its just a civility issue.

I don't believe in race mixing. I think one should stick with his own kind. This is all just my personal choice though, I have no problems with others having inter-racial relationships or having inter-racial children. Everyone has the right to do with their genes as they see fit in my eyes. I'm pretty sure no one is 100% one race anymore anyways, everyone is mixed somewhere down the line I assume. That doesn't make me racist does it?
If nobody is 100% one race, why do you have anything against "mixing".
It's not race that gets it for me, it's attitude. Yeah, I hate the black guys who walk around in baggy pants and chains galore who talk in ebonics, but it pisses me off just as much if not more if I see a white guy doing it. Same goes for just about any stereotype.
I think the consensus here (with a few exceptions) is that most people are prejudiced against class rather than race. A chav/skidmark/trailer trash is still a chav/skidmark/trailer trash regardless of what race/ethnic background he may be
I think the consensus here (with a few exceptions) is that most people are prejudiced against class rather than race. A chav/skidmark/trailer trash is still a chav/skidmark/trailer trash regardless of what race/ethnic background he may be

Yeah, in case my point didn't get across clear enough, that was what I meant.
If nobody is 100% one race, why do you have anything against "mixing".

I don't know that no one is 100% one race, It's just an assumption. Regardless, there are indeed different races... there are some obvious phenotypic differences, more than just skin color.

Personally, I don't care to see my race disappear. We see action groups world wide devoted to saving endangered species like elephants, tigers, and whales... yet when it comes to humans it doesn't matter?
Not a racist in the sense that I believe my own race is superior to others or that the race you were born with determines your culture, or personal success in life. Though, I am prejudice at times and I try not to judge. Only in that sense of that word am I racist, but not from feeling of hatred/superiority of other races. In other words, what some others have said.
I don't know that no one is 100% one race, It's just an assumption. Regardless, there are indeed different races... there are some obvious phenotypic differences, more than just skin color.

And this matters what? You oppose mixing on the grounds of of phenotypes?

Personally, I don't care to see my race disappear. We see action groups world wide devoted to saving endangered species like elephants, tigers, and whales... yet when it comes to humans it doesn't matter?

A black man is not a ****ing different species from a white man. gg
Personally, I don't care to see my race disappear. We see action groups world wide devoted to saving endangered species like elephants, tigers, and whales... yet when it comes to humans it doesn't matter?

Well so long as you keep sexing, the human race won't disappear.
And this matters what? You oppose mixing on the grounds of of phenotypes?

These are the defining factors of races aren't they?

A black man is not a ****ing different species from a white man. gg

No shit, I guess I need to break that part down for you. Asian Elephants and Savannah Elephants, Blue Whale and Fin whale and so on...different races of the same species.
These are the defining factors of races aren't they?

Yes, a black man looks different from a white man.

And yet you still haven't explained why the two mixing is wrong.

No shit, I guess I need to break that part down for you. Asian Elephants and Savannah Elephants, Blue Whale and Fin whale and so on...different races of the same species.

Then don't use the ****ing word "species" like you did in your post.

What are you getting at?
Furthermore, should we care?

We protect endangered species because, in most cases, their extinction is due to human actions and ignorance. We care about them because that is considered unfair and inconsiderate. Nobody gives a crap (or nobody should) because if any two humans want to screw, it's of their own consent.
Nope. I just really really hate stupid people. So... that leaves like, four individuals, including myself.
Yes, a black man looks different from a white man.

And yet you still haven't explained why the two mixing is wrong.

Then don't use the ****ing word "species" like you did in your post.

What are you getting at?
Furthermore, should we care?

We protect endangered species because, in most cases, their extinction is due to human actions and ignorance. We care about them because that is considered unfair and inconsiderate. Nobody gives a crap (or nobody should) because if any two humans want to screw, it's of their own consent.

I've never said it was wrong to mix races. I don't think you can really apply morality to the subject..doesn't make much sense. It's my personal choice, I am white and I prefer white women.

Also, I was listing 3 different species of animals, all of which have different endangered races of that particular species. I'm well aware of the differences between the two.

No, "the white man :LOL: " is not endangered, though if any particular race of humans were at the brink of extinction I bet action would be taken to ensure that didn't happen.

Not all animals put on the endangered species list are there because of the actions of humans. We try and save them because once they are gone that's it, doesn't matter how it came to be that way.

I guess you didn't read my earlier post thoroughly. I don't care what others do, I'm not offended by inter-racial couples or inter-racial children. It's bound to happen when multiple races live amoung each other. There's no hatred involved here. I choose to have offspring within my race, it doesn't really get much more complex than that.
Nah. If I see someone of a different race, I think: "Oooh, a foreigner! Cool!" sometimes, but nowadays I just go: "Meh."

But because of the things that are emphasized in our culture, such as nationalism, I am ethno-centric a bit. However, it's not like I look down at other races or anything.
I voted 'I am not racist', but then I realized that I ****ing hate gypsies.
I voted 'I am not racist', but then I realized that I ****ing hate gypsies.

LOL. Hello brother:LOL: . I don't know how gypsies are where you're from, but here they are much worse then chavs:hmph: .
I hate wigers, because all of them pretend to be someone there not by definition.
Well, I don't believe that people of other races are any different as in more likely to commit crime or other bad stuff. However, unconsciously, a group of black men that I had to walk past on the street at night would intimidate me more than white men.
LOL. Hello brother:LOL: . I don't know how gypsies are where you're from, but here they are much worse then chavs:hmph: .

Damn right. Gypsies are scum.

A bunch moved into a school playing field down the road from my parents - their caravans tearing up the grass in deep furrows. For months they were there, the school, locals and the police unable to legally move them (!!!). During this time there were burglaries all over town, areas were vandalised, and people intimidated. When they eventually buggered off all that was left was a sea of rubbish and massive patches of dead grass - which cost the school £1000's.

It's not the first time this has happened either. Last time some locals got so riled they firebombed a few caravans. While not the answer, I can understand why people go to such lengths when the government sits by a watches assholes like this wreck decent towns.