ATI 9600xt 128mb and Half Life 2


Dec 20, 2004
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ok guys so im looking to buy a new video card...
i have a agp slot and im thinkin of a ATI 9600xt 128mb... is that good for half life 2??? and the cheapest i found it is for like 160 to 170... should i get it and if u know a cheaper place can u please tell me? if i get replies thanks for the help!
I'm not exactly sure, but I think you could probably pick up a 9800 Pro for around the same price, which is a nicer card.
Wait and save up more money and go for a 6800GT or X800PRO
ahh right now i have a Nvidia GeForce4 Mx integrated GPU... i ran 90 to 150 fps but on direct x 7 cuz thats the only direct x version it will support.... REDUNDANT can u tell me where i can pick up the 9800pro for as much as the 9600??
hmm i see but 140 compared to 300 is alot i am only willing to spend 170 no more :( im not rich and neither is my family so i will make do with wat i have.... i really think a 9600xt will quench my thirst for direct x 9 quality and at least 60 fps am i right?
Don't get the x800 Pro because the 6800 GT is so many times better than it. The 9800 Pro is a little more expansive than the 9600 XT, but the performance difference is worth it.
i seei i see but i dont wanna spend so much money i will only be playing hl2 not the newer games that r ganna come out.... and like i said before i do not have that kind of money
If you look around, you could easily find a 9800 Pro for $200.
I'd go for the 256MB because they only have a difference of about $13.
man thanks alot ur the best help ive ever had man i really appreciate ur time!! THANKS
RoGuE_TacT-X said:
If you look around, you could easily find a 9800 Pro for $200.

Yes, but TAX + SHIPPING. If you can afford it, go for it ;)
yeah man now the only thing is i need to convince my mom.... :( muahahahhahahaha ooo and all my family is getting me best buy gift certificates... do u think i can like get best buy to match the price hahaha?!
yeah... ****in best buy... but u know wat i hate is they think they know so much but ammatures usually know more than them... but some of them know wat their talkin about....
I have a 9600XT 256mb and it runs HL2 well but COULD be better. Personally I wish I had a 9800 or x800 but I just bought this computer a little over 3 months ago so it's a little early to upgrade :p
Lol where u guys livin'?
200 (£?) for a 9800 pro is expensive
my 9600Xt runs the game perfectlyfine. Go for it. and teh 256 meg is really no difference in fps. the 128 meg will suffice if you just wanna run hl2 :)
You could always try a 2nd hand one on Ebay, or even Amazon Marketplace?
with 9600xt best u can get is low gfx .. trust me i had it, then i b0rked it and threw it in bin and got x800 pro
wat low graphics??? but it says preffered for hl2 i would think that it would be able to play it on full graphic capability
cyberpitz said:
my 9600Xt runs the game perfectlyfine. Go for it. and teh 256 meg is really no difference in fps. the 128 meg will suffice if you just wanna run hl2 :)

wat do u have a 128 or 256?
I have a 9600XT 128MB and I run it at 1024*768 with medium to high settings. I get about 45 fps.
I just bought a new, sealed in box, Radeon 9700 Pro off ebay for 140, you can find them even cheaper than that used or OEM, and probably get some good deals on 9800 Pro's.
Don't get the 256mb one! It's actualy slower than the 128mb.
They had to use a slower type of memory for the 256mb version.
so u reccommend a 9600xt 128mb ?!?!?!? i just wanna play half life with the highest settings i know my comp can more than handle anything :)
kingthebadger said:
with 9600xt best u can get is low gfx .. trust me i had it, then i b0rked it and threw it in bin and got x800 pro

I own a 9600xt AiW and I run HL2 with everything high and smoothly. Rofl. Sucks for you.
ilovemetal said:
see i love this mixed opinions... i love u guys..

Dude if you have a good enough proccessor, preferably like a AMD Athlon XP 3200, then get it. It runs every single game I own with nice graphics. Plus I got the All In Wonder, so I have been watching tv and playing Xbox and Xbox Live on my computer. This sh*ts great.
yeah i have a 9200 for my old comp and i record tv shows (Dave chappele both seasons) it was a blast.... yeah audio thanks man ur ghz r at like 2.4 right? cuz mine is 2.17 but it runs ANYTHING.... so u own the 9600xt 128mn??? am i right??? im sorry abuot the mixed opinions but its true i cannot find anything thatll make me wat the 9600xt
But that's $13 better spent elsewhere. The RAM isn't gonna do you that much good on a lower-midrange card like that.

I STRONGLY recommend the GeForce 6600GT if you're on a budget (like me). It BLOWS the 9800 out of the water ( even said so!) and is pretty much less expensive.

I got the one manufactured by Gigabyte and off of for $190 and with a free copy of Doom 3! FREE!

Anyway, 9800Pro is NOT the way to go anymore in the midrange, folks! Get with the times.