At the moment..


Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
Wearing:501s,2 leather wristbands,navy t-shirt with a sky blue top underwear
Hair: brown,like nick lachey that scruffy look,lol,im so cool :rolleyes:
Makeup: eh no
Eating: toenails...kidn
Drinking: water,just gosta
Thinking: about it all...
Feeling: pretty good i guess considering...
Talking To:
Hearing: u2 on the radio,'vertigo',hello hello etc...
Loving: elisabeth harnois
Wanting: my own place,dont we all eh?some1 to renew my gym membership,anyone?
Hating/Mad at: no one really,im a nice bloke
Waiting for: PADDYS DAY!!to go to the beach later
Wearing : my pajamas
Hair : black
Makeup : wtf?!!
Eating : chips
Drinking : coffee
Thinking : about building a secret evil lair
Feeling : Normal
Talking To : myself
Hearing : myself typing
Loving : everybody :D
Wanting : HL3
Hating/Mad at : the mailman
Waiting For : HL3 ;(
sry the makeup was a copy and paste job.scrap it unless theres a few birds here,what did your mailman do?
Wearing: Green pants, black t-shirt
Hair: Bad
Makeup: No :eek:
Eating: nothing
Drinking: nothing
Thinking: About what to write in this spot.
Feeling: Decent.
Talking To: This thread
Hearing: Visage - Fade to Grey (12 inch version) on some netradio. Good 80's song.
Loving: Life
Wanting: Some peace
Hating/Mad at: Hate.. no.. it's just not my thing.
Waiting for: nothing
Wearing: Leather Jacket, A Perfect Circle T-shirt, Jeans
Hair: long, brown and curly...not a perm... :p
Makeup: *shifty eyes*
Eating: Nout
Drinking: Water
Thinking: About nothing in particular
Feeling: Tired
Talking To: Nobody
Hearing: The Fragile condensed into one CD length playlist
Loving: The Fragile condensed into one CD length playlist :p
Wanting: A DS
Hating/Mad at: People who complain about Warriors being rubbish in WoW when they're not
Waiting for: Easter Holidays (3 weeks! Uni = fun)
Wearing:jeans, t-shirt
Hair: dark, looking shite
Makeup: none
Eating: sausage rolls
Drinking: diet coke
Thinking: about games
Feeling: quite good
Talking To: my friend Ed
Hearing: Muse - Futurism
Loving: everything
Wanting: a guitar/tft monitor/new clothes/games/everything really
Hating/Mad at: the door I just stubbed my toe on
Waiting for: Easter Holidays - 5 weeks, I love Uni! :D
KagePrototype said:
You little bugger. :LOL:

Yessssssssssssssss :p

Although I have to revise, write up 2 lab reports, do 2 essays. Whoopeeeeeeeeee!
Wearing:Kahki, button down white blue stipped shirt with baby pink tie, sports blazer, brown socks, brown leather shoes
Hair: Nappy
Makeup: not quite
Eating: mike and ikes
Drinking: nothing
Thinking: volkswagens
Feeling: tired
Talking To: friend on aim
Hearing: Muse
Loving: everybody
Wanting: BBM S/C
Hating/Mad at: nobody currently
Waiting for: this damn 24hour nurburgring race in GT4 to finish up, im 22:37:19 into it, with 214 this thing takes forever.
Wearing: Black sweatpants and a yellow tshirt..
Hair: Recently cut...
Makeup: None
Eating: Snus
Drinking: Water
Thinking: About how bored i am.
Feeling: Bored..
Talking: To the voices in my head..
Hearing: Scooter - One
Loving: Nothing special atm..
Wanting: A job, a life, money, a girl, it to be weekend.
Hating/Mad at: The system...
Waiting for: The future..
Wearing:jeans, co-ed soccer jersey, jacket, sandals, no undies
Hair: brown, spiked up
Makeup:nope. don't wanna spoil my natural beauty
Eating: girl scout cookies...samoas, mmmmm
Drinking: this is an alcohol-free computer, thank you
Thinking: how mega-fine i look with this new haircut
Feeling: tired
Talking To: myself, you guys
Hearing: the cars pass by on Highland Road
Loving: several women at the same time (not physically)
Wanting: my damn soccer team to pay me the damn money they owe me for the tournament this coming weekend
Hating/Mad at: nobody
Waiting for: the tourny this weekend. we're gonna tear houston up
Wearing: Voi jeans, F'Hole t-shirt, headphones
Hair: Messy, spikey and mullety
Makeup: :p nowt
Eating: Sugar roast peanuts I bought off a stand in the street
Drinking: Cuppa tea
Thinking: I got a good deal on me new threads
Feeling: Tired
Talking To: Two mates on MSN
Hearing: The Futureheads - Hounds Of Love
Loving: My new clothes :D
Wanting: A Razer Diamondback
Hating: Bloody History work
Waiting for: Coursework deadline to pass

Wearing: Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti shirt, jeans, Vans
Hair: long, brown, scruffy
Makeup: nein
Eating: Nothing
Drinking: Nothing
Thinking: About why I'm posting this from school
Feeling: Meh, ok
Talking To: Myself
Hearing: Opie and Anthony, XM Radio Channel 202
Loving: Elizabeth Hurley, hopefully
Wanting: This day to end
Hating/Mad at: Nothing, reeling with the years
Waiting for: This Friday, Spring Break, wootz
Wearing: School uniform even though I didnt go...
Hair: Black and in my normal boring "style" if you can call it that.
Makeup: Black eyeling and lipstick, bit of blusher. :rolleyes:
Eating: Thai soup and rice.
Drinking: Orange juice.
Thinking: *tumbleweed rolls by*
Feeling: Bored
Talking To: Friend on MSN from school.
Hearing: Some TV program, parent swearing to their kid. :|
Loving: Nothing
Wanting: New batteries for the mouse.
Hating: Everything
Waiting for: Parents to berate me about missing school.
Wearing: yellow tee-shirt, boxers, ankle socks, and jeans
Hair: brown, all messed up with cow-licks :eek:
Makeup: what?
Eating: stray dust particles that float in to my mouth
Drinking: my spit
Thinking: so what exactly is the point of this thread?
Feeling: sick and tired :(
Talking To: my cat :rolling:
Hearing: the plumber doing some shi*t extracting in my basement
Loving: everybody! :D except for my fat greasy neighbor
Wanting: a cure for the flu
Hating/Mad at: my fat greasy neighbor
Waiting for: my flu to go away
Wearing: 501s, Give blood T-shirt
Hair: short, gelled.
Makeup: /me flee's
Eating: nothing
Drinking: nothing
Thinking: What the hell Bob Dylan is on about.
Feeling: Good. :)
Talking To: Myself :p
Hearing: Bob Dylan- The gates of Eden
Loving: My familly and friends... and :p
Wanting: To get to level 8.
Hating/Mad at: Essays
Waiting for: Life to kick me up the arse... and inspiration.
Wearing: Black sweatshirt, jeans and reef shoes
Hair: black and snazzy
Makeup: hmm...
Eating: Mcdonalds shawarma
Drinking: water
Thinking: wondering about different things
Feeling: relaxed
Talking To: you guys
Hearing: Moby - Porcelain
Loving: nothing in particular
Wanting: serenity and a serious loving girlfriend
Hating/Mad at: people
Waiting for: a serious loving girlfriend to come
Wearing: airborne 720 white top over a starmade red long-sleeve, grav. jeans, quicksilver ss kicks
Hair: hazel, crazy
Makeup: never again!
Eating: my own stomach. damn I'm hungry
Drinking: lemon n' ginger in a cup with hot water
Thinking: it's goddamn raining.
Feeling: relaxed
Talking To: you guys. kindof. typing
Hearing: jack johnson on and on
Loving: my new clothes. Capitalism at its finest
Wanting: me to pass my driving test
Hating/Mad at: my friends passing before me :O
Waiting for: my next gig, after which I'll be loaded
wow.........................we.............................lead..........................such.............................interesting.........................................lives :dozey: ;)
Wearing: some combat jeans, and a grey T-shirt
Hair: '1' on the sides and back, '5' on top. brownish blonde.
Makeup: no im not a sissie or a goth.
Eating: Jaffa Cakes :D
Drinking: Glass of Squash
Thinking: about how hard my exam prac is going to be.
Feeling: i have the flu :(, but im always smiling :)
Talking To: some friends on msn
Hearing: Moby - Lift me up
Loving: elisha cuthbert
Wanting: a hot wife, with a cool place to live
Hating/Mad at: nobody, im a kind hearted guy! :p
Waiting for: the weekend! the summer, Bf2, when my course ends. driving .. weyheyy :D
I thought I was safe from chain letters on but I was wrong! Damn you jimbo :p
Wearing: pants, white shirt, tie, boots (school uniform)
Hair: black and cleansed!
Makeup: :eek:
Eating: ribs
Drinking: water
Thinking: about what to put in the thread
Feeling: not bad really
Talking To: at the time of typing, the sentance that i'm typing to the forum
Hearing: the simpsons playing behind me
Wanting: Battle rat (big knife), to finish my GCSE's, to go on holiday to california (april ), and much more!
Hating/Mad at: nothing i can think of right now!
Wearing: Nothing jeans, grey top
Hair: Brown
Makeup: -
Eating: Snack a jacks
Drinking: Pepsi
Thinking: bumrapeisland (thxs crush :|)
Hearing: my computer fans
Loving: WoW
Wanting: Battlefield 2 and SCCT
Hating: nothing :D
Wearing: Black zip up fleece, black socks, black trousers, commando! :O

Hair: Greasy, needs washing! Too much hair gel from this morning.
Makeup: Only on Saturdays
Eating: Nothing.
Drinking: Nothing.
Thinking: ...about playing HL2DM, maybe doing some work on the site. Thinking whether I should buy RE4, MGS3 or BiA (PC)
Feeling: Pretty good :) A bit tired from my day at work.
Talking To: Nobody.
Hearing: My mum cooking me my dinner.
Loving: Not in love, but liking the girl I'm seeing at the moment :) She's lovely!
Wanting: Either MGS3, RE4 or BiA!
Hating/Mad at: Nobody.
Waiting for: My dinner!
Wearing: Black
Hair: Long, tied back
Makeup: nuh-uh
Eating: Just had a lovely Bhuna
Drinking: Cup of tea
Thinking: work stuff (engine evaluations, blah)
Feeling: Remarkably good
Talking to: The wife
Hearing: Rain on the conservatory roof
Loving: The aforementioned wife
Wanting: This game to be finished
Hating: Map compiles
Waiting for: Map compiles
Wearing: Jeans n t-shirt

Hair: Yes
Makeup: :eek:
Eating: Nothing.
Drinking: Nothing.
Thinking: That i really should do my homework but im messing about on the forums instead..
Feeling: Cold
Talking To: People on msn
Hearing: My pc's unusually loud fan.
Loving: The girl im talking to on msn.. :|
Wanting: A shiny mp3 player that i need £5 more to buy
Hating/Mad at: The BBC
Waiting for: Nothing
Wearing : Jeans, Kasabian t-shirt and khaki fleece
Hair : Brown, long-ish (growing it out again)
Makeup : :stare:
Eating : Creme Egg
Drinking : Nothing
Thinking : About alot
Feeling : Neh bad, could be better
Talking To : A mate on MSN
Hearing : Simpsons on the tele
Loving : Not loving, but liking a girl I met last weekend :naughty:
Wanting : Some more time to do all this coursework I have piled up around me :(
Hating/Mad at : No one really :)
Waiting for : Study Leave/Easter Holidays
Wearing:Jacket, V-neck white T-shirt, Jeans, black runner/shoes.
Hair: Dark Brown, spiked all over
Makeup: *cough* :D
Eating: Nothing but...I WANT FOOD!
Drinking: water
Thinking: Im hungry - i wish someone would get me food, why is the kitchen so far way....
Feeling: Nyeah...could be better or worse...kinda inbetween and tired...
Talking To: My imaginary friend...others cant see him but I know...
Hearing: 3 Doors Down and Rammstein...
Loving: Bah! humbug.
Wanting: To travel the world...and to be more organised (and actually do to my lectures) in college
Hating/Mad at: i dont think anyone (or do i not want to rant)
Waiting for: My Birthday (April), Summer, Holidays away......and to finish my maps and mod...
Awsome thread :D

Wearing: nike bijama + nike football t-shirt
Hair: Black.
Makeup: brown eyes.
Eating: Bar of chocolate.
Drinking: hot milk.
Thinking: of girls
Feeling: Bored + unhappy
Talking To: you.
Hearing: 50cent The massacre, and IRC beeps.
Loving: The Internet
Wanting: ATI SLI mod (next summer) + alot of games.
Hating: My university Professors
Waiting for: Samsung 7megapiXel camera phone :D .
Wearing: Shorts n T-shirt (yeah it's cold)
Hair: A bit long and combed with centre parting (brown)
Makeup: Only for broadcasting the news
Eating: Ham n Mushroom Pizza
Drinking: Boddington's Bitter
Thinking: WTF are these stupid questions
Feeling: Comfortable, relaxed, but tired
Talking To: You guys
Hearing: My music. current track: Rob Dougan - I'm not driving anymore.
Loving: My g/f
Wanting: To get my exams over and done with
Hating/Mad at: Nothing...
Waiting for: Graduation, a job, a new start in life.
Wearing: some red sweat shirt and some tan pants
Hair: kinda messed up
Makeup: none
Drinking: nothing
Thinking: why am I posting here?
Feeling: ^^^^
Talking To: people
Hearing: black-pearl jam
Wanting: SCCT/BIA
Hating/Mad at: nothing yet
Waiting for: SCCT/BIA
Wearing: Red silky top with black trousers
Hair: Long and really dark brown (tis a bit frizzy at the mo :( )
Makeup: none
Eating: Cookie dough ice cream
Drinking: Water
Thinking: I wonder what time it is in Japan?
Feeling: pretty tired right now
Talkin to: friends
Hearing : little sister moaning at me!!!
Loving: a secret person lol
Wanting: i shiney and sparkly piece of matterial
Hating/mad at: me little sister for she is still moaning at me :frown:
Waiting for: my mum to make me a cheesy pie lol
off topic but where the feck has 'the game' thread gone,you know the city,country 1
Wearing : Black 5.11 Tactical Pants, dark Tan Ak-47 t-Shirt
Hair : Shaved
Makeup : None
Eating : Cornbread
Drinking : Tea
Thinking : About whats going to happen when the wife come home.
Feeling : Darn Happy
Talking To : No one
Hearing : Chemical Brothers : Life is sweat
Loving : Life
Wanting : The wife to show up
Hating/Mad at : The Darn French
Waiting For : The wife to show up
thenerdguy said:
Wearing : Black 5.11 Tactical Pants, dark Tan Ak-47 t-Shirt
Hair : Shaved
Makeup : None
Eating : Cornbread
Drinking : Tea
Thinking : About whats going to happen when the wife come home.
Feeling : Darn Happy
Talking To : No one
Hearing : Chemical Brothers : Life is sweat
Loving : Life
Wanting : The wife to show up
Hating/Mad at : The Darn French
Waiting For : The wife to show up
is this post serious?