ATI's OverDrive



I recently got my Radeon 9800xt and I want to know simply is it worth it to use OverDrive feature? [i fear burnouts and such]
I would assume that It's ok. You're using an ATI licensed programm and I'm guessing the wrote it so such burnout would NOT occur (or else they would be swamped with incoming warrented cards). Pluss (to my knowledge) the overdrive feature only OC's your card when you are running a program that requires more demanding perforamnce. therefore you wouldn't be running an OC'ed card that's trying to get high FPS in word.
Just as a matter of interest, which ATI cards have this Overdrive feature I keep hearing about?
I ask because I have a GexCube Radeon 9600xt 256mb in arriving tomorrow, just wondering if I will have this funky little feature?
if it has xt on then its in the series of gfx cards that are sort of made for overclocking.
kickass2009 said:
How much performance increase would you see?

Not much. It's really just there to look cool.

And the 9600XT/9800XT have this feature.