Are you "the nice guy"?

dude, youre not exactly helping yourself with that attitude

I don't see why. Just because you meet someone is a club doesn't mean you have to sleep with them instantly. I knew Nic, my fiancee, for 3 years before we got together, and in that time nothing sexual happened, even though I used the approach I have said earlier. Although a hell of a lot of flirting happened in that time.

It doesn't matter who you approach a girl, it's what you then do that decides whether there is a worth while future. Out of the hundreds of girls I've pulled at clubs I slept with 7, and none of those were on the same night I met them. 3 were long term relationships, the others were just really close mates, who I had no strings sex with.

I prefer to know a girl before I put out. Far too much is put on sleeping with as many girls as you can when you are a guy. People really need to get over that. Just play the field without sleeping with them, find who you really like, and then work on that girl to make it more than just lustful attraction. Hell if you really want to and it makes you feel better, tell you mates you slept with them all. If you have game, they'll believe you regardless.
Right, this is a random question - but did your fiancee Nic called nicola louise, and did she play HLDM? If so - I used to play op4 with her :)
I prefer to know a girl before I put out. Far too much is put on sleeping with as many girls as you can when you are a guy. People really need to get over that. Just play the field without sleeping with them, find who you really like, and then work on that girl to make it more than just lustful attraction. Hell if you really want to and it makes you feel better, tell you mates you slept with them all. If you have game, they'll believe you regardless.
Same here, but I hate being in clubs so I just do it at school/work/vacation/vaccuum of space. (You won't BELIEVE some space women :O)
Right, this is a random question - but did your fiancee Nic called nicola louise, and did she play HLDM? If so - I used to play op4 with her :)
Hah before I finished reading that post I wsa thinking:
"Did your fiancee Nic called nicola louise, and did she play hldm? If so - I banged her :)"
so I was like :| until I read it, then I was like :laugh:
Trying to find a girl that Badger hasn't banged is a bit too unrealistic if you ask me.
Right, this is a random question - but did your fiancee Nic called nicola louise, and did she play HLDM? If so - I used to play op4 with her :)
No, at least not to my knowledge. Although I'm trying to get her to start playing FPS again. She hasn't played them since Quake 2.
Ending up being 'just friends' is a baaaad thing? :P Isn't it fun to have lots of girlfriends and have girls day out days and go shopping and gossiping and, and all that stuff?!


I'll see myself out... :o
No, at least not to my knowledge. Although I'm trying to get her to start playing FPS again. She hasn't played them since Quake 2.
Don't think its the person I'm thinking of, her fiancee knew she played HLDM :)

How wierd would that be?

Dek; I'm not a slut at the moment, I'm seeing a lovely girl, have been for past 3 weeks now :O
I'm always the nice guy. In fact I'm too kind in some situations
Ending up being 'just friends' is a baaaad thing? :P Isn't it fun to have lots of girlfriends and have girls day out days and go shopping and gossiping and, and all that stuff?!


I'll see myself out... :o
Having female friends is actually a really good thing if you have shit all confidence around girl your want to get with. If you can learn to be comfortable around your female friends you can use that when you approach girls you like (remember they are all the same - the girls you are attracted to aren't fire breathing monsters, they're the same as the girls who are your friends).
Having female friends is actually a really good thing if you have shit all confidence around girl your want to get with. If you can learn to be comfortable around your female friends you can use that when you approach girls you like (remember they are all the same - the girls you are attracted to aren't fire breathing monsters, they're the same as the girls who are your friends).

But they have different mindsets about you. I know there are some friends of mine that wouldn't sleep with me, just because they can't ever see me that way, then I could go out and get some girl at a club....they may be women, but they don't all think alike..
No, but regardless, you should still feel comfortable around them. That's the point I was getting at. Regular female contact builds confidence for you with the opposite sex.

I wouldn't sleep with a lot of my female friend (mainly because they are with my best mates) but that doesn't mean we're not really close, sometimes flirty (in a friendly way) and have a laugh. Those connections are hardly any different to how I am with the girls I'm trying to get with (although the flirting is much stronger with girls I want to get into) we just know our boundaries are shorter than boundaries with people we are wanting to get with.

Even being with Nic for the last nearly 4 years, I'm still flirtatious with girls I'm close with. It doesn't mean I'm going to do anything with them though. It's just a great confidence boost to be being flirtatious with a girl and them reciprocating that (regardless if it's totally friendly), and by now we should have all come to the conclusion that confidence is almost everything in this game.
No, but regardless, you should still feel comfortable around them. That's the point I was getting at. Regular female contact builds confidence for you with the opposite sex.

I wouldn't sleep with a lot of my female friend (mainly because they are with my best mates) but that doesn't mean we're not really close, sometimes flirty (in a friendly way) and have a laugh. Those connections are hardly any different to how I am with the girls I'm trying to get with (although the flirting is much stronger with girls I want to get into) we just know our boundaries are shorter than boundaries with people we are wanting to get with.

Even being with Nic for the last nearly 4 years, I'm still flirtatious with girls I'm close with. It doesn't mean I'm going to do anything with them though. It's just a great confidence boost to be being flirtatious with a girl and them reciprocating that (regardless if it's totally friendly), and by now we should have all come to the conclusion that confidence is almost everything in this game.

Oh, I know that. I'm naturally flirty, and we all have a grand time flirting with each other, groping/fondling/etc. Nothing will ever come of it, but it's still mad fun.
am i the nice guy? no.

im the sleazy bastard. when you first meet me.

im actually nice, but being a wet blanket isnt the best first impression, so i save it for later.
But they have different mindsets about you. I know there are some friends of mine that wouldn't sleep with me, just because they can't ever see me that way, then I could go out and get some girl at a club....they may be women, but they don't all think alike..
They can't ever see you that way you because you are in something called "The Friend Zone". It's a hideous place. At least that's my perspective on the problem.
They can't ever see you that way you because you are in something called "The Friend Zone". It's a hideous place. At least that's my perspective on the problem.

being in the friend zone on a few girls is OK...with most of them? Shit.
Anybody here who says that wouldn't bang a fit female "friend" is in direct contradiction with the ladder theory.

The ladder theory is infallible. Tread lightly... :borg:
Anybody here who says that wouldn't bang a fit female "friend" is in direct contradiction with the ladder theory.

The ladder theory is infallible. Tread lightly... :borg:

It's not that I won''s that they won't.
Anybody here who says that wouldn't bang a fit female "friend" is in direct contradiction with the ladder theory.

The ladder theory is infallible. Tread lightly... :borg:
I was actually about to bring that up, until I saw your post. Although, admitting you would, and actually doing it are two very different things. I would never sleep with any of my close female friend who are with my mates. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't want to.
Well, sure. The guy code obviously overrides impulse most of the time.
But I don't see how you could admit you would do it, but then not do it after all. It's like saying hey this pie is awesome, but it's horrible.
But I don't see how you could admit you would do it, but then not do it after all. It's like saying hey this pie is awesome, but it's horrible.

It's weighing consequences. Do you:
A) Respect your friend's relationship and relegate your desire to screw his girl to masturbation.
B) Bang her, kill your friendship, and possibly get your ass beaten.

Another factor is whether or not you're aiming for or already dating somebody you find more attractive.

Or you're a cuddle bitch, and it's futile to try any way.
Anybody here who says that wouldn't bang a fit female "friend" is in direct contradiction with the ladder theory.

The ladder theory is infallible. Tread lightly... :borg:

true ..guys dont have female friends ..they're all potential sexual conquests; even the ugly female friends ..and I dont care what people say along the lines of "nah she's just a friend I would never ..." bullshit!!! under the right circumstances: you're drunk she's naked, any guy would jump at the chance ...oh and the severity of inebriation reflects on how likely you are to sleep with your ugly female friends ...also whether or not she can keep a secret :naughty: never say never

oh and never hit on your friend's chick; not only is it low but it's also desparate: there's plenty of women in the sea why would you screw your friend over just to get laid?

that said, stern has broken that rule once or twice ..but so long as it's more along the lines of "****buddy" rather than girlfriend it's somewhat ok
one time i took a girl home and started playing with her intestines

oh yeah i forgot to mention the part where i brutally murdered her and gutted her insides onto my diy workbench

not to mention, the thing folded in and fell over making a right mess of my carpet. me and her corpse weren't best chuffed
Friends First = Win

If you do that, you know that you two get along and like similar things. My current GF was my friends for a year and a half before I asked her out. We love being together. My advice is to get to know chicks first. Whenever I just ask someone out that I hardly know it becomes a disaster in about two months. FRIENDS FIRST!
Friends First = Win

If you do that, you know that you two get along and like similar things. My current GF was my friends for a year and a half before I asked her out. We love being together. My advice is to get to know chicks first. Whenever I just ask someone out that I hardly know it becomes a disaster in about two months. FRIENDS FIRST!

i only become friends with women so then they can make friends with my shirts and an iron