ArsTechnica speaks on HL2



about 20 minutes ago ArsTechnica gave a little games roundup, and doesn't have too many good things to say on HL2. ouch. burn.

the faith even still lives on in me.
What the hell is ArseTechnica and what exactly did they have to say?
who gives a shit about this, everyday some website comes out with "HL2 shall suck it came to me in a dream" articles. Maybe they could back up what they are saying with some info not just speculation.
Well they do have a point, Valve does not have a very good track record...but this is easily accounted for, Valve have spent a lot of time and resources on Source and Half Life 2. Making your own engine and the sequel to a successfull game can chew up some time, if you also factor in time spent helping mod communities, Steam development etc etc I am not suprised Valve have a less than perfect record.

None the less, just because Valve is creating a sequel to Half-Life does not equate to a definate great merely carries the potential to be a great game. Look at Unreal II, the original Unreal was a brilliant game...Unreal II despite its hype and reported tech. was imo a flop...a disaster...a waste of a techdemo for the slightly enhance Unreal engine.

Basically don't just discard potential information because of the 'HL 2 will rock' fanboi-ism - pray for the best game, be prepared for a bad game. Personally I will take my time to purchase HL 2 , I will not buy the game merely on the merit that it is HL 2.
Basically don't just discard potential information because of the 'HL 2 will rock' fanboi-ism

Potential information such as....?
I mean if a site says 'HL 2 may suck', don't merely ignore it...have a look and see if there is some validity to thier claim.

In the case of ArsTechnica the information was ... limited to a single point, that is easily countered. However other sites may have some information that may not be so easily dismissed.

All I am saying is don't be so convinced HL 2 will rock, that you will not listen to negitive opinions.
ASnogarD said:
Well they do have a point, Valve does not have a very good track record...but this is easily accounted for, Valve have spent a lot of time and resources on Source and Half Life 2. Making your own engine and the sequel to a successfull game can chew up some time, if you also factor in time spent helping mod communities, Steam development etc etc I am not suprised Valve have a less than perfect record.

None the less, just because Valve is creating a sequel to Half-Life does not equate to a definate great merely carries the potential to be a great game. Look at Unreal II, the original Unreal was a brilliant game...Unreal II despite its hype and reported tech. was imo a flop...a disaster...a waste of a techdemo for the slightly enhance Unreal engine.

Basically don't just discard potential information because of the 'HL 2 will rock' fanboi-ism - pray for the best game, be prepared for a bad game. Personally I will take my time to purchase HL 2 , I will not buy the game merely on the merit that it is HL 2.
Buddy not a day goes by where some site I havn't heard of posts the same shit i just read. What potential info did they give, countion zero sucked so hl2 might well no kidding, but anyone who expected CZ to be anything more then just another way for valve to deepen their pockets was kidding themselfs.
My point is that Valve doesn't exactly have the best track record, and even if you factor in the wildly-successful mods like Counter-Strike and Day of Defeat, you still have to factor in the projects which weren't so good (Counter-Strike: Condition Zero) and the ones that never appeared.

ROFL, they even claim that counter strike and day of defeat are made by Valve :imu:
Where does it say in that article that Valve made CS or DoD? It doesnt, jackass, and all you fanboys needs to stop hassling people about their opinions.

Get your heads out of your asses, this game could very well suck ass, you just dont know until it's out.
Well, that site is garbage. After reading the HL2 blurb, i decided to read their speculation regarding ID's next project after Doom 3. They think ID Software will create a MMORPG. 'Nuff Said.
iamaelephant said:
Where does it say in that article that Valve made CS or DoD? It doesnt, jackass, and all you fanboys needs to stop hassling people about their opinions.

Get your heads out of your asses, this game could very well suck ass, you just dont know until it's out.
Lay off the anger pills buddy.
Mr-Fusion said:
Lay off the anger pills buddy.

yeah really Iamelephant, all you do is "Your all a bunch of fan boys noob rofl l33t pwn hax0r!" quit bitchin nobody likes you, go away.
This is the same site that breathlessly reported that Valve had recently come clean on the leak not being the cause for the missed ship date: even though we had known that since days after the delay announcement. Cluess. Doh.

That said, this isn't a put down of HL2 in any sense: read the conclusion. He says he'd be surprised if it sucked. All he's doing is commenting basically that people have gone a bit sour on Valve after last fall, which is a perfectly fair point to make.

phuket101 : I seeeeee you. When can we expect a phuket102?
Never trust a site with a black background and a logo made out of plasticine.

That's in the bible, you know.
Here is a clue>>>> *Clue*

And here are they>>> *They*

Clearly a case of clueless.

Just another 'OH NOES! I dindt g3t meh preciuosssss on teh septembre 30th!!' in disguise
ASnogarD said:
I mean if a site says 'HL 2 may suck', don't merely ignore it...have a look and see if there is some validity to thier claim.

In the case of ArsTechnica the information was ... limited to a single point, that is easily countered. However other sites may have some information that may not be so easily dismissed.

All I am saying is don't be so convinced HL 2 will rock, that you will not listen to negitive opinions.
I think it's partly to do with the fact that they seem to know nothing about Valve or Half-Life 2.

the projects which weren't so good (Counter-Strike: Condition Zero) and the ones that never appeared.

There are quite a lot of people now that like CS:CZ and more will start getting it as they update it through Steam. To my knowledge the only product that Valve have ever cancelled is Powerplay.

the much-delayed release of Half Life 2

It's been delayed once.

if the gaming press was sick of being misinformed and misled.

They had one bad judgement call with the September 30th release date. They've said they'll do other things which they haven't got round to yet but all of those can be forgiven considering how busy Valve are with the phenominal amount of projects they have on.

The article is total crap.
ArsTechnica is a very reputable site and they've been around for several years. Their speculation is certainly valid, IMO.
How can speculation be valid? I mean, if it's valid, it not speculation anymore :eek:
tokin said:

Yes, of course, god forbid anyone say anything at all that is negative towards HL2.

Thank you Mr. WannabeMod.
its been delayed twice hasn't it? they said an April release last christmas.
They only gave the sept 30th release date, after that it was said by Vivendi that it was gearing for an april release. That was just a speculative release by Vivendi and not Valve which means it can't count as being delayed.

Thats it im not buying it, Im officialy becoming a fan of the graphical giant "Barbies Vet School", goodbye.
He said MMO, and thought there would be no RPG elements, so technically you are entirely wrong, blahblahblah.
arstechnica are quite reputable and have done some great software/hardware reviews. But, like tomshardware, their expertise extends only so far.
Dudes, come on ArsTechnica?

Only trust HL2 Lambada for your news source. Sheesh, I thought everyone knew that!
jonbob said:
arstechnica are quite reputable and have done some great software/hardware reviews. But, like tomshardware, their expertise extends only so far.

Exactly, which is why Game.Ars is just a biweekly column instead of an entire site. :)

And, for all the knee-jerk reactionaries who must discredit anything remotely disparaging of Half-Life 2, the column clearly takes the tone of a subjective commentary, not an authoritative qualitative judgment. It's just one guy's opinion, like yours or mine. No need to get all vitriolic, folks. It's Half-Life 2, not the Patriot Act.

P.S. Digerati's link is hilarious. :LOL:
ASnogarD said:
I mean if a site says 'HL 2 may suck', don't merely ignore it...have a look and see if there is some validity to thier claim.
Hmm, don't have time for that, I cant just throw away my daily wanking time and start acting like mr. investigator... :rolleyes:
ASnogarD said:
I mean if a site says 'HL 2 may suck', don't merely ignore it...have a look and see if there is some validity to thier claim.

All I am saying is don't be so convinced HL 2 will rock, that you will not listen to negitive opinions.

Half Life 2 MAY suck...we all know that though, but anything like this is opinion from people who has yet to play the how can it be valid at all? If the game was out and he had played it, the opinion MIGHT carry some validity, but even then it's still just HIS opinion and that has nothing to do with how others might feel about the game. I certainly have played games, seen movies, read books, that got trashed in reviews which I enjoyed tremendously. And on the other side I have hated things which people loved...neither is's just an opinion.

I'll base my opinion on the game itself after I have completed the single player and after I have joined in some MP games. I won't be basing any opinion on how someone else feels...especially when the game is probably months away before it's even out.
Just some punks trying to drive site traffic by trash talking a popular title. Hey, it worked for Fragmaster. :rolleyes:
Ars Technica said:
The biggest surprise for me, though, was the relative absence of raving about and worshiping Half-Life 2
What did they expect? No game will do as well at it's 2nd E3 showing, especially one as critically acclaimed as HL2 was last year. Yet it still picked up "Best of Show" awards from Gamespy and Gamezone and it is once again, a nominee in the Game Critics Awards for "Best Game" of E3 2004...
Anyone notice that mr. phuket101 is an albatross? i.e., he flew in, pooped out this thread as he was passing through, and then vanished again...
Yeah I saw that Apos, my first thought was that it was someone from ArsTechnica, but then my second thought was...wait, I dont really care. :D