Ashes of Tomorrow



Hello i just started a mod called Ashes of Tomorrow we are looking for members in all fields of development. A few vehicle models are being made right now. Is interested in joining please dont hesitate to pm me.

Ashes of Tomorrow is a first person shooter being made on the Hl2 engine. This mod is a team play oriented mod with many objectives. When you first join a server you will be able to choose a team, then a class and then you will spawn in your teams Command Center. There you will see weapons and vehicles available for your use. Once you get outside the Command Center you will see a very futuristic and developed city. From there you can do numerous things such as go to the Technology Center to get more weapons, go to the vehicle plant and order a vehicle, go to the air defense center and pick up a aircraft, and the most important you can complete the given objective with your team. This brings up the vehicle plant and aircraft center. Once you order a vehicle or aircraft you will need to maintain it. You may do this by making sure it has enough fuel.

Killing a person or completing the objectives gets points in the team point pool. Different vehicles, aircrafts and weapons takes a certain number of points before you can use them. Sometimes if your team is doing really well you will earn bonuses such as unlocking different weapons, vehicles or aircrafts even though your team point pool doesn’t have the required amount of points.
i havent played that. Its a big planet and 2 teams on each map, each team has its own centers. The battleing will be fun since you can battle with guns, vehicles or aircrafts. Whats cool is some aircrafts take 2 people to operate so there will be air battles going on while other teams mates are battleing on the ground.
The jist of U2XMP was that each team had a base, with some artifacts, and you won by taking the other teams artifacts back to your base, like CTF... however at the same time (and this is the bit your post reminded me of) there are several power stations dotted about the map with either team can capture. You need power to keep your vehicles respawning, and force walls and turrets working and such...

Meh, I only played the demo... perhaps someone with the full game could explain it better if they too thought of it upon reading your post. :)
No this is different. :) im looking for a co-leader and all the other members :)
Is this futuristic? Are you planning on making a design document? Are you proffesional(As I see your spelling and critique is quite awful)? Are you planning to go on with this? And what are your specific talents?
Yes VERY futuristic, im almost done the design doc, sorry about the spelling im often in a rush or just dont take the time, yes i am planning on going to the end with this and i am a character animater.
At least spell "proffesional" right. Please read the forum rules Yoda.