Arman's n00b questions


May 12, 2004
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here are where all my n00b questions will go!

anyways for my first n00b question how do i connect two vertices together in gmax?
doesent seem to be workin ? can you target weld the same object?ill post a screen if oyu dont know what im sayin.
that's because you didn't delete the polies between your selected parts, you can't connect two objects without deleting the the polies that will be "glude" together.
omg i forgot i knewi was doin somthin wrong thanks man
arman guy its nice to see that ur bridging the gap between 2d and 3d ..have fun ..if u need any help u can pm me or catch me on msn
thanks man yeah ill ring you up if i need some help. Anyways another question for this thread how do you render in gmax can you ?
if not how can i render my model?
Too bad there's no such thing as a manual

oh, wait..:rolleyes:
in max its f10 to bring up the render dialogue im not sure about gmax ... i dont think it has a render feature.
yeah there isent :( yo entity if your not gonna help go somewhere else!but is there any rendering tool that i can export my scene to so i can render my model?
i'm helping by asking you to read the manual, thats where you'll find most of your answers
it's gmax entity, things could very well be different

This is probably too complex but if your crazy you can try rendering with an oopen source renderer like POV-Ray

then again you are using gmax, probably cant export with it I'm guessing...
wait, gmax doesn't supply manuals? If it doesn't then sorry, been a long time since i've used it. Anyway, you're better of using blender, or xsi mod tool than using's outdated ;)
might have the online documentation, but I remeber using maya PLE and it simply took the documentation from the full version even though methods of doing things were completely different...

this is why it's worth paying the 299 for a student copy
ill get it when i goto VFS but for now ill just send the final version to a friend to render in 3dmax:p