ATI Levels?


Nov 20, 2004
Reaction score
Are these out, i've looked on the net and cant see any info.
If not is there a ETA on them.

And will these be SP levels or DM??
SP and no they're not out yet; there's no confirmed release date either.
I would prefer them to fix the current problems with the game first, but hey Valve never get their priorities right.
Phirax said:
I would prefer them to fix the current problems with the game first, but hey Valve never get their priorities right.

Then dont play the game ;0)

Are there any screenshots or consept art for the ATIlevels on the net?
Anyone have any idea what they'r going to be about?
<quote>Then dont play the game ;0)</quote>I'm not anymore :p, well atleast till they fix my steam account.
Phirax said:
I would prefer them to fix the current problems with the game first, but hey Valve never get their priorities right.

Yes, because Valve's team of 90 people can only work on one thing at a time, right?

I don't know about you, but I'm sure glad that all their level designers, modellers and artists are pitching in to help fix the stuttering bug, rather than spending their time doing what they were hired to do.
True Pi Mi Rho, but developing levels just for ATi cards, isn't a priority in my opinion.
Phirax said:
True Pi Mi Rho, but developing levels just for ATi cards, isn't a priority in my opinion.

I think it is for them. ATI vouchers anyone?

Little thing called business.
Phirax said:
True Pi Mi Rho, but developing levels just for ATi cards, isn't a priority in my opinion.
They're not necessarily for ATi cards..."The ATi levels" are just the name that VALVe is throwing around the office. They're just supposed to be levels that take full advantage of all the capabilities of the source engine and are meant to be played on high-end computers.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
They're not necessarily for ATi cards..."The ATi levels" are just the name that VALVe is throwing around the office. They're just supposed to be levels that take full advantage of all the capabilities of the source engine and are meant to be played on high-end computers.
I'd still rather them fix the game so I can play it, than throwing in new levels, that are unnecessary.
I have a 9800pro, what are these problems you people are having?
Phirax said:
I'd still rather them fix the game so I can play it, than throwing in new levels, that are unnecessary.
Dude, it's not as if all of the VALVe employees are concentrating on the ATi levels right now. It's probably just a single cabal right now (about 4 or 5 people). So take it easy, ya?
As you obviously missed the sarcasm in my original post:

Valve have a team working on fixing problems with the game. These are mainly going to be programmers.
There's no specific problems with any of the maps or the models. This means that the level designers and modellers have plenty of time to work on other projects (like, for example, the ATI levels) without it impacting the work on the fixes.
Pi Mu Rho said:
As you obviously missed the sarcasm in my original post:

Valve have a team working on fixing problems with the game. These are mainly going to be programmers.
There's no specific problems with any of the maps or the models. This means that the level designers and modellers have plenty of time to work on other projects (like, for example, the ATI levels) without it impacting the work on the fixes.
Fair enough.
Of course they aren't solely for Ati cards, it's bloody marketing. That would be the stupidest decision for Valve to make - what company is going to make extra content that is only going to be technically available to a very small section of their audience so that everyone else can get angry at them?

They'll just be levels with seriously high levels of detail and stuff - It's not like they'll disable the graphics options in the Settings menu or anything or disable half their audience. You'll just probably have to turn your resolution and graphics detail down a bit if you don't have a good enough card.
There were levels like this for UT03 or 04 but everyone could play them.

Are there any screenshots or consept art for the ATIlevels on the net?
Will they add to the story for HL2 or just be larger maps of other levels we have already seen?
How many ATI levels will there be?

There are prob no answers to my questions but i have to ask ;0)
wassup said:
There were levels like this for UT03 or 04 but everyone could play them.

1. Are there any screenshots or consept art for the ATIlevels on the net?
2. Will they add to the story for HL2 or just be larger maps of other levels we have already seen?
3. How many ATI levels will there be?

There are prob no answers to my questions but i have to ask ;0)
1. No. just think of HL2, but better looking ;).
2. Nobody knows. I expect, since the story for HL2 is over, they will either be remakes of existing levels, or totally different scenarios or paths taken.
3. Nobody knows this either. I think it'll be a progressive thing. Like, if the mappers are bored they'll make more, but if they aren't, then they won't.

Hope that helps ^_^
Phirax said:
I would prefer them to fix the current problems with the game first, but hey Valve never get their priorities right.

Quoted for ****ing truth.
You people should be glad that they'r doing anything, they should all be on a beach drinking for the next year. Other companies dont do half as much for months after the game comes out.

If you dont like the game how it is then burn your PC and buy another one in 6 months so everything is how you want it!
Phirax said:
I'd still rather them fix the game so I can play it, than throwing in new levels, that are unnecessary.
Thats what they're doing. I'm pretty sure the highest thing on their "to do" list is to fix this stuttering bug. Apparently the solution varies on different computers so they're probably having a hard time coming up with the One True Fix.
Mr.Wotsit said:
Of course they aren't solely for Ati cards, it's bloody marketing. That would be the stupidest decision for Valve to make - what company is going to make extra content that is only going to be technically available to a very small section of their audience so that everyone else can get angry at them?

They'll just be levels with seriously high levels of detail and stuff - It's not like they'll disable the graphics options in the Settings menu or anything or disable half their audience. You'll just probably have to turn your resolution and graphics detail down a bit if you don't have a good enough card.

So which one is it? Valve has already stated the RECOMMENDED video cards for playing the game. I have no doubt that this has to do with their delaying the game for over a year after the initial release was timed to coincide with some new Radeon card coming out.

What's really silly is that you don't hear people from the Mac crowd bitching that this game wasn't released for their platform. Yet, here you all are complaining about which card Valve endorses, coming up with such outlandish theories as the "rigged" engine, or starting up NVidia vs. Radeon threads (which always end up as online fury wars).

So Valve endorsed a video card. Hell, both the Unreal Engine 3 developers AND ID software give their unqualified recommendation of the NVidia series. Do Doom 3 players with Radeon cards complain? (I don't know, although I doubt it).

edit- Mr.Wotsit, this isn't addressed to you, as I realize it might seem. Only the first part is, the rest was just something that 'came out'
wassup said:
You people should be glad that they'r doing anything, they should all be on a beach drinking for the next year. Other companies dont do half as much for months after the game comes out.
Ha! I'm afraid you finish the game, you have a brief party/vacation and then you pretty much get back to work. Games people work hard.
do NONE of you people relize that Mappers != Coders and that CODERS are the ones fixing the stuttering bug?!?

Yeesh people, think before complaining, PLEASE.
the ATI levels will probably be levels that were cut, the Ice breaker, hydra level, well i hope so anyway