Attempted mugging!

i went to school on long island, and the first week i was there i was at the mall with some friends. We were walking and these two girls were in front of us, they stopped, and i stepped on one of the girls foot. She turns and says, "if you wanted to speak to me, you just had to ask." and then we had a brief 20 second conversation, and as they turned to leave the other girl bumped into me. Five minutes later, i noticed my wallet was gone. That night one of the janitors called me because they had found my wallet in a trash can, empty of course. I had a friends number written on the back of a buisness card and he acctually went and called around to find me.
xcellerate said:
i went to school on long island, and the first week i was there i was at the mall with some friends. We were walking and these two girls were in front of us, they stopped, and i stepped on one of the girls foot. She turns and says, "if you wanted to speak to me, you just had to ask." and then we had a brief 20 second conversation, and as they turned to leave the other girl bumped into me. Five minutes later, i noticed my wallet was gone. That night one of the janitors called me because they had found my wallet in a trash can, empty of course. I had a friends number written on the back of a buisness card and he acctually went and called around to find me.

Pwned by the experts you were..
I remember one time 2 men tried to rob some guy around my area, but ended up getting stabbed to death instead. Lesson learned, if your only weapon is a pocket knife, and you want to mug someone, make sure they don't have a bigger knife than you...

Oh yea there were no charges pressed on the other guy :D
One time, my friends got robbed by a guy using a baseball bat as a weapon. 13 VS 1...

They all got robbed, and one who didn't have money got beaten up.
15357 said:
One time, my friends got robbed by a guy using a baseball bat as a weapon. 13 VS 1...

They all got robbed, and one who didn't have money got beaten up.
Thats pretty pathetic... 13 on 1?
This happend to me a while ago, except it was much worse, I'm 14 and live where there are alot of gangs, and I'm walking home, I'd say about 1:30 in the morning, and about 6 or 7 grown men jump me, (pretty pathetic for 6 or 7 grown men to jump a kid eh?)
I had the sense to run as fast as I could somewhere away from them. To feel safe when I'm walking home late now adays carry a switch blade I bought in the states so now I know when I'm surrounded, I have a weapon and atleast a bit of a fighting chance.

So my advice is, carry a knife.
15357 said:
One time, my friends got robbed by a guy using a baseball bat as a weapon. 13 VS 1...

They all got robbed, and one who didn't have money got beaten up.
No offense, but all 13 of those guys are ****ing pussies. If they all just took of their shoes and threw them at the guy it would have killed him. Hell, they probably could have just spit at him.
jabberwock95 said:
I wish I had lodged a complaint, but if they wont take my statement, why are they going to listen to me?

I wish I could say that was the worst experiance I have had with the police, but my mum (who owns a shop) was once threatened by a guy with a knife. She said 'im calling the police' and she did. The operator thought it was a hoax and hung up on her! They left her on her own with a guy waving a knife!

I was incredibly mad after that, we lodged a complaint but since we had no information I dont think they did anything about it. I have never regained my faith in the police, and I think I never will.

Oh ,the old breed of Police are okay (believe me, I know) It's just the new breed that are incompetent assholes
I have no faith in the police either, they don't believe ANYTHING, i went to jail, for like 2 hours until my dad picked me up, being accused for stealing a purse, and i didn't do it, my friends friend stole it and handed it to me, and then the store manager thoguht i stole it, chased me halfway down the block,(i knew he wasn't gonna beleive me that i didn't take it so i ran) and caught me, called the cops, then I went away in a squad car, and the 2nd time i was keeping watch as my friends brother and his freinds broke into an abandoned highschool being turned into a college, and they got away, guess where i went? in the squad car... :(

i seriously did not do it, im not joking.
which is why i HATE the police.
We got lots of younger kids who think they are "badasses". I'm glad I took Tae Kwon Do, and I'm tall. They try to taunt me etc.... but I just ignore them. I'd imagine muggings are going to be a thing in the future in this small town.

You did the right thing, "Fight or Flight".

The police never do much around here... we need a better police system, seriously.
Fliko said:
We got lots of younger kids who think they are "badasses". I'm glad I took Tae Kwon Do, and I'm tall. They try to taunt me etc.... but I just ignore them. I'd imagine muggings are going to be a thing in the future in this small town.

You did the right thing, "Fight or Flight".

The police never do much around here... we need a better police system, seriously.

YAY! Our superior culture is spreading aroud the world!

btw, what belt are you? I'm red.
hehe i got to green, but it was boring, no comeptitions or anything just constan bloody drills, i was only ickle at the time ( 9 y/o ) so it go treally tedious i really want to start soem kinda more viscious martial art, but they dont seem to be very viscios, my dad was taught karate in the old fashioned way, aka ok hour warm up done were gunan go run a few miles in bare feet, and ( bring a random thing you could see as being a weapon night and fight with it) but the old days are gone and its all to proper n prim, no blood :(
good reaction from you though...especially the sense to push the guy and then bolt before anything could happen
You did report it, didn't you, Glenn? Even though it might not do any good in your case, if reports go up in a decent neighborhood the police might patrol more, or something...
Reaktor4 said:
write to your mp.

Generic response 4.doc​
Dear Sir

Thank you for writing to me about street crime as you may know, we are trying to pass the 'knee jerk ban something or other that won't fix anything' act.

Yours sincerely

-Generic MP secretary
M-1911. Designed by John Browning.

Fires a .45 ACP round at about 900 feet per second. (High two hundreds for you Europeans). Holds seven rounds legally. Gas Blowback, and has a mean punch with a distinctive crack. Should take care of your problem.
Top Secret said:
M-1911. Designed by John Browning.

Fires a .45 ACP round at about 900 feet per second. (High two hundreds for you Europeans). Holds seven rounds legally. Gas Blowback, and has a mean punch with a distinctive crack. Should take care of your problem.


No guns for us, if we get caught with them, we go boom.
Axe. Designed by a neanderthal.

Gives a single blow to area directed at. Any size is legal. Muscle recoil, has a mean cut with a distinctive thwack. When you hit someone round the back of the head with this, they won't know it's coming and you are 99% sure of of an easy mugging. Even if they are armed, it won't matter because their head is in two.

lol, can you imagine trying to mug someone and they pull a battleaxe from their coat/pants leg?

"Hey, what you lookin at punk"
*begins mugging activities*
Too bad, man. But try living in West Midlands. I get that shizzle all the time around these parts. Catching the bus back late from town and having to walk, or run, home isn't very nice.
Murray_H said:
Axe. Designed by a neanderthal.

Gives a single blow to area directed at. Any size is legal. Muscle recoil, has a mean cut with a distinctive thwack. When you hit someone round the back of the head with this, they won't know it's coming and you are 99% sure of of an easy mugging. Even if they are armed, it won't matter because their head is in two.


Genius. :D


Run home? Jesus, is it really that bad over there? I was in Germany the other month and when I was about to walk through a park my German partner stopped me and told me it wasn't safe. It's rediculious. Seriously, start packing.
Top Secret said:

Run home? Jesus, is it really that bad over there? I was in Germany the other month and when I was about to walk through a park my German partner stopped me and told me it wasn't safe. It's rediculious. Seriously, start packing.

Most of the time it comes down to what your wearing, too. Having long hair, a t-shirt that has a band on that isn't plastered over MTV Base and combats usually costs a good running or a wallet inspector check. But yeah, its pretty bad. Heck, there are worst areas then the village I live in. Just on Saturday, me and a group of freinds decided to be very naughty and rebelious and sit at the back of the bus while heading to a party, only to be confronted by 12 or so hooded teenagers. They followed us from our bus stop for a while, throwing stuff and jeering, but we lost sight of them after that. Happens alot.
Glad to hear you're ok Glenn :)

You did the right thing :D

Oh and Faversham's a shithole - we've got a chav, heroin, crack and knife problem :D
Lol, seriously, I was thinking about what would happen if hostile aliens teleported to earth.

Tokyo would fall.
Europe would fall.
America would not fall.
You know why America would not fall?
Because if a bunch of hostile aliens walked around the corner shooting stuff...
Everyone would grab their guns and open fire.
Puzzlemaker said:
Lol, seriously, I was thinking about what would happen if hostile aliens teleported to earth.

Tokyo would fall.
Europe would fall.
America would not fall.
You know why America would not fall?
Because if a bunch of hostile aliens walked around the corner shooting stuff...
Everyone would grab their guns and open fire.


Dat iz so tru!
Yes, because in America everyone owns a gun...:rolleyes:
15357 said:
Well, Every other person does.


I plan on buying an M-1911, a FiveSeven, and hopefully an M40A3, or something close to it. Just a few years away.
Dog-- said:
I have no faith in the police either, they don't believe ANYTHING, i went to jail, for like 2 hours until my dad picked me up, being accused for stealing a purse, and i didn't do it, my friends friend stole it and handed it to me, and then the store manager thoguht i stole it, chased me halfway down the block,(i knew he wasn't gonna beleive me that i didn't take it so i ran) and caught me, called the cops, then I went away in a squad car, and the 2nd time i was keeping watch as my friends brother and his freinds broke into an abandoned highschool being turned into a college, and they got away, guess where i went? in the squad car... :(

i seriously did not do it, im not joking.
which is why i HATE the police.
You ran. Dumb idea and I would've held you to make sure too. I'm not going to believe someone didn't do something if they ran away.
He hath a point there.

Anyway, nice one Glenn, although you didn't use a battleaxe, which sucks, btu I suppose not everyone has an axe to hand all the time so you can be forgiven. :p

ONE SINGLE ELEVEN-YEAR-OLD tried to mug me once. I said "That's not bad. Keep it up and in a few years you might actually be threatening." He wouldn't leave me alone so I kicked him in the shin (not particularly hard) and he fell over.
Personally, I would rather have the muggings than the insane amount of gun crime thats in America.

Shootouts, people shooting themselves accidentally, gang warfare, phycopaths opening fire in crowded places. I's rather hand over my wallet thanks.
jabberwock95 said:
Shootouts, people shooting themselves accidentally, gang warfare, phycopaths opening fire in crowded places. I's rather hand over my wallet thanks.

And that's just in Notts :E

Nottingham does have quite a high proportion of crime, but I must say in my few years there I never actually felt threatened or in danger, even in the guncrime hotspots.

I might just have been oblivious to everything going on around me though.
kirovman said:
And that's just in Notts :E

Nottingham does have quite a high proportion of crime, but I must say in my few years there I never actually felt threatened or in danger, even in the guncrime hotspots.

I might just have been oblivious to everything going on around me though.
lol, I was hoping no-one would notice :eek:

Yeah, Nottingham has a lot of crime, but really i'm out in the suburbs (Beeston) so I only venture into the city centre for stuff like shopping/cinema.

I havent felt threatened (im always there in broad daylight), but yeah that could just be me being dense.
jabberwock95 said:
lol, I was hoping no-one would notice :eek:

Yeah, Nottingham has a lot of crime, but really i'm out in the suburbs (Beeston) so I only venture into the city centre for stuff like shopping/cinema.

I havent felt threatened (im always there in broad daylight), but yeah that could just be me being dense.

I lived in ladybay for most of my life, near westbridgford.

That place deteriorated all right... Its still pretty good mind. But I know at least one person who was 'attempted' mugged..

I know one person that fought and won against i think 6 people in snenton.... and no it aint short recoil! (As much as I kno!!!)

Heh, so much more peacefull up here.... Bah one or two lil assholes..
Talking of little shits starting stuff, few months ago, on the way to college some 12 year old ran up to me and at full stretch punched me in the side of the face...and it was the worse punch ever. As soon as he did it and realised it slid off my face he legged it. NOW did he want a fight? Cos i aint punching a little prick like that, and if so whats he running for? He said stay back or ill set my dog on you :D So i chased him down the road and he ran off. (kids run fast) Not seen him since, but what can you do? Seriously when i was 12 i wouldn't **** with any kids older than me, unless you wanted to get hurt. What the hell has happened these days...
Now I know the reason that everyone is getting's because Short Recoil has been away :O we're defenceless without him.
kirovman said:
Now I know the reason that everyone is getting's because Short Recoil has been away :O we're defenceless without him.
lmao, not anymore i believe he is back, WITH A VENGENCE. This time he said he won't cry...till hes done killing :rolleyes:
15357 said:
One time, my friends got robbed by a guy using a baseball bat as a weapon. 13 VS 1...

They all got robbed, and one who didn't have money got beaten up.

Jesus I just rofled my pants. 13 people got robbed by one person who had a bat.
I agree with foxtrot, they are pussies.