ATTENTION: Concerning Delay Threads


May 29, 2003
Reaction score
People on the forum are getting pretty tired of these threads, so unless you have some damn good evidence to back you up (and I don't mean things like EB Games changing the release date for HL2), don't make them. I'd consider good evidence to be an e-mail from a Valve employee with screen captures attached, simple newsposts on sites do not count! The majority of them are uninformed and wrong.
Thanks mate :cheers:

I was starting to run low on lives...

Wait... this is sort of like a delay thread

/me dies
Originally posted by Chris_D
Thanks mate :cheers:

I was starting to run low on lives...

Wait... this is sort of like a delay thread

/me dies

Shh! Better that they don't know.
i think most peep have figured that out by now, but any one new, might find this helpfull :)
yay :p

I did not believe those posts anyways ;)
good thing people like me can't spam on this thread anymore...
.... Abom.... I THINK I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!
:: hugs abom til his brains pop out! ::
oh..... lemme just put that back in for ya....
:: puts abom's brains back in ::
there ya go buddy!
Cool me too, i like those little chocolate cruncher things in most of them.
Originally posted by Chris_D
Thanks mate :cheers:

I was starting to run low on lives...

Wait... this is sort of like a delay thread

*Chris_D dies

How many times have you died now?:LOL:
Originally posted by Abom|nation
People on the forum are getting pretty tired of these threads, so unless you have some damn good evidence to back you up (and I don't mean things like EB Games changing the release date for HL2), don't make them. I'd consider good evidence to be an e-mail from a Valve employee with screen captures attached, simple newsposts on sites do not count! The majority of them are uninformed and wrong.

so i see u took my advice from one of the delay threads and made this one sticky :)

thanks to the Thursday blackout i have not been around.. but seeing as the village idiot posted that thread about HL2 not ever being released, its safe to say i didn't miss too much :p

good stuff Abomination!! :thumbs: :thumbs:
Originally posted by Tredoslop
/me comes and eats spam
/me gets diarhrea
Oh no!;(

Spam is bad, mkay? You'r bad if you eat spam, mkay?
Originally posted by Mountain Man

heeh nice :cheers:
HL2 will be out before Doom3 and DukeNukem Forever.. that's all I care about.. hopefully on or before October 1st, but highly unlikely due to the silence of Valve.
I'm not too worried about hl2 coming on time or not. it will come out when ever its done and im sure it will be this year.
Originally posted by Abom|nation
People on the forum are getting pretty tired of these threads, so unless you have some damn good evidence to back you up (and I don't mean things like EB Games changing the release date for HL2), don't make them. I'd consider good evidence to be an e-mail from a Valve employee with screen captures attached, simple newsposts on sites do not count! The majority of them are uninformed and wrong.

Not delayed!!!

How's that:cool::cool:?
God, this is the third time I've said this to you.

It could still be delayed on Vivendi's side. That statement is lot more ambiguous than "The game is still scheduled for release on the 30th of September".

Subtle difference. This is why people are concerned. Even the latest e-mail to Saibot is slightly ambiguous. "I don't know where they got that date from".
Originally posted by Feath
God, this is the third time I've said this to you.

It could still be delayed on Vivendi's side. That statement is lot more ambiguous than "The game is still scheduled for release on the 30th of September".

Subtle difference. This is why people are concerned. Even the latest e-mail to Saibot is slightly ambiguous. "I don't know where they got that date from".

They can't say - YES! sep 30th is the date - because they could be liable if they are even a day out. ie, there was a shipping problem etc...

So - as of that e-mail there was no delay - that is what the e-mail was saying.
Originally posted by Tastyweat
They can't say - YES! sep 30th is the date - because they could be liable if they are even a day out. ie, there was a shipping problem etc...

So - as of that e-mail there was no delay - that is what the e-mail was saying.

The example I give was worded specifically so it didn't say that the game won't be delayed. BUT It was less ambiguous. It said for certain that any delay now, but left it open for any future delay. If they makes sense.

Your e-mail says that Valve was working towards the 30th of September. Vivendi could not release it till later. They are the publishers. They have some influence in the release date.

I'm hoping for the 30th of September, I'm just saying your evidence isn't perfect.
Originally posted by Feath
The example I give was worded specifically so it didn't say that the game won't be delayed. BUT It was less ambiguous. It said for certain that any delay now, but left it open for any future delay. If they makes sense.

Your e-mail says that Valve was working towards the 30th of September. Vivendi could not release it till later. They are the publishers. They have some influence in the release date.

I'm hoping for the 30th of September, I'm just saying your evidence isn't perfect.

Yes - it certainly isn't perfect - but it does give hope to those worried about a delay.
Oh thank god, wait a minute!
What's half life 2? Is it a new type of food? Like the recently discovered "Monkey Poop"?
well instead of you getting stroppy why dont valve let us know what the hell is going on and whether our pre orders are worth doing.

i know its a crazy idea but it may just work.

Seeing how the board currently has about half-a-dozen delay threads, I'd say the point of this thread hasn't really sunk in.

Maybe the moderators should threaten one week bans to anybody who starts a new delay thread.
I would wanna start a new delay thread. From a very reliable source i've heared that there will be a delay. It says so on a my favorite dutch gamesite I believe them. They say it's coming in november.
Originally posted by AlCapucci
I would wanna start a new delay thread. From a very reliable source i've heared that there will be a delay. It says so on a my favorite dutch gamesite I believe them. They say it's coming in november.

One word, don't

You can't trust anyone unless its actually someone from Valve.
Originally posted by nw909
One word, don't

You can't trust anyone unless its actually someone from Valve.

This site doesn't just spread rumors like this. they have never done that before. So i'm pretty sure now.
When all these delay threads first started popping up with all the "no comments" from Gabe, I initially figured that they were simply at a point in developing the game where they would finish by Sept. 30 if everything went according to schedule, but if some things took longer than they should, that the game might be delayed a little. But now it's August 22, and if the game is gonna come out on Sept. 30, then that's only 38 days away. Since it's such a short period when you consider the overall length in developing games these days, you'd think that they'd have to be able to tell us if they're gonna make it or not. It just seems strange that all they'll tell us is "no comment," and the longer they refuse to say anything, the more I'm gonna think that we're in store for a huge delay, possibly up to 6 months or so. Obviously, I'm completely speculating on this, but you think they'd want to counter all this speculaton by fans, stores, etc., but they don't. I'm just starting to let it sink in for myself that (I believe more and more) as time progresses without any confirmation of the Sept. 30 date that this game has been delayed. I hope I'm wrong, but I keep finding it harder to just accept the "no announced delay is no delay" argument...
I placed this message on another topic to. :cool: I agree with Dis, but i do not think it will take another 6 months:

"I dont get this, every shop is telling us another release date? : 28/11/2003 : 30/09/2003 : 21/11/2003 (netherlands, I ordered half-life here)

More and more online shops are setting there release date to end November.

They would not do this without a reason, couse that is bad advertisement. I think the online shops with the November release date are right. Why didn't Gabe official confermed the 30 Sept. release date? There must be a delay. I can't think of another reason why they are setting the release date to November. Can you? :thumbs:

, Another gamer desperate waiting for half-life 2. "
Well, I guess 6 months is probably extreme, but I can't fathom why they won't tell us if it's only going to be a short delay - i.e. a couple of months.

Another thing occurred to me today:

Everyone remembers how Vivendi came out and said that it had been delayed followed by a quick denial by Valve. Then Vivendi said that Valve was still working towards Sept. 30, or something to that effect. So does anyone think it's a possibility that Vivendi wants to push back the release, but Valve wants it out on Sept. 30? Maybe Valve and Vivendi are still wrangling over the release date; each might have their own agenda. I don't know, just more speculation. It's all I can do considering that I want to play this game now. LOL