Attempted mugging!


If you get mugged by someone with a gun, though, run like hell. Unless you're close enough to kick 'em in the nuts.
Just stand your ground.. and if they try anything... pwn 'em ;)

EDIT: And only punks carry knives.
I'm sure I woulda pissed myself and tried to run, but failed and they woulda caught up with me and beat my ass. But then again, I spent 15 years of my life running from I'm sure I could bring back the ol' adrenaline legs again.

And I like to carry around a can of STRONG pepper spray for when I go to main and try my hardest to get in car chases..get teh stuff that is like straight turpentine to the face. That will teach them to get out of the car in a car chase.
Samon said:
I use my force powers. But they don't work. Sometimes.

I use my l33t nintendo powers. SHORYUKEN!

But seriously, sorry to hear about this Glenn, it's always disturbing, like a violation, when someone makes someplace you've been in for years unsafe.
****ing idiots, I can't believe this country sometimes.

My mates at Uni got mugged for all of £5, and they tried to get him to enter his pin number in a cash point, but he entered the wrong number and ran.

It's a wonder with all this CCTV about why they can't catch these people - oh yeah they've got bloody hoods on.

Well done for getting away :)

I'd say the only affective thing you could do is run, although you could learn some self defense techniques - if you're well trained, a couple of people with knives shouldn't be a threat.

Anyway I've seen this kind of stuff down south, but I haven't heard of it much in the north. Probably because your average northerner is too big and scary to mug :E
Also since guns are illegal, you could carry a cap gun. If mugged again take it out and shoot unless they're really close (then they'll know it's not real)

They'll just think you're missing and man will they take off. Then you gotta run home before police swarm it or something. But in a situation like that, it's a good thing to do, and if the cops come you c can fully explain the situation to them and as long as you've kept all legal things about the cap gun it should be fine.
Could carry an attack alarm.

When I was at high school they told the blokes that they aren't just for woman and they should carry them since teenage guys are more likely to be attacked than girls.

Muggers don't like bringing attention to themselves and being the cowards that they are, they should scarper, pronto.
Scares me to think that some Americans don't go anywhere without their gun.
Harryz said:
Scares me to think that some Americans don't go anywhere without their gun.
It's called a conceal carry permit. I'll have mine as soon as I'm of legal age :]
RakuraiTenjin said:
It's called a conceal carry permit. I'll have mine as soon as I'm of legal age :]

Oh, so in America you can carry around any type of gun as long as its hidden?
15357 said:
Oh, so in America you can carry around any type of gun as long as its hidden?
No, to carry one hidden you have to get a permit.

In Arizona you can carry around any legal to own gun in public as long as it is holstered and visible.

There's some guy who dresses up like an old timey cowboy and has old six shooters on all the time who's always eating plain vanilla icecream at icecream, it's badass
RakuraiTenjin said:
Also since guns are illegal, you could carry a cap gun. If mugged again take it out and shoot unless they're really close (then they'll know it's not real)

They'll just think you're missing and man will they take off.
Or theyll hear the little pop, laugh and then kick the shit out of you. Blanks would be a better option but theyre harder to get hold of than real bullets, i imagine.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Also since guns are illegal, you could carry a cap gun. If mugged again take it out and shoot unless they're really close (then they'll know it's not real)

And then get shot by the police when they report you carrying what appears to be a real firearm and you don't drop it when asked
Wow, you pwnd them up nicely. Should have hit him in the face though instead. Nice job.

Thank god we don't have that kind of a problem here in Finland where I live.
Reaktor4 said:
why wouldnt you drop it when the cops ask?

It's happened before, people with replica firearms (even a pistol-shaped lighter) have been shot by police. I am assuming they had been asked to drop it, but they may have brandished it in a threatening way.
Reaktor4 said:
Or theyll hear the little pop, laugh and then kick the shit out of you. Blanks would be a better option but theyre harder to get hold of than real bullets, i imagine.
Um fire a good cap then, high potency powder one, not that cheap crap. It's not just a little 'pop' (at least not the ones I shot when I was a little kid. They sounded as loud as our handguns, differen't kind of bang though, but it wouldn't matter in that scenerio, you wouldn't be able to go "hmm, that sounds a tiny bit different, I wonder what type of powder was used to explode and make the bang, better wait and find out")

edit: If you don't drop it you're retarded
RakuraiTenjin said:
Um fire a good cap then, high potency powder one, not that cheap crap. It's not just a little 'pop' (at least not the ones I shot when I was a little kid. They sounded as loud as our handguns, differen't kind of bang though, but it wouldn't matter in that scenerio, you wouldn't be able to go "hmm, that sounds a tiny bit different, I wonder what type of powder was used to explode and make the bang, better wait and find out")
Little pop was an exaggeration but ive never heard one that is likely to be mistaken for a real gun.
I'm not getting a bloody gun! I don't want a weapon, i'd just prefer if these people weren't about. Those people are SO obviously out to mug people, if the police saw them, they'd surely search them, because they are allowed to, if they think they could be carrying a weapon. They looked so dodgy. Yet they just roam the streets, theres no protection, the police arent about stopping these people. I guess i'm asking too much!?!?!
Hectic Glenn said:
I'm not getting a bloody gun! I don't want a weapon, i'd just prefer if these people weren't about. Those people are SO obviously out to mug people, if the police saw them, they'd surely search them, because they are allowed to, if they think they could be carrying a weapon. They looked so dodgy. Yet they just roam the streets, theres no protection, the police arent about stopping these people. I guess i'm asking too much!?!?!
As much as it shouldn't happen, it does and has for thousands of years.
Yeah, you did the right thing there. To be honest, the UK isn't that bad at night, it's just a few wankers who spoil it for everyone. I can happily have a night out and see no real trouble (there might be a few private incidents, but no random muggings/murders etc.) all night.

Should've gone home, got the biggest knife in your house and gone searching afterwards...

Become a police officer and make your wish come true.
It is quite odd the in UK - there are no distinct 'good areas' and 'bad areas' like I experienced on my trip to New Orleans a week ago. You get trouble dispersed throughout in the UK.
Reaktor4, have you got Reaktor 5 yet? if so you're gonna have to ask for a name change (I hear it is possible):)
Hectic Glenn said:
So i went to a party tonight had a good time, left and walked my girlfriend hope as the gentleman i am, then carried on my stroll home at around 2:35 abouts. I only lived 4 minutes away, about 3 roads. So i finish walking 2 of the roads, and i reach the 3rd one, where i live...

I turn the corner and theres 3 youths with black hoodys on, hankercheifs over their mouths. I cross right over immediately to avoid confrontation...but as i walk on my side of the road they all appear in front of me, having crossed over.

The front guy says 'what man?' and puts his hands in his pocket, at this point i'm thinking shit! So i reacted before they did. I shoved the front guy hard in the chest into a car, and he falls over. I then sprint past the other two and down the end of the road crossing over, so they couldn't see me. I reached my house at the bottom and let myself in, unscathed. They didn't follow.

Anyway, these bloody street rats about just looking to mug people, dressed like that! Its disgusting. I'm angry it happened, a little shook up as it was quite scary 3 vs 1, and a little proud that i dealt with the situation without loss of property. Does this mean i have to get lifts everywhere!? A cab for 3 streets? Should i be made to feel unsafe in my OWN road or neighbourhood? Surely thats not right...
That happened to me and my friends not long ago... but it wasn't a mugging. the feckers were just looking for a fight :|

We had shopping bags with us, and they never even TRIED to take them, or anything else we had.

That's right, these assholes are just walking the streets at night (or driving in my case), simply looking for a fight

Milkman said:
SOG makes wonderful knives. But I still think hitting them with a blunt object has more effect than scaring them away with a knife.

bah, sog... i'de hardly call AUS 8 ''wonderfull'' :angel:
Dinkleberry said:
Reaktor4, have you got Reaktor 5 yet? if so you're gonna have to ask for a name change (I hear it is possible):)
Nope not yet. Dunno about a name change, ive grown to love this one :E
I'm constantly worried about being mugged/attacked in my area, and i do get quite paranoid.
You did the right thing Glenn, i'd be too shit scared to do that... i dont know what i'd have done but from times before in my life where i've been hit and started on, i probably would have just stood there and let them get on with it. I dont trust myself to run well enough or fight well enough to get away, and if i tried it i'd just bring worse down on upon myself.

If you carried a plastic toy gun, you'd be arrested over here for threatening with an imitation firearm. It's happened before, people have been sent to prison for pulling out toy guns on criminal youths.

Over here you really have to play the law if you do want to protect yourself with something, it has to be something you'd carry around with you normally... and isn't illegal. which is just about nothing in this country.
Not a bad idea to start the fight first, they'd be surprised, and before they knew it 2 of them would have broken backs and the third would about to have his face rammed into a wall. Bastards.
Cheers for your preemptive attack Glenn, probably saved you from getting roughed up.

some 10 year olds tried to mug me, im 17 i told the to go **** themsleves and walked past them, i aint beating up little comoners

i vote peasant hunt at 2 am on a friday night one hunt per city were friday night we will tidy up the streeets, wellwhen i say tidy its remove criminals, i aint tidying up there bodies,

and like **** they have human rights, soon as they try and violate your right not to be mugged, they loose all thiers, **** u human rights groups! liberal toss pots:)

oldagerocker said:
I'm constantly worried about being mugged/attacked in my area, and i do get quite paranoid.
You did the right thing Glenn, i'd be too shit scared to do that... i dont know what i'd have done but from times before in my life where i've been hit and started on, i probably would have just stood there and let them get on with it. I dont trust myself to run well enough or fight well enough to get away, and if i tried it i'd just bring worse down on upon myself.
I know how you feel. Me and my friends have been 'happy slapped' by a gang of five teenagers that roam the streets. Basically, they run up to you, slap you, and run off.

It's OK saying 'kick their asses!' but i'm not going to take on 5 thugs, especially when once you know you've been hit they're running away. Makes me so angry.

Of course I could call the police, but I was involved in a robbery a while ago (in my local post office), a guy was slashed with a knife, I called for police when the robbery was happening and an ambulance five minutes later. Ambulance arrived first. Police called me back to ask me HOW OLD I WAS!!! ARRRGGHH! and they wanted DIRECTIONS!!! STUPID ****ERS!! I was sooo pissed at the time, plus they wouldnt take a statement from me because I was 'only 15'. Bastards...
jabberwock95 said:
I know how you feel. Me and my friends have been 'happy slapped' by a gang of five teenagers that roam the streets. Basically, they run up to you, slap you, and run off.

It's OK saying 'kick their asses!' but i'm not going to take on 5 thugs, especially when once you know you've been hit they're running away. Makes me so angry.

Of course I could call the police, but I was involved in a robbery a while ago (in my local post office), a guy was slashed with a knife, I called for police when the robbery was happening and an ambulance five minutes later. Ambulance arrived first. Police called me back to ask me HOW OLD I WAS!!! ARRRGGHH! and they wanted DIRECTIONS!!! STUPID ****ERS!! I was sooo pissed at the time, plus they wouldnt take a statement from me because I was 'only 15'. Bastards...
That's stupid, I had to give a police statement a long time ago because I saw someone else through pizza sauce on another on a school bus. Hahaha
jabberwock95 said:
Police called me back to ask me HOW OLD I WAS!!! ARRRGGHH! and they wanted DIRECTIONS!!! STUPID ****ERS!! I was sooo pissed at the time, plus they wouldnt take a statement from me because I was 'only 15'. Bastards...

That is absolutely abhorant. I hope you took their names and numbers and ledged a complain against them to their boss, or the head of police in your area. that is just appalling.
I wish I had lodged a complaint, but if they wont take my statement, why are they going to listen to me?

I wish I could say that was the worst experiance I have had with the police, but my mum (who owns a shop) was once threatened by a guy with a knife. She said 'im calling the police' and she did. The operator thought it was a hoax and hung up on her! They left her on her own with a guy waving a knife!

I was incredibly mad after that, we lodged a complaint but since we had no information I dont think they did anything about it. I have never regained my faith in the police, and I think I never will.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
You handled the situation very well in my opinion. :)
Ennui said:
Cheers for your preemptive attack Glenn, probably saved you from getting roughed up.
Cheers guys, to hear from people i did the right thing helps alot, because you think about these things alot, and can play on your mind, making you think you did something wrong, which i probably didn't
Dgenatron said:
how old are you Hectic Glenn?
I'm 17 currently, ages about 6 months till being 18. I'm about 5' 10
crushenator 500 said:
That happened to me and my friends not long ago... but it wasn't a mugging. the feckers were just looking for a fight :|

We had shopping bags with us, and they never even TRIED to take them, or anything else we had.

That's right, these assholes are just walking the streets at night (or driving in my case), simply looking for a fight
Yep thats my point, and it makes me angry. It just ruins the entire area because of these morons. I'm sure if the police were about they could search these people for weapons etc. I know someone who is a police officer, i don't think i'd like to do it, i walked past two coppers the other day and they were talking about Harry Potter

'you read the new one yet?'
'nah i dont get it, its all wizards and stuff ain't it?'

Keeping our streets safe...