ATI or not ATI



Hey there just browsing the net for some pc stuff to put in a new or add to my existing pc, current specs:

P4 3.0 ghz
1024 ddr ram
200 gig ide drive
Nvidia Geforce FX 5900xt card

I was wondering if i should purchase an X800XT or is it worth just sticking to what ive got i dont want to post this with everyone thinkning im showing off i just want an honest oppinion.

Will i see a great deal off difference with changing to X800XT cos everything is ok at the mo just want some help

Cheers :monkee:
last time i checked, for top of line cards the x800 series was ahead, of course the comparison is about the same as if we tried to decide whether the enzo or the saleen s7 was a better car.

i couldnt find a comparrison for your card the x800xt, but heres one that might give you a good perspective.
I would upgrade if I were you. Your FX 5900xt is really slow compared to an X800XT especially in games that stress pixel shaders. Especially if you have a good deal on an X800XT.
ATi has the best price:performance from 9600 - 9800. This generation it doesn't matter since the 6800 and x800 are so damn close.
well if you want good dx9 performance get rid of that 5900.
If it was a MSI 5900XT you could overclock it to run faster than a 5950 Ultra. Some pc website did that a while back when I was looking for my card. I ended up sticking with ATI cause the IQ of the ATI cards in midrange is so much better. I haven't had much experience with the high end cards though. I hear the Nvidia IQ has made a lot of improvement over how it was when I was shopping.
Your cpu would hold a X800 back quite a bit.

I think you'd see more improvement with a new mobo and cpu. If that isn't an option I reckon you should stick with what you have (are you happy with how HL2 runs?) and upgrade later.
Warbie said:
Your cpu would hold a X800 back quite a bit.

I think you'd see more improvement with a new mobo and cpu. If that isn't an option I reckon you should stick with what you have (are you happy with how HL2 runs?) and upgrade later.

a 4ghz processor would hold back an x800. the only thing holding back his sytem is the 5900.
If you have the money, why not?
geforec fx is S#it, my 9600xt runs cirlces around all three cards I used from that line...
Personaly i'd just stay the hell away from the nvidia 5000 series, they dont quite have the best reputation.
Sure, get an x800 XT if you can afford it, but IMO the 6800 GT is a better deal.
nvrmor said:
a 4ghz processor would hold back an x800. the only thing holding back his sytem is the 5900.

The 5900 isn't holding his pc back a great deal.

I went from a 9800 pro to an x800 xtpe - that allowed plenty of aa/af and to play at higher resoltuion, but still suffered from the same areas where the cpu wasn't up to the job (Barton @ 2.6 gig)

Whacking an 939 3500+ in made a massive difference (far more than the gfx upgrade)

Put simply:

A64 3500+ with 9800 pro > 2.6 Barton with x800 xtpe (especially in HL2)
Hitman_47 said:
What sort of processor is needed for such a card ?

The best you can afford :) (the faster it is, the more your card will fly. Even the best cpu money can buy will bottleneck these cards)
I've installed an X800XT with an Athlon 64 3400 and 1 gig of DDR400.

All i can say is that the result is far better than what i expected. My former PC was built with a ATI 9700 pro and a Athlon XP 3000 and 1 Gig of DDR 400. There is a huge difference and before with HL2 it was already excellent.
Warbie said:
The 5900 isn't holding his pc back a great deal.

I went from a 9800 pro to an x800 xtpe - that allowed plenty of aa/af and to play at higher resoltuion, but still suffered from the same areas where the cpu wasn't up to the job (Barton @ 2.6 gig)

Whacking an 939 3500+ in made a massive difference (far more than the gfx upgrade)

Put simply:

A64 3500+ with 9800 pro > 2.6 Barton with x800 xtpe (especially in HL2)

nobody in there right mine would team a 2.6 barton with an x800xt pe. its a waste of time. he would see far greater gains with a 9800 than the 5900. let alone a x800 of any flavor. i'd say playing in dx9 instead of dx8 is worth it alone.
nvrmor said:
nobody in there right mine would team a 2.6 barton with an x800xt pe. its a waste of time. he would see far greater gains with a 9800 than the 5900. let alone a x800 of any flavor. i'd say playing in dx9 instead of dx8 is worth it alone.

That's why I got an 3500+ ;)

I agree that a 9800 pro would be better than his current card, but not nearly enough of an improvement to justify the cost (unless he can get a good price for selling the 5900). An x800 would make more sense but, as you pointed out, it would be a waste with his cpu (just as it was a waste with a Barton at 2.6 gig - which is considerably faster than an Intel chip at 3 gig)

Which means we're back where we all started :)
Warbie said:
That's why I got an 3500+ ;)

I agree that a 9800 pro would be better than his current card, but not nearly enough of an improvement to justify the cost (unless he can get a good price for selling the 5900). An x800 would make more sense but, as you pointed out, it would be a waste with his cpu (just as it was a waste with a Barton at 2.6 gig - which is considerably faster than an Intel chip at 3 gig)

Which means we're back where we all started :)

theres no way a barton 2600 is faster than a p4 3.0. even overclocking both the p4 would still be way ahead. an x800 makes much more sense with a p4 3.0 than 2600 barton anyday. even just switching for a 9800 would be way better like i already said for dx9.
Barten 2.6ghz would be dominated by a 775 socket P4 over 3ghz.
I hope you didn't pay to much for it, since the X850XTs and X850 XT PEs are out in the UK and you can get hold of the XTs for just over 300 and the PEs for 340 (which is what i got last week), The X800s dont seem to have dropped in price much considering that they have now been superseeded.
I have an AGP based system though, so the 850s weren't an option unless I wanted to do a whole PCI Express based CPU, PSU, MOBO etc.
nvrmor said:
theres no way a barton 2600 is faster than a p4 3.0. even overclocking both the p4 would still be way ahead. an x800 makes much more sense with a p4 3.0 than 2600 barton anyday. even just switching for a 9800 would be way better like i already said for dx9.

You've misunderstood. I said a Barton at 2.6 gig, not an xp 2600 (which is about 600mhz slower and only has 333 fsb), which easily wipes the floor with a p4 3.0.
Warbie said:
You've misunderstood. I said a Barton at 2.6 gig, not an xp 2600 (which is about 600mhz slower and only has 333 fsb), which easily wipes the floor with a p4 3.0.

i didnt misunderstand anything. you paired a top of the line graphics card, with a low mid range cpu. you saw the error of your ways. the thread starter doesnt have the same problem. his cpu is fine for a higher range card. your idea that he would be better off upgrading cpu and motherboard is just plain wrong. if he did that he would still have the crappy 5900. as i stated before the only weak link in his sytem is the 5900. if the 2600 barton is so great, why did you upgrade to a 3500?
I think you've done it again, but have also managed to put words in my mouth too :thumbs:

I never said that a Barton at 2.6 gig was up to the job (it was simply what I used while waiting for the 3500+ to arrive in the post) It's lack of power during this time was obvious, as expected.

Also, a Barton at 2.6 gig (which is 400 mhz faster than a xp 3200) is still considerably faster than the 3 gig intel he has at the moment. In this case, you're 'just plain wrong' ;)

So, put simply, his cpu is worse suited to a higher range gfx card than my old Barton was.
Had ATI (9600XT). Hated drivers STILL. I'm back to Nvidia again.
You Guys

You guys have given some f***ing awsome feedback im gonna wait a little till the x800xt's fall in price a little and then buy one, cheers guys for all your help nvrmor :cheers: you funny as hell.

Thanx again to you all, hope to kick your asses on CS:S. :naughty:
Stick with the 5900 for atleast 6 more months and pump that sucker untill it drops. Then buy the 6800 or x850. Lewl.
Can I just say that HL2 on my new X800 XT PE was a thing of sheer beauty. Roll on that hd 'coastline' level from Valve.
xcellerate said:
last time i checked, for top of line cards the x800 series was ahead, of course the comparison is about the same as if we tried to decide whether the enzo or the saleen s7 was a better car.

What are you talking about? The Enzo is a better car than the S7, every hardcore Ferrari fan knows that!
Ofcourse, the fact that they are hardcore Ferrari fans might be the deciding factor in such an equation...