Arizona Vs Chicago


Sep 4, 2006
Reaction score
For those who like football.

Anyone watched this game on ESPN yesterday? I mean, cannot believe how the cardinals lost yesterday.
Watched it and laughed. My friend and I had a bet on it, and up until the end of the third, I had been losing the bet.

Obviously I chose the Bears. I'm surprised to see Arizona choke like they did.
I think Leinart did a pretty good job, Chicago won with sheer luck with fumbles and the punt TD. What team do you go for?
Leinart did great for a losing effort. Honestly, Grossman threw four INTs and fumbled twice. That calls for a loss right there, but their defense pulled out the victory.

By what team do I go for, you mean my favorite team? I love me some Rams!
What about you?
Rofl, I watched it...they were playing in my town last night, and up until then I wasn't watching football but my friend does and he was cheering for the cardinals. But as he told me the status of this team throughout the years I haven't followed them and for my own reasons why I don't cheer for the cardinals is what happened last night. I honestly thought they had it...but the usual cardinal's performance/luck reared its ugly head. Kudos to the bears for that cameback.
The kicker must have been lynched in the locker room.
The kicker must have been lynched in the locker room.
Neil Rackers, the kicker, missed two fieldgoals in that game which could have won it for them. He also missed another chance to win the game last week. He's been having a terrible year.
Grossman was throwing interceptions and fumbling like a mad man before the half, amazing that they managed to come back, then the Cardinals go and biff the field goal
Don't blame the kicker. He's just one part of a hugely horrible effort. How the **** can you not when a game when the opposition basically gives you the ball like everytime it has it?! Not capitalizing on the turnovers is inexcusable. Pathetic. Jake the Snake could've done it! :E
I could do this all day, bring it on baby!
I don't get how kicking a field goal is so tough in NFL? Ain't they just 20 yards away and directly in line with the goal?

Pfft, Gavin Henson can do that blindfolded!
No the one he missed was 41 yards away..kinda tough, but not really for someone who gets paid millions just to do that. 50+ yard field goals are when they start really getting tough. But evo your thinking of the point after touchdown, which is only about 20 yards out.
Well, field goal range is considered around the 30 yard line for most kickers I believe.

But considering the placement of the ball at the time of the kick is roughly 5 yards back, increasing the distance to 35 yards. Also the posts are not on the touchdown line, they're in the back of the endzone; another 10 yards.

So in reality it's a 45 yard kick from what is considered field goal range.

Plus then factor in wind, a bad snap from the center, or bad placement of the football for the kick, and the pressure...

The conversion at the end of a touchdown is easy though, only 10 yards out or so, it's nothing. They rarely miss it.
Bears haven't played this bad since 2003. It was atrocious.

The Cardinals aren't used to winning and the entire organization doesn't want to change that mindset.
No the one he missed was 41 yards away..kinda tough, but not really for someone who gets paid millions just to do that. 50+ yard field goals are when they start really getting tough. But evo your thinking of the point after touchdown, which is only about 20 yards out.

Ahhh, thanks bryan :)