ATI vs NVIDIA massacre


Space Core
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Does anyonw agree with me that the LONG RUN...are actually better than ATI??? (ive just dove behind the sofa to protect myself from the barrage of outrages im gonna get)
Pureball said:
Does anyonw agree with me that the LONG RUN...are actually better than ATI??? (ive just dove behind the sofa to protect myself from the barrage of outrages im gonna get)

I agree with you. Im always saying it and people call me a fanboy. Btw ive got an X800pro.

You see, i had a GF4ti4600 before this X800 and i had that card for around 1.5 years...alot has changed in 1.5years and i know that in 1.5years the nvidia future features will be used in every game, thus...the nvidia will last longer overall. Im not to arsed really but this X800pro will do...ive got an interview for a £17'000 a year job soon and im only 19 living at home so graphics cards on me! :eek: ill be able to buy the SLI 6800super uber ultra setup lol :naughty:
lol u have kinda contradicted yourself there. ive always been a nvidia fan personally, but have decided to go to ati to see what all the fuss is about. and i h8 it when people call me a 'glory supporter' or 'fanboy' (or something along those lines) just because i use nvidia instead of ati atm.
I believe NVIDIA is still the better company, although ATI is catching up fast. NVIDIA got sloppy with the DX9 generation of cards and really needed a big whack in the face. ATI provided that in the form of better design decisions, therefore the 9500Pro and 9700Pro. These were really the cards which put ATI on the map, and I imagine ATI were slightly surprised at how well they performed against NVIDIA's FX series (as the FX line was truly horrible and shouldn't have even been called Direct X cards... how about Direct Z cards?).

Currently, performance is pretty much matched. Now, I know a lot of you ATIdiots are going to be all "OGMOGFOGMFOM we teh win in Fry Cyr wif AA anf AF" - that is true. However, NVIDIA does win its share of benchmarks in other games, although the gap in the performance is really a touch of propaganda - if you can honestly see the difference between 55FPS and 57FPS, there's something wrong with you (Too close to Chernobyl?).

Also, before everybody says "OGOGMOGMGOGMOGM he has teh NVIDIA avatar" - I know. I still believe NVIDIA can take back the performance crown and will if they can get their act together and work out the stupid (early ATI-esk) driver bugs they seem to be plagued by. Hell, 220 Million transistors doesn't equal a weak card by any means.

And to put your fears to rest of me being an NVIDIOT - I'm building a computer for myself that has a 9800Pro (it only needs to last me ~12 months, no need for anything more) in it... happy now?
How many threads do we need on this subject is the real question?
The thing is, right now with the new cards everything is neck and neck. The 6800 GT is certainly better than the X800 pro, having 16 pipelines while the pro has only 12, but right now that doesn't matter. I'd say that with 16 pipes in all versions and support for sm3.0, Nvidia seems better prepared for the near future, while the X800 is better for right now. The big power requirement and 2 slot thing is annoying, but most people can run 6800's on a good 400w psu. The XT and Ultra are very close to each other, and the XT does perform a little better with AA and AF on, but didin't the 6800 just get a big boost from new drivers? I still like ATI, but who knows if the next drivers could give the 6800 an even bigger boost?
nividia is the crapage. the only good cards out of them were the ti series, which i and my intenret cafe use(me used)

i now have a 9800pro. it can run hl2 sweetly

all fx series suck
they cannot play hL2

they are evil

nvidia tries to make up for that fact by saying in games "the way its meant to be played" in order to scare people into buying their cards. thats like ford saying ull die is u buy a buick
Gajdycz said:
nividia is the crapage. the only good cards out of them were the ti series, which i and my intenret cafe use(me used)

i now have a 9800pro. it can run hl2 sweetly

all fx series suck
they cannot play hL2

they are evil

nvidia tries to make up for that fact by saying in games "the way its meant to be played" in order to scare people into buying their cards. thats like ford saying ull die is u buy a buick

Don't believe everything you read...

I'm going to just come out and say it. I can play the HL2 Leak at 1024x768 w 4xaa/4xaf perfectly, 40+fps at all times. I know its noit anything to judge by, but the final game will just be better optimized. BTW I have a 5900 128mb... haven't had a game that this card couldn't play at max details yet.
Paintballer said:
Don't believe everything you read...

I'm going to just come out and say it. I can play the HL2 Leak at 1024x768 w 4xaa/4xaf perfectly, 40+fps at all times. I know its noit anything to judge by, but the final game will just be better optimized. BTW I have a 5900 128mb... haven't had a game that this card couldn't play at max details yet.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH h4x0rz!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!one1!!!!!1
Alright, maybe hes lame by playing a stolen product but he still pwned Gajdycz ;)

Gajdycz when valve release HL2 and it has on the back DX7.0 complient video cards and up, the FX series falls under them thus will be able to play HL2. You think Valve are dumb enough to not test HL2 on the FX series cards :LOL:
Gajdycz said:
nividia is the crapage. the only good cards out of them were the ti series, which i and my intenret cafe use(me used)

i now have a 9800pro. it can run hl2 sweetly

all fx series suck
they cannot play hL2

they are evil

nvidia tries to make up for that fact by saying in games "the way its meant to be played" in order to scare people into buying their cards. thats like ford saying ull die is u buy a buick

sorry what??? say again???? are my eyes decieving me??? rofl, 'all fx series suck'...ahem! are you aware of the graphics cards on the market or do you only look for ATI cards???? soz m8, but dont jump to conclusions without hard evidence. the 5950 ultra is one of the best on the market, and loses by a whisker to the 9800xt ffs. sure the x800 is out now, but the new nvidia cards are rolling over the horizon...i just hope they've done something right... :flame: btw i completely agree with you Alig :)
I think nvidia screwed up once they started working on the FX series alot. They shoulda went to Geforce 5!

ATI is catching up, faster and faster. Ati probably has somtin comin over the horizon to.....somtin big. I mean ati could of Mass up on transistors, and put a big ass fun in there and make it 2 480 watt power supplies and it would be hella faster...

But Nvidia screwed up with the FX lineup i think at least... i use to like nvidia, but well now im an ati lover.

Nvidia better pull somtin off quick, i mean somtin big...
I myself prefer ATI cards as they are cheaper and fit in my small amount of money. I used to think Nvidia was better because it had better driver support but I think now ATI is catching up on that with theirs. As I see it Nvidia is used as onboard video mostly by companies like DELL because they can put those parts in their computers and look better then if they put an ATI card, but when I look at pc's that were put togethor by themselfs I see a lot more ATI cards then Nvidia. That could be also be because they are sometimes cheaper again but the x800's are not all that cheap. ATI also seems to come out with new cards faster then Nvidia. I have never had many Nvidia cards so I could be wrong.. Im just going by what I see with some of my friends.
Ive had a NVidia Ti4200 128mb and its lasted me for about 2 years... thats damn good.
mine was 64, im using it for my back up comp

80 hd

just incase mine gamng one breaks down.
i have a Geforce 2 and it has lasted since practically the day they came out when i got it. However, the X800 XT seems to be an immensly powerful card and shall be far better than good enough for my gaming needs and it shall be cheaper. Job done.
Umm the 6800 could easily play HL2, that shouldn't even be a question.
rofl soz Gajdycz but bosox188 is right, but it is my fault anyway, as the link shows benchmarks against x800 XT and Pro versions (which it thrashes i see), and not the 9800 series...soz about that...i wasnt thinking at the time (as usual)
Paintballer said:
Don't believe everything you read...

I'm going to just come out and say it. I can play the HL2 Leak at 1024x768 w 4xaa/4xaf perfectly, 40+fps at all times. I know its noit anything to judge by, but the final game will just be better optimized. BTW I have a 5900 128mb... haven't had a game that this card couldn't play at max details yet.

Why does this not impress or even seem valid to me?

The 5900's are not bad. They are simply just not as good as there ATI counterparts when it comes to shaders.
X800's will out perform the 6800 series in HL2, I wouldn't doubt it. :)
lol all this hype about ATI will finally be put to an end when HL2 comes out (that day can never come soon enough for us all), so nothing can actually be said about the performance difference of graphics cards on a game that hasnt be properly tested or reveiwed yet, or even released for that matter.
DiSTuRbEd said:
X800's will out perform the 6800 series in HL2, I wouldn't doubt it. :)

If you're going to be like that...

6800's will out perform the X800 series in Doom 3, I wouldn't doubt it. :)
oD1Nz said:
If you're going to be like that...

6800's will out perform the X800 series in Doom 3, I wouldn't doubt it. :)

Yeah, see we don't care, cause this is a hl2 board, kthxbye.
haha who gives a duck what company is better. As long you have a good card right. I always had a nvidia, and with my new pc that im getting, im switching to ati radeon 9800 pro. I think ATI cards are more stable for frames per seconds no?
:dozey: Depends what you've on mind for gaming... both Nvidia's and ATi'd latest cards have weaknesses and strengths which balance each other out.

Nvidia does superb in OpenGL, while ATi does better in Direct 3D. The OpenGL games that are out currently, any high end card could handle them with ease.

But, since you're going to upgrade to a 9800 Pro that is a good choice.
Pureball said:
lol all this hype about ATI will finally be put to an end when HL2 comes out (that day can never come soon enough for us all), so nothing can actually be said about the performance difference of graphics cards on a game that hasnt be properly tested or reveiwed yet, or even released for that matter.

Atcaully it can.....based off the older HL2 benches and current games/benchs using simliar technoligies to HL2.
lol m8 u forget that they had to make alterations to the code after it got stolen. maybe they changed the specs (which i hear they have) or maybe they didnt. my only point is that benchmarking a game that is months from completion (and i heard that gabe has said it wont make summer btw ppl), is absolutely useless in my opinion. even beta version arent worth the time, as they're unfinished and have all manner of bugs on them ffs. anyway, like Tanaka said before, its a matter of the card and not the brand name. and there are NO GAMES USING HL2'S TECHNIQUES YET, thats y we r all excited ffs :)
Pureball said:
lol m8 u forget that they had to make alterations to the code after it got stolen. maybe they changed the specs (which i hear they have) or maybe they didnt. my only point is that benchmarking a game that is months from completion (and i heard that gabe has said it wont make summer btw ppl), is absolutely useless in my opinion. even beta version arent worth the time, as they're unfinished and have all manner of bugs on them ffs. anyway, like Tanaka said before, its a matter of the card and not the brand name. and there are NO GAMES USING HL2'S TECHNIQUES YET, thats y we r all excited ffs :)

This is true. I stand corrected.

edit: except the similar techniques part.
:) i didnt mean to sound rude, i just get hyped up during debates lol. soz if i pissed u off.
oD1Nz said:
I believe NVIDIA is still the better company, although ATI is catching up fast. NVIDIA got sloppy with the DX9 generation of cards and really needed a big whack in the face. ATI provided that in the form of better design decisions, therefore the 9500Pro and 9700Pro. These were really the cards which put ATI on the map, and I imagine ATI were slightly surprised at how well they performed against NVIDIA's FX series (as the FX line was truly horrible and shouldn't have even been called Direct X cards... how about Direct Z cards?).

Currently, performance is pretty much matched. Now, I know a lot of you ATIdiots are going to be all "OGMOGFOGMFOM we teh win in Fry Cyr wif AA anf AF" - that is true. However, NVIDIA does win its share of benchmarks in other games, although the gap in the performance is really a touch of propaganda - if you can honestly see the difference between 55FPS and 57FPS, there's something wrong with you (Too close to Chernobyl?).

Also, before everybody says "OGOGMOGMGOGMOGM he has teh NVIDIA avatar" - I know. I still believe NVIDIA can take back the performance crown and will if they can get their act together and work out the stupid (early ATI-esk) driver bugs they seem to be plagued by. Hell, 220 Million transistors doesn't equal a weak card by any means.

And to put your fears to rest of me being an NVIDIOT - I'm building a computer for myself that has a 9800Pro (it only needs to last me ~12 months, no need for anything more) in it... happy now?

OGMOGFOGMFOM we teh win in Fry Cyr wif AA anf AF!!!!! OGOGMOGMGOGMOGM he has teh NVIDIA avatar!!!!!
I used to back NVidia, but they lost me with the FX range - too many bugs, too slow on shaders, too many watts and two slots at the back of my pc - no thanks. The 6800 and X800 are pretty much neck and neck in most benchmarks, it all depends on what feature you want - pixel shader 3 (unlikely to be in any game for a few years yet) or 3dc compression (quite likely to be used a lot, soon, due to its open source nature).

I'd say that both ATI and Nvidia have fixed almost everything that was wrong with their cards with their latest offerings - ATI have finally bumped up the memory speeds, and Nvidia have fixed the bugs (like OMF rendering in blue :dozey: ). The exception being, the 6800 is a power hungry dyson hoover, as opposed to the ninja stealthy x800. Everyone loves ninjas.

In the long run, ATI has far better pci express cards, as they are true pci express, unlike anything that nvidia currently has, as far as I know, but I think both companies will be around for some time yet.
Actually so far Nvidia's PCI Express cards have performed as well as the X800, although I'd rather stick with AGP as there isn't too much of a difference right now.
guys pci express aint even out yet, but will be in the near future. the 6800 is a power hungry bitch and about as quiet as a drunken elephant, whilst the x800 is barely noticable. they are both incredibly similar on benchmark results, but i think it just comes down to which one you can get cheapest. i think Nvidia have actually made a GOOD move this time.
/me waits for an Nvidiot to bring SLI into this argument though it has little to do with nvidia having anything over ati.
guinny said:
* guinny waits for an Nvidiot to bring SLI into this argument though it has little to do with nvidia having anything over ati.
Actually it would mean they have the lead in the graphics war.Please use your brain....