Are YOU supporting Steam?

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Pi Mu Rho said:

Steam doesn't download anything in the background. It doesn't update anything until you restart it either. Both of these things can be easily checked by anyone with half a clue.

Do you really think you're going to convince people that you're right? Are you going to rouse the masses, have them metaphorically march on the steampowered forums, brandishing torches and pitchforks?

You're getting your arse handed to you repeatedly. Wake up and smell what you're shovelling...
Nice one :cheers:
Pi Mu Rho said:

Steam doesn't download anything in the background. It doesn't update anything until you restart it either. Both of these things can be easily checked by anyone with half a clue.

Do you really think you're going to convince people that you're right? Are you going to rouse the masses, have them metaphorically march on the steampowered forums, brandishing torches and pitchforks?

You're getting your arse handed to you repeatedly. Wake up and smell what you're shovelling...
Yea shove his words back in his ass!
Just a heads up, he's creating new forum accounts shortly after each banning in steampowered. Poor little thief is raged. :(
CriYam said:
HAHAHA! You got your ass handed to you by steam, then Valve and now us. Good start to the new year, you best hope it can only get better. :)

I think he got more than his ass handed to him *cough*dignity*cough*

Poor Bigbot, he might run off and join the circus (When I say circus I mean Mygo t)
well besides the fact that these forums are biased as hell (funny how so many people (banned of course) supported me on steampowered... i am not a thief... i bought Half Life 1, and after having issues buying HL2, cracked it and said "hell ill buy it when i get back to the states." games dont come easy in kuwait. Any of you can admit that people crack games all the time that they buy... who here hasnt copied a game on a cd and played it? You can all sit here and gang up on me and I dont really give a damn.. steam cannot be turned off while you are playing (unless you are cracking and that makes you a THIEF.. OMG!!) Like I said before, its a 50 dollar game and I am happy to pay for it when it's not bundled with this bullshit. I like to manage my bandwidth. Maybe I want to download a movie.. but steam is in the background downloading some bullshit advertisement or an update. Yahoo is a pain in the ass, installing all sorts of toolbars and icons all over the place. But, you can turn them all off. Control is the issue here. You buy the freaking game, you should be able to turn steam off. Period. It's a parasite.
danimal, i just noticed you joined aug and you already got 12 hundread posts! i thought you were a vet or something!
You can turn off automated updates...

Steam > Play games > Any game > properties

then select "Do not update games automatically"

Lol, look at my profile. I make over 9 posts a day :D
Total Posts: 1,241 (9.33 posts per day)
and yes, steampowered bullshit will fall to my GRAND ARMY. I am a pirate, and my MIGHTY PIRATE BRIGANTINE is not to be trifled with. Maybe some of you guys could, hmm have a different opinion than all your little buddies? Hey lets all jump on the bandwagon! Let's appease each other to death! You pwned him!! woot!!!
ohhh, you can turn off updates... well thats a start.. but it doesnt solve the problem that its still running... i get nervous with anything shady running. I don't have viruscan running constantly, only when i scan... i dont have E-GATOR freaking wallet or Kazaa... and I don't plan on downloading this steam anytime soon
your only mad because you tried the warze version, and steam caught you, how pathedic
Post a list of all your so called 'pirates'. Besides, a flock of hammerheads would pwn pirates anyday.

Pirates are cool aren't they? Now a pirate... A pirate would pwn all who eat his ham...

You are not a pirate.
There's no point responding to him. Any valid points that people make (such as Steam not actually downloading anything in the background, for example) just get completely ignored by him.

bigbot said:
ohhh, you can turn off updates... well thats a start.. but it doesnt solve the problem that its still running... i get nervous with anything shady running. I don't have viruscan running constantly, only when i scan... i dont have E-GATOR freaking wallet or Kazaa... and I don't plan on downloading this steam anytime soon

Steam doesn't do anything malicious like spyware, so there's nothing to worry about. There's nothing shady about it, only what your own paranoia is telling you.
no its much more than that... im mad because they stole back my legitimately bought half life 1, and i have hated steam since the start. How about you go to walmart and steal a watch... get caught... you think they are going to come to your house and steal a stereo to "teach you a lesson"... what kind of example would they be setting? "son, dont ****ing use mother****ing bad words in my house bitch!"... yeah thats about right. Im not saying I didnt screw up... and sure my account should have been and was rightly banned... taking back a game is bad ethics for a company and ridiculous. BUt you guys go ahead, keep subscribing to this bullshit and ganging up on me... at least I have my own damn opinion.
what a idiot, his warze version didnt work, and hes mad about it

EDIT: its your own fault you tried warze, and steam even warns people. opinion? more like stupidity

EDIT2: you bet your ass it is danimal
This roXx0rz!

I wish I was a mod right now to end this pain

Bigbot, "The Pills will ease the Pain"
Even the dullest-minded moron would have thought to use the warez version on a different account to the one with his legitimate games on.

If you spend all your time splashing around in the shallow end of the gene pool, you're going to get laughed at.
Well i'm not biased one way or the other, I wouldnt really care if I had steam or not, it does not present any big advantages or disadvantages to me as a normal user.
I havent had any problems, just the long authentification process and then 2 validation processes, but it does download the patches well.

But one thing I've noticed. I've seen a lot of people complain about their steam accounts being banned. All of them seem to be obnoxious full of hate and insults about your mother.

So I suggest you take your complaint to Valve, rather than the community. I mean, we didn't make steam. We can't fix it for you.
If you account banning is a genuine mistake, you should be able to prove this no problem. I dont think using a crack(eg No CD crack) is a bad thing if you have a valid version of the game, it's not like distributing it and making a profit illegally.
In those kind of cases I think a temporary ban would be in order.
I think he might make an army of super pirates to overtake VALVe
kirovman, he used warze, trust me, and he got what he deserves
you guys proved your points... im a thief, steam doesnt download anything in the background (verified by who?)- but ok ill buy that, and the rest of you are just ganking me. Somebody tell me how its right for valve to steal back a game i bought, somebody tell me why this crap running in the background is necessary.. somebody tell me why they even infected their old games with it... WON worked fine.. you have a unique key verifying system and it was quick and transparent. This system is bulky and frankly invading. You guys go ahead and trust valve... trust the updates they push out... you know they are tracking your gaming habits right? maybe they are tracking your hardware too. Pushing out advertisements? yep... the bottom line is this game doesnt need to be bundled with this bullshit. You guys have obviously already bought the game, and are fiercely defending it.. after all, you can't look weak can you? Well i'm not the only one out there.... killers own sig is making fun of the bullshit.. yet he slams on me with the rest of you
Woah, ktime. I am nearly beating you in posts and you had headstart :D
dude, i only keep that sig because its funny! its not something serious. and why the **** do you think they will upload spywares to your computer? this is NOT kazza or other bullshit

edit: well, for about 8 months, i quit visiting this place, then i came back
You don't trust the updates that Valve push out? Yet you trust the patches they used to release for HL/CS?

Steam does not monitor your hardware (although why you should care if it does is beyond me) or anything outside of Valve's games. This has been VERIFIED several times by the use of packet sniffers.

Steam doesn't do any advertising at all. Prove otherwise.
bigbot said:
you guys proved your points... im a thief, steam doesnt download anything in the background (verified by who?)- but ok ill buy that, and the rest of you are just ganking me. Somebody tell me how its right for valve to steal back a game i bought, somebody tell me why this crap running in the background is necessary.. somebody tell me why they even infected their old games with it... WON worked fine.. you have a unique key verifying system and it was quick and transparent. This system is bulky and frankly invading. You guys go ahead and trust valve... trust the updates they push out... you know they are tracking your gaming habits right? maybe they are tracking your hardware too. Pushing out advertisements? yep... the bottom line is this game doesnt need to be bundled with this bullshit. You guys have obviously already bought the game, and are fiercely defending it.. after all, you can't look weak can you? Well i'm not the only one out there.... killers own sig is making fun of the bullshit.. yet he slams on me with the rest of you

I said that it tracks it, ffs. Grow up, you used warez and got busted for it. What would your real parents think?
at least kirovman isn't jumping on the bandwagon.. you guys see everything in black and white... wouldnt the world be so simple if it was that way. Hacker or not a hacker. Thief or not a thief. Nobody deserves a second chance right? The "dullest minded moron" wouldnt even know how to try to crack HL2, and how the hell was I to know they were going to pull some extreme 30,000 account ban. I figured what the hell i'll play the game here, head back home after im done in the middle east and buy the game to play on the internet.
That still makes it your fault, not Valve's. Ignorance is no excuse.
bigbot said:
no its much more than that... im mad because they stole back my legitimately bought half life 1, and i have hated steam since the start. How about you go to walmart and steal a watch... get caught... you think they are going to come to your house and steal a stereo to "teach you a lesson"... what kind of example would they be setting? "son, dont ****ing use mother****ing bad words in my house bitch!"... yeah thats about right. Im not saying I didnt screw up... and sure my account should have been and was rightly banned... taking back a game is bad ethics for a company and ridiculous. BUt you guys go ahead, keep subscribing to this bullshit and ganging up on me... at least I have my own damn opinion.

Well firstly Walmart items is a physical object, secondly you technically didn't buy Half-Life, you bought the right to use it.

This would be the same as buying food at a restaurant, you don't buy the plates, the forks and knives, you buy a right to use it.

If you then run from the bill, then your access to the restaurant will be restricted, and therefor you do not have any access to the plates, the forks or the knives.

Therefor your account was(as you say yourself) rightfully banned, and since you can't access your account, you can't access your games.

So they're not stealing back the game.

And my opinion is also my own, however mine is based around facts not bullshivism(as mr. burns would put it)
what? you thought warze was legal? wow you are stupid

edit: you got that bitch right
bigbot said:
at least kirovman isn't jumping on the bandwagon.. you guys see everything in black and white... wouldnt the world be so simple if it was that way. Hacker or not a hacker. Thief or not a thief. Nobody deserves a second chance right? The "dullest minded moron" wouldnt even know how to try to crack HL2, and how the hell was I to know they were going to pull some extreme 30,000 account ban. I figured what the hell i'll play the game here, head back home after im done in the middle east and buy the game to play on the internet.

Because you agreed to not do it when signing up.
not to mention that steam has caused tons of grief for legitimate purchasers... dont even think about trying to deny that.. dozens of posts a day about it in steampowered (many deleted of course)...
woah, Ktime. You are certainly jumpy today :bounce: and what is it with all the fast posts?
bigbot said:
not to mention that steam has caused tons of grief for legitimate purchasers... dont even think about trying to deny that.. dozens of posts a day about it in steampowered (many deleted of course)...

Tons (Or tonnes) is not 1 person :LOL:
well, mainly, i am trying to stay up for the newyears, 4 am here, seeing if i can not sleep for a whole 24 hours for the first time in my life
bigbot said:
at least kirovman isn't jumping on the bandwagon.. you guys see everything in black and white... wouldnt the world be so simple if it was that way. Hacker or not a hacker. Thief or not a thief. Nobody deserves a second chance right? The "dullest minded moron" wouldnt even know how to try to crack HL2, and how the hell was I to know they were going to pull some extreme 30,000 account ban. I figured what the hell i'll play the game here, head back home after im done in the middle east and buy the game to play on the internet.
You do have a second chance, create a new account and follow the EULA this time.

bigbot said:
not to mention that steam has caused tons of grief for legitimate purchasers... dont even think about trying to deny that.. dozens of posts a day about it in steampowered (many deleted of course)...

That wil always be the issue, needless to say that the majority of the grief is infact delivered by Vivendi themselves for not allowing Valve to enable the game on those people who had gotten it early.

Copy protection has been disabled to further halt grief, and people playing online for free gets their account disabled to even further halt any grief.
You will see shadows stabbing legs if you stay up that long... trust me. Don't stay up for longer than 3 days
but whatever... im done here. you guys see the points i have made, laugh all you want and pretend i didn't make any. You won't be laughing in a few years if you keep supporting this shit... every other game will start doing the same thing.. i can only hope steam won't last and people like you can see through your ego's and petty insults.
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