Hey there just browsing the net for some pc stuff to put in a new or add to my existing pc, current specs:
P4 3.0 ghz
1024 ddr ram
200 gig ide drive
Nvidia Geforce FX 5900xt card
I was wondering if i should purchase an X800XT or is it worth just sticking to what ive got i dont want to post this with everyone thinkning im showing off i just want an honest oppinion.
Will i see a great deal off difference with changing to X800XT cos everything is ok at the mo just want some help
Cheers :monkee:
P4 3.0 ghz
1024 ddr ram
200 gig ide drive
Nvidia Geforce FX 5900xt card
I was wondering if i should purchase an X800XT or is it worth just sticking to what ive got i dont want to post this with everyone thinkning im showing off i just want an honest oppinion.
Will i see a great deal off difference with changing to X800XT cos everything is ok at the mo just want some help
Cheers :monkee: